Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 30 Blood-Dried Bird

As soon as Ye Han heard Jin Feng's words, he knew that this guy might know something. He put on an anxious look and asked: "Brother Jin Feng, I just said it, it's not that I don't promise you... Then tell me, Zhang Qingshan How can I promise you if you don’t tell me, senior brother?”

Listening to what Jin Feng said, he became more and more worried about Zhang Qingshan.

Although he entered the world of immortality not long ago, he feels that the world of immortality is similar to the mortal world. After all, they are all human beings. In the mortal world, they bully the weak and fear the strong. Everyone only cares about themselves and protects themselves wisely. Even in the mortal world, there are not many good people like Zhang Qingshan. .

He suddenly had a feeling that he shouldn't have too close contact with some people.

Especially for a good person like Zhang Qingshan, Ye Han has completely regarded him as his good friend.

I am a person who cares about Zhang Qingshan even though I cannot protect myself.

Even when he said these words, Ye Han felt that he shouldn't say more about these things.

But after asking, saying, and throwing water, what can be done?

Seeing Ye Han's anxious look, Jin Feng showed a trace of ridicule at the corner of his mouth and said: "Okay, I'll let you give up. Let me tell you, that guy Zhang Qingshan didn't overestimate his ability and took the shot of Killing the Bloody Bird The mission is to get the blood essence of the Bloody Bird. Complete the mission and get the reward of being qualified to enter the blood refining pool! "

Speaking of this, Jin Feng sneered and said: "With Zhang Qingshan's cultivation, can he withstand the siege of the blood-dried bird just by relying on his rough skin and thick flesh? This thing can not only fly, but also suck blood, which is very dramatic. Poison is one of the most terrifying existences among low-level monsters. Zhang Qingshan will never come back!"

Listening to Jin Feng's categorical words, Ye Han had no idea what a blood withered bird was, what a monster was, what rewards and what the blood refining pool was...

But he knew that the mocking look in Jin Feng's eyes when he said these words must be true.

In other words, Zhang Qingshan is indeed in a very dangerous situation now. It's a pity that he is powerless and really can't help him.

But it reminded him of what the seventh elder said when he brought him to this cave. If you want to become an immortal cultivator, you have to rely on yourself. No one will help you.

Thinking of this, Ye Han felt relieved. He knew that he had entered the world of immortal cultivators, and it was very rare to get help and support from one person.

But this is the world of immortal cultivators after all, and no one can do anything about it. No one can help anyone for a lifetime, and no one can help anyone get it.

Just like in the village, many villagers sympathized with him and even wanted to help him, but they themselves didn't have enough food or clothing to keep them warm. How could they have the energy to help Ye Han, an orphan?

The same is true in the world of immortal cultivators. Ye Han's cultivation level is extremely low. Even if he wants to help Zhang Qingshan, it is impossible.

What's more, there is still a big crisis in front of him, which is Jin Feng in front of him. How on earth is he going to deal with it?

This guy clearly wants to occupy his own cave for training, and he has been guarding him here for so long, and he has also inquired about Zhang Qingshan's affairs clearly. There is absolutely no way he will let him go so easily.

Thinking of this, Ye Han said helplessly: "According to what Senior Brother Jin said, Senior Brother Zhang is really in big trouble, which is really worrying!"

After hearing this, Jin Feng said coldly: "You should worry about yourself! Boy, let me tell you! Without my protection, within three days...hehe!"

At the end of his sentence, he looked at Ye Han with a sinister smile...

The threatening meaning in this sinister smile could not be more obvious.

Hearing this, Ye Han's face was extremely ugly, but he already had an idea in his mind, and immediately said to Jin Feng: "Senior Brother Jin! Then please help me. We are brothers in the same sect! We should help each other. It’s just support, isn’t it?”

His innocent tone made Jin Feng sneer in his heart. Only such a child would believe his words.

Thinking this way, Jin Feng said: "Of course, otherwise why would I come here to find you just to help you? Of course, my help is not free of charge, as long as you borrow the cave. No one will dare to bully you in Qixuan Peak from now on. Don’t worry, I can do what I say.”

Saying this, the old god of Jinfeng looked at Ye Han. As expected, this boy had no backing at all, just like the rumors. He just relied on his ancestors to get a Qingxuan Token, exchanged it for a Foundation Establishment Pill, and used the Establishment Pill. Kidan changed caves with the Seventh Elder.

He had already inquired clearly about this guy's background. Originally, he would have been a little wary if Zhang Qingshan was here.

Now Zhang Qingshan is also going out to perform a mission, and he also has to catch the bloody bird. He will probably never come back.

That's why he waited here for Ye Han to come out and get this cave. With his cultivation and the help of this cave, he could really reach the perfection of the Qi Refining Stage.

As long as you get a Foundation Building Pill, you can advance to the Foundation Building Stage.

Once he becomes a monk in the foundation-building stage, his status is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Thinking like this, how could he not get excited?

And judging by Ye Han's appearance, he will soon agree to his request...

Sure enough, this guy is too easy to deal with.

However, Ye Han's answer surprised him.

I only heard Ye Han say: "Brother Jin, of course I can agree to this, but Brother Jin doesn't know that when I got this cave, the Seventh Elder had unlocked the restrictions, allowing two people to enter this cave! And I let Brother Zhang Qingshan enter! So in addition to me, only Brother Zhang Qingshan can enter this cave."

The voice paused, and he continued: "Although Brother Zhang may be in danger, I don't feel that Brother Zhang's restrictions have been lifted! So before Brother Zhang's restrictions are lifted, I can't let you in."

Ye Han's excuse was actually when he asked Zhang Qingshan something, occasionally mentioned restrictions, that is, to arrange a formation through certain means to block a place, only allowing oneself or a few people to enter.

This kind of formation, blood ban, etc., is collectively called a restriction!

Of course, this is just an excuse, because he feels that Zhang Qingshan, who has been in the world of immortal cultivation for so many years, can't die so easily.

And since he accepted the task of the blood-dried bird, he should know something about the blood-dried bird.

So he judged that Zhang Qingshan would not die so easily.

More importantly, he did not want to agree to let Jin Feng enter his cave. At that time, it would be easy to invite the gods but difficult to send them away.

At that time, it would be 100% certain that he would take over the nest?

But would Jin Feng believe him?

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