Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 32 Furious Jin Feng

Ye Han sat cross-legged in the training room in the cave, with a little green spiritual light flying around him. These green spiritual lights, as if attracted by Ye Han's body, slowly penetrated into his body.

Of course, he heard Jin Feng's shouting outside, the earliest one was two hours ago.

He would not go out, and of course he would not pay attention to this damn Jin Feng.

Five days ago, in order to get rid of Jin Feng's entanglement, he used the word "delay" and told Jin Feng to give him five days to think about it. For this reason, he also borrowed two spiritual stones from Jin Feng, which made Jin Feng feel relieved, thinking that Ye Han would not dare to deceive him because he borrowed spiritual stones from him.

Ye Han took two spiritual stones and took a short tour of Qixuan Peak. There were not many inner disciples in Qixuan Peak.

According to what Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him, Qixuan Peak was the worst inner peak in Qingxuan Sect.

A long time ago, Qixuan Peak was the strongest peak in Qingxuan Sect. At that time, Qixuan Peak was the peak that inner disciples competed to come to. The true disciples in the sect were all the pride of heaven, the dragon and phoenix among people, and the best of the true disciples in the sect.

But for some unknown reason, the true disciples of Qixuan Peak disappeared or died one after another. The Seventh Elder, the peak master of Qixuan Peak, was deeply shocked by these things and began to ignore the affairs of Qixuan Peak and no longer accepted true disciples.

Qixuan Peak fell to the bottom of the seven inner sect peaks.

Now the disciples accepted by Qixuan Peak are basically the inner disciples that other peaks don’t want...

But even the worst inner disciples are much stronger than Ye Han...

After all, even outer disciples are disciples of the fifth or sixth level of Qi Refining Stage. In Zhang Qingshan’s words, they can already perform immortal magic, and even a small fireball can directly kill them.

Inner disciples are at least disciples of the late Qi Refining Stage, and they must pass the inner sect selection to become inner disciples.

The so-called inner sect selection is that the outer sect disciples compete with real swords and guns in immortal methods. Only those who pass the tests can become inner sect disciples.

Ye Han, a mortal, can become an inner sect disciple because of the effect of Qingxuan Order.

Therefore, in view of his weakness, Ye Han is very low-key when walking on Qixuan Peak. If others look at him for a few more times, he will turn around and walk away, not letting others know his details.

However, someone still recognized him, that is, the legendary Ye Han. The true situation of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan has been spread in the sect.

It’s a pity that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan has not found out who spread these things in the sect. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan went out to perform the task and has not returned yet.

However, Ye Han borrowed two spirit stones from Jinfeng, one of which was used to exchange for a large amount of food, and the other was used to buy a low-grade Qi Refining Pill to improve his cultivation!

The reason for this is that his cultivation is not high now, and he must eat and drink enough food, otherwise the taste of hunger is not good.

These foods are enough for him to eat for more than a month.

The other one is a low-grade Qi Refining Pill, which he is going to try to use to improve his cultivation.

During this period, he has been practicing hard every day, but he has been stuck in the second level of Qi Refining and cannot reach the next level...

However, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan also told him that even if a cultivator has good talent and abundant spiritual energy, he will encounter bottlenecks or difficult levels in his cultivation.

Immortal cultivators must endure these situations where they cannot break through their cultivation. If they encounter such situations, there are many ways to solve them, such as asking high-level cultivators for advice...

Taking pills to break through the realm, or concentrating on practicing hard, or going out to find resources, looking for natural materials and treasures...

In short, the cultivation of immortal cultivators is very independent. As for how to break through, everyone is different. Opportunities, pills, places for cultivation, and even life-and-death duels may all lead to a breakthrough in cultivation.

Therefore, Ye Han adhered to the principle of improving his cultivation as much as possible in this situation.

More importantly, Ye Han originally hoped that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan would be able to come back after delaying for five days, but five days passed.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan has not come back yet, and he has really started to worry. Maybe it is really as Jin Feng said, maybe Zhang Qingshan will not come back.

Now Jin Feng is waiting outside again, and Zhang Qingshan has not come back again.

Ye Han knows that he is in big trouble this time. Just like when he was in Qingniu Village, he played a trick on the village chief's son, and the people led by that guy blocked him everywhere in the village...

Fortunately, he was smart enough to hide away, and set a trap, causing the village chief's son to clash with Wang Laocai's son. Both of them are bullies in the village. After fighting for several days, Wang Laocai's son narrowly won, and the village chief's son was punished by his father to be confined for a month.

Over time, this matter was passed.

However, Jin Feng is a cultivator of the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage. He has the patience to wait for him. Now he is blocking the door. The difference in strength makes him unable to deal with him. It seems that he can only hide in the cave?

He knew that the cave's defense was extraordinary. Even if a great cultivator in the late stage of foundation building wanted to force his cave open, it would consume a lot of mana and make a lot of noise.

Moreover, it was forbidden for a cultivator to attack the cave of a cultivator of the sect. The attacking cultivator would be severely punished.

Therefore, Ye Han knew that the cave was safe. He could only wait for Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan to come back or for Jin Feng to lose his patience...

Unfortunately, although Ye Han knew that the cave could open the ban to prevent the sound from outside from coming in, he didn't know how to do it, so he could only let Jin Feng yell...

Forget it, forget about him! Let's just get this month out of here first!

Jin Feng was very angry. He came to the door of Ye Han's cave early in the morning, because he agreed with Ye Han to give him an answer after five days, whether he wanted to give him a cave to practice, and he also lent two spirit stones to Ye Han for this.

As a result, he waited here for a long time, and it was almost noon, and Ye Han had no signs of coming out, so he couldn't help shouting loudly, asking Ye Han to come out to see him and see what this kid was doing?

This kid must be afraid that he would cause trouble for him, so he hid!

Is this guy pretending to be deaf and dumb in there?


How long does he think he can hide?

The more Jin Feng thought about it, the angrier he got...

More importantly, in order to stabilize this guy, he also lent him two spirit stones, which was really a big loss!

I am an adult after all, but I was deceived by a child?

Thinking of this, Jin Feng couldn't help but yelled: "Ye Han! If you don't come out, I will be rude to you!"

As he said this, he swung his sleeves, and a flying fork with a bright red light appeared in front of him...

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