Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 34 Fairy Qingfeng

There is actually only one woman whose voice Ye Han can feel familiar with.

That is the female fairy he met when he encountered the monster in the cave...

He is the only female cultivator whose voice he has heard.

I didn't expect to meet this female cultivator here, and from Jin Feng's tone, yes, this female cultivator is very respectful. To be able to make Jin Feng feel respectful, she should be a female cultivator with extremely high cultivation, right?

Sure enough, Jin Feng listened to the female cultivator's words, bowed respectfully and said: "Yes! Uncle! I will!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away without looking back. When he turned back, his eyes were full of helplessness. The other party was the famous true disciple Qingfeng Fairy!

What is his identity? Compared with her, one is in heaven and the other is in hell. There is no benefit in offending her here.

And judging from the situation of Qingfeng Fairy, she should be on patrol recently. If he provokes her, he will be in trouble. Even if he is killed, it will be in vain.

A good man never suffers a loss in front of him, and the strong are respected by the immortal cultivators. The other party is far superior to him in both cultivation and status, so he should leave first.

The most important thing is that he has no ability to really blast open Ye Han's cave, but he, a cultivator of the twelfth level of Qi Refining, was actually fooled by a little brat and lost two spirit stones. How can he bear this breath? One day he will make this damn Ye Han pay the price.

Fairy Qingfeng watched Jinfeng leave, and looked back at Ye Han's cave. His eyes showed a strange look, and he muttered to himself: "Why did the Seventh Elder give his cave to this little brat?"

When she said this, her tone was a little lonely, but it was only a moment, and she immediately turned cold and was about to leave.


Kakaka! !

The door of Ye Han's cave slowly opened, and then Ye Han timidly poked his head out from the crack of the door and looked around, just to pay attention to the location of the golden peak...

But he happened to see Fairy Qingfeng standing on a lotus in the air.

Seeing the other party, his face moved slightly. Sure enough, this female cultivator was the goddess he saw that day. He was amazed at the sight of her from a distance.

Even the most beautiful woman in the village was far inferior to this goddess. Although he was young, he thought this woman was really beautiful.

Seeing Ye Han's sneaky look, Fairy Qingfeng frowned and suddenly felt a little funny. Is this little kid the little guy who got the Qingxuan Order in the rumors these days?

It seems that he is indeed harmless, very smart, and not too annoying.

So Fairy Qingfeng stared at him and said, "Boy! What are you doing sneaking around?"

Ye Han walked out and said innocently, "How can I be sneaky? I just want to see if Senior Brother Jinfeng who bullied me has left?"

After hearing what Ye Han said, Fairy Qingfeng's eyes moved slightly and said, "How did he bully you?"

Ye Han looked at Fairy Qingfeng and a thought flashed through his mind. That Jinfeng was so afraid of Fairy Qingfeng. If he could have a good relationship with Fairy Qingfeng, his life would be much better.

To put it bluntly, he could hold Fairy Qingfeng's thigh. At least guys like Jinfeng would not dare to bully him...

So he immediately came out of the cave and tried to make friends with Fairy Qingfeng.

If Fairy Qingfeng saw him and turned around and left, there would be no hope, but she actually asked him these questions...

When Mr. Lan Qing asked him to come to Qingxuanmen, he still gave him a lot of advice, asking him to find a reliable backer.

At first, he wanted to find the Seventh Elder, but he didn't know that he didn't care about him at all.

Zhang Qingshan was also a small backer, but now he is not here, and his life or death is uncertain. I don't know what the situation is...

Now I finally met that female cultivator who seems to be easy to talk to. Even if I can't get the friendship, I have to say a few more words. It will be a benefit next time I meet her.

Ye Han immediately said with a wronged look: "This Senior Brother Jinfeng is so bad. He wants me to give him the cave, then I agree to him. If I don't give it to him, he will block the door of my cave and won't let me out."

Ye Han choked up as he spoke. In Qingniu Village, when he was hungry and couldn't eat enough, he went to ask some women to give him food. He was very familiar with this trick of pretending to be pitiful...

After listening to Ye Han's words, Fairy Qingfeng frowned slightly. She was a cultivator with a strong sense of justice, otherwise she wouldn't have scolded Jinfeng just now...

Most of the so-called patrols of immortal cultivators are just walking around casually. When they encounter things, most of them turn a blind eye and don't bother to meddle in other people's business.

Another reason is that this cave originally belonged to that familiar senior brother.

However, Fairy Qingfeng remembered something and smiled and said, "Did I cheat you of two spirit stones? I never asked you for spirit stones. You gave them to the wrong person, didn't you? Do you have a witness? Or did someone see it? Or did I write you a promissory note?"

After saying this, she looked at Ye Han with a smile.

Ye Han looked at Fairy Qingfeng's smile, revealing a strange look, a little embarrassed on his face, why did this sound so familiar.

It was Fairy Qingfeng, who had just heard his conversation with Jinfeng and used this sentence to make fun of him.

It was obvious that he was pretending to be pitiful!

Ye Han was extremely thick-skinned, and immediately said, "I was forced to do this. He really didn't lend me spirit stones. He said he would give me two spirit stones and give him the cave. How could I agree to that?"

Anyway, he would never admit that he cheated Jin Feng of two spirit stones, but instead said that this guy sold him the cave for two spirit stones.

Any disciple knows how valuable a cave built in the center of Qixuan Peak is. Not to mention two spirit stones, even two thousand! You can't buy it at all.

After hearing this, Fairy Qingfeng frowned. If it was really as Ye Han said, the disciple just now was really too much.

Two spirit stones actually want a cave?

What's the difference between this and robbing?

No wonder Ye Han said that the other party was bullying him.


Fairy Qingfeng stared at Ye Han with a burning gaze, as if her sharp eyes could penetrate Ye Han's body. Her astonishing aura frightened him...

Suddenly, Fairy Qingfeng frowned and said coldly: "Where did you learn Qingxuan Gong from?"

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart skipped a beat. His cultivation method was actually seen through by Fairy Qingfeng at a glance?

This is not good.

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