Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 31 Five-day appointment

Sure enough, Jin Feng looked completely unbelieving and said coldly: "Boy, I told you not to play tricks. I don't know what the restrictions are in this cave. If you think so, be careful not to eat." "

The threat in his words, in his opinion, this Ye Han is just a child, and his cultivation level is low, so what does he know?

In this case, it is enough to deceive others. He is not that easy to deceive as a person who has been in the world of immortality for so long.

Ye Han also knew that Jin Feng was not that easy to deal with, so he said: "Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told me this. I don't know the details. If Senior Brother doesn't believe it, there is nothing I can do."

After hearing this, Jin Feng's eyes twitched, and he said impatiently: "Boy! I don't have time to wait here for you to talk nonsense, let alone Zhang Qingshan, so what if he is right in front of me?"

Yes, Zhang Qingshan is several years younger than him, and his cultivation level is one level behind him. Although he is at the eleventh level of Qi training, it is still one level less than him. In real comparison, he is still far behind him.

But when he was approaching the Great Consummation of the Qi Refining Period, if he could practice in Ye Han's cave, and with the aid of the elixir he had prepared, the success rate would be very high.

However, without the help of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Ye Han's cave, especially the formations in his practice room, he would have to seek help from other high-level monks. The price would be quite high, and he couldn't afford the price, otherwise He won't take advantage of Ye Han anymore.

When Ye Han heard Jin Feng's threatening words, he became more determined and would not let Jin Feng succeed no matter what he said.

Although he didn't want to offend this guy, looking at the current situation, he could only use the dragging technique. He hoped that Zhang Qingshan would come back soon and guard this cave where he shared weal and woe...

So he said: "Senior Brother Jin! Forgive me for not being able to agree to your request. Without Senior Brother Zhang's approval, I will not let you in."

Hearing Yi Xing's words, Jin Feng said coldly: "Boy! I think you are toasting and not eating, but you are drinking as a penalty...!"

Before Jin Feng could finish speaking, Ye Han immediately interrupted him and said, "But if something really happens to Senior Brother Zhang, then I can make the decision. Let's wait a few more days and you let me think about it." ! How about waiting for me for five days?”

After speaking, he looked at Jin Feng with sincerity and a harmless look...

Jin Feng frowned and said coldly: "Don't waste time here. I said Zhang Qingshan can't come back. He just can't come back. Not to mention five days, even fifty days or five hundred days. He can't come back." "

Ye Han indeed said: "Senior Brother Jin, what you said is wrong. Whether or not you come back is not up to me. Just wait for five days. After five days, I will definitely give Senior Brother an accurate answer. Otherwise, I can only... hehe!"

Jin Feng saw Ye Han's forced smile, his tone was full of helplessness, and his heart moved. It seemed that Zhang Qingshan also threatened Ye Han a lot, and Ye Han was also afraid of Zhang Qingshan, so he said this.

Of course, he couldn't tell that Ye Han said this deliberately, otherwise, Ye Han would have agreed to him...

I didn't expect that the honest Zhang Qingshan would do such a thing. It's true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance, but he didn't expect that this guy finally got the idea.

Thinking of this, Jin Feng remembered that he still needed to prepare some things. It would take three or four days, so he said: "Okay, I promise you! I will come back to you in five days. Don't play tricks on me then, or you will suffer a loss." It’s you.”

After saying that, Jin Feng moved and was about to leave...

Ye Han stopped him and said, "Senior Brother Jin, wait a moment! There is one thing I want to trouble you about, Senior Brother."

Did Jin Feng think that Ye Han would still call him? He looked back at him and said, "What? It's been less than five days, and you have an idea so quickly."

Ye Han said helplessly: "Senior Brother Jin, it's not that I don't agree with you, but Senior Brother Zhang... ugh!!"

At this point, he really sighed, as if he had been greatly wronged, and gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Brother Jin! Come here in five days. If he comes back, I will be in trouble...!"

Jin Feng said impatiently: "If you have something to say, just say it and don't beat around the bush."

This kid spoke hesitantly, and he knew it was easy to deal with at a glance, so he didn't worry anymore.

Ye Han then said: "Senior Brother Jin, I want to borrow two spirit stones from you! Oh! If Senior Brother Zhang comes back by then, I will definitely ask him to pay you back. If he doesn't come back, I will mortgage the cave. Give it to you.”

After hearing this, Jin Feng's eyes lit up. You must know that the value of a cave is not two spiritual stones, nor can it be exchanged for two thousand.

Is this kid really stupid?

He asked: "What do you want the spirit stone for?"

Ye Han said: "Actually, it's nothing. I want to buy some exercises to practice."

Jin Feng thought about it and figured out that he still had a few spirit stones. Lend them to him. It would be easier to deal with Ye Han when the time comes.

Thinking this, Jin Feng clapped his arms and flipped his hands, finding two more spirit stones that emitted light. He threw them towards Ye Han and said, "Here you go! Remember, you owe me two spirit stones!" My spiritual stone is not so easy to owe!"

His words were full of warning. The most important thing was that he felt that Ye Han's cultivation was low and he would definitely not be able to go anywhere. With the debt of two spiritual stones, it would be easier to deal with Ye Han in the future...

Ye Han took it and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you, Senior Brother Jin... You are so kind! If it weren't for... Senior Brother Zhang's restriction... I would definitely let you go in to practice!"

Hearing Ye Han's words, Jin Feng said coldly: "I will help you deal with him when he comes back."

The two talked for a while, and Jin Feng felt that he was very sure. Not only was his cultivation higher than his, but this guy still owed him spirit stones. He had to decide on this cave. After doing it a few times, he warned Ye Han a few words before leaving.

Ye Han looked at Junfeng's back, his eyes revealed a trace of sarcasm, and he said to himself: "Want my cave? What do you want?"

Thinking so, Ye Han climbed down the big vine on the cliff...

Sure enough, his practice during this period was very useful. Before, he was still very strenuous when he climbed down this vine. Now he used his hands and feet together and went down quickly. It took him less than one-tenth of the time in the past to reach the bottom. Feeling his gratifying changes, Ye Han liked the feeling of this cultivator becoming stronger and stronger through practice more and more...

It's just that his current cultivation is too low, and everyone thinks they can bully him.

Ye Han wandered around Qixuan Peak for quite a long time.

He returned to the cave with a lot of bags on his back...

Five days passed quickly.

Ye Han was practicing in the cave when he heard Jinfeng shouting outside: "Ye Han! Come out!"

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