Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 33 Could it be her?

Jin Feng thought that he was fooled by a young boy and cheated of two spirit stones...

He was at the most critical moment of the breakthrough, and each spirit stone was very precious.

If it wasn't for the purpose of stabilizing Ye Han, he would never lend the spirit stones.

He just thought that Ye Han could escape, but he couldn't escape the temple, so he just had to come to the cave to block him.

Moreover, he felt that Ye Han didn't have the courage to disobey him.

After all, for immortal cultivators, the strong are respected. If Ye Han offended a cultivator of the twelfth level of Qi Refining, he would not be able to survive in Qixuan Peak in the future.

Moreover, in order to break through the barriers in the past few days, he prepared a lot of spiritual medicines and spent all the spirit stones on him, just waiting to enter Ye Han's cave and start practicing to break through the barriers.

As a result, he came early in the morning.

The door of Ye Han's cave was closed, and no matter how he shouted, Ye Han would not come out.

This damn guy, playing himself like a fool, not only cheating his spirit stones but also delaying time, and now hiding inside and not coming out, how can Jin Feng not be angry and furious?

He pointed his finger, and the fiery red flying fork he released circled around his body, recovered, and emitted waves of amazing hot flames.

He shouted coldly at the door of Ye Han's cave: "Ye Han, you stinky boy, come out, I'll count to three, if you don't come out, don't blame me for being ruthless."

As he said this, he stretched out three fingers, pointed at the door of the cave and shouted: "One!"

In the cave, Ye Han heard Jin Feng's roar, but no matter how this guy roared, Ye Han was very confident in his judgment. If this guy had the ability to open his cave, how could he have waited outside for most of the day.

He believed very much in the defensive capabilities of this cave.

He was not a timid person, he actually had something to rely on.

The reason why he was able to enter Qingxuan Sect to practice and become an inner disciple was because he brought Qingxuan Order.

Qingxuan Order is issued by Qingxuan Sect to meritorious disciples or families of Qingxuan Sect. As long as their descendants come, they can not only become inner disciples, but also get a foundation-building pill. Moreover, Qingxuan Sect must protect those who bring them to Qingxuan Sect, even if they offend people too much...

Because they cannot chill the hearts of disciples or families under the sect.

So, Ye Han finally shouted: "Brother Jinfeng, listen to me, I will not let you enter my cave. If you have the ability, attack my cave, but don't forget that I came with the Qingxuan Order! Think about the consequences of attacking my cave."

Ye Han shouted these words, and continued to close his eyes and meditate to practice. If he was really afraid, he would not cheat Jinfeng of two spirit stones.

Jinfeng's face turned black when he heard Ye Han's words outside. He didn't expect this guy to be so shameless to cheat him of two spirit stones...

Not only did he cheat him of two spirit stones, but he also delayed for five days, making him wait outside for so long in vain.

Damn it, I am such a grown man, but I was fooled by a kid.

But he released this flying fork to scare Ye Han. Even if his flying fork is a medium-grade magic weapon, his cultivation is already the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage. Even if he hits it with all his strength, it is impossible to blast open the door of this cave...

As Ye Han said, it is a taboo in the sect to attack the cave talismans decorated by others at will. It will immediately alert the patrol team. Once he is held responsible, he will be in trouble.

What's more, as Ye Han said, his biggest reliance is not Zhang Qingshan, but he entered Qingxuan Sect with Qingxuan Order.

This Qingxuan Order is no different from a talisman for the disciples who come to seek refuge, so this is Ye Han's biggest reliance, at least it can ensure that no one can pose a big threat to his life during his time in Qingxuan Sect.

The reason why Jin Feng bullied Ye Han so much before was actually because he saw that Ye Han was young and might not know the significance of taking the Qingxuan Order. He never thought that Ye Han, this kid, was so smart that he not only knew the significance of the Qingxuan Order, but also cheated him of two spirit stones...

This made Jin Feng feel that his blood was boiling, and he almost couldn't help but go crazy. He was a cultivator at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but he was fooled by a child.

He shouted angrily: "Ye Han! Come out! You cheated me of two spirit stones! I'm not done with you...!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Han said: "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Jin Feng! Did I cheat you of two spirit stones? I never asked you for spirit stones. Did you give them to the wrong person? Do you have a witness? Or did someone see it? Or did I write you an IOU?"

Ye Han's series of questions almost made Jin Feng burst his blood vessels. He had never been so frustrated. He had been stingy and finally accumulated these few spirit stones, but Ye Han cheated him of two.

He is still asking back in front of him, damn, no one really saw him giving Ye Han the spirit stone, let alone any IOU or anything like that.

He is so angry.

Jin Feng is so frustrated that he is about to explode, his eyes are full of anger, his teeth are clenched, and he almost can't help but cast a spell to attack Ye Han's cave!

But think about the consequences of attacking other people's caves, and the fear of the patrol team, Ye Han has him under control.

Jin Feng can't bear to look at the next two numbers at all, what about counting to three he won't come out!

Shame! It's really shameful.

More importantly, he really didn't dare to attack...

Where should he vent his anger?

At this moment.

A cold, crisp and pleasant female voice sounded in the air: "Whose disciple are you? What are you doing here?"

Hearing this voice, Jin Feng looked up and saw that it was a beautiful female cultivator with a cold temperament, wearing a white brand, and a wristband on her arm with the word "Patrol" written on it!

The other party stepped on a lotus, and the breath made his scalp tingle. The other party was not an ordinary cultivator!

That was a foundation-building cultivator!

And he was from the patrol team.

Jin Feng immediately put away his flying fork and said: "Report to this uncle! I just passed by here to demonstrate the magic weapon, and I didn't do anything."

The female cultivator's eyebrows moved slightly, and she glanced at Ye Han's cave. How could she not know what was going on? She noticed the movement here from a long distance, and she heard the conversation clearly.

However, this matter, if it happens, there is only one thing to do. The female monk said coldly: "Go! Don't destroy the scenery on the mountain!"

Jin Feng didn't dare to say anything. He looked at Ye Han's cave fiercely. He would definitely take revenge.

Damn it!

At that time, Ye Han was in the cave. When he heard the voice of this female monk, he muttered in his heart: "Why does this woman's voice sound so familiar? Could it be her?"

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