Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 361 All very dangerous!

Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han's bodies collided with each other like a storm, hitting the mountain wall heavily...

Boom! There was a muffled explosion, and the mountain walls were shattered into pieces and cracks exploded.

Ye Han felt as if his body was about to shatter. Fortunately, his blood training had reached the fifth level of cultivation.

After being able to withstand such an impact, he fully realized how terrifying the power of Zhang Qingshan's terrifying body-training technique was.

The moment Zhang Qingshan threw him out, he felt that his arm was almost dislocated.

If his body-training technique hadn't been powerful enough, he would have been seriously injured this time, which shows the terror of Zhang Qingshan's power.

Ye Han felt that in addition to practicing powerful secret techniques such as blood training, Zhang Qingshan must have also practiced other power techniques, otherwise he would not have such terrifying power.

However, he also came up with this method temporarily, mainly to take Zhang Qingshan away from the hurricane wind blade attack. Otherwise, he could just use the blood escape talisman to escape.

Zhang Qingshan's body training skills are higher than Ye Han's, so he is certainly not afraid of this collision.

And the two of them fell into the cave, and as the hurricane storm bombarded the mountain wall, it was like being hit by bolide, constantly shattering and exploding, and huge rocks of tens of thousands of kilograms kept falling down...

The entrance of the cave where Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan fell also received a terrifying impact, but they reacted quickly enough and rushed into the cave, constantly avoiding the huge rocks that fell down...

This cave passage is more than ten feet wide, and ordinary monster puppets will have no problem rushing in.

Prince Lianbing roared angrily: "Damn it! Kill me!"

Originally, Prince Lianbing had been imprisoned for so many years because he wanted to play tricks on the immortal cultivators of these two earthly races.

It turned out that they actually had treasures from the Heavenly Spirit Realm on their bodies, which was definitely related to the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Under the order of Prince Lianbing, those monster puppets rushed into the cave crazily...

These monster puppets were carefully transformed and refined by him. They were developed because he was trapped in this ghost place for too long and was too bored.

He had these monster puppets dig out the passages on the ground. There were no such passages before, but these passages extend in all directions and go all the way down.

Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han escaped inside, so it was hard to catch them.

Of course he also understood the reason why the two earthly cultivators fled into the cave. Although these caves were dug by his monster puppets, the caves were not very big and could only accommodate one or two monster puppets side by side. The two guys don't have to worry about being surrounded by monster puppets.

However, after Prince Lianbing became furious, he was not in a hurry and said with a sneer: "It's a bit clever, but it's absolutely impossible for you to escape from here, so I'll just play with you slowly!"

As he spoke, he muttered words and shouted: "Go in! Let's see how long they can hold on!"

Following the order of Prince Lianbing.

These monster puppets did not drill into one hole at once, but drilled into holes in all directions.

These monster puppets of his have not completely lost their intelligence, but are half monsters and half puppets. They not only retain some of the spiritual vitality of the monsters, but also have the powerful strength of the puppets. Coupled with the effects of the puppet formations blessed in the body, the combat effectiveness It is much stronger than the monster beast.

But compared with the metal puppets in the spirit world, they were much inferior. After all, they were the masterpieces of the puppet masters in the spirit world, and their combat power was at a higher level...

But he is confident that it is more than enough to deal with the two lower races in the earth realm.

These monster puppets got into the cave one by one, and went to kill Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han...

Prince Lianbing flapped his wings and flew down to a raised mountain nest, landing on the cliff. Suddenly, his expression became painful, he covered his head and cursed: "Damn it! That big man's battle Ax...what kind of treasure is it?"

Although he ignored the attacks of Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han's battle axes and swords, after recovering, he discovered that there was an aura in his body that made him feel very uncomfortable. It was not the cunning boy's swordsmanship, but Zhang Qingshan's. The tomahawk attack made him feel very uncomfortable...

I have never encountered anything like this in all the years I have been trapped here.

hateful! These two guys! It must be removed.

Prince Lian Bing felt that although these two guys were not very high in cultivation, the treasures on their bodies were extremely powerful and they practiced special techniques. One had an ax that could hurt his immortal body, and the other had that damn heaven of creation. That is the nemesis of the demon clan.


The more Prince Lian Bing thought about it, the angrier he became. If he hadn't been careless, betrayed by his own clan, and plotted by the cunning bastard from the Heavenly Spirit Realm, how could he have been trapped in this ghost place?

Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan rushed into the cave, and there was still an alarming amount of demonic energy inside...

These caves were dug out by monster puppets, and the walls are full of scratches and excavation marks...

Just as Prince Lianbing saw it, Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan immediately got into the cave passage to prevent being besieged by these monster puppets and directly face the siege of so many three or four monster puppets. With their The magical power of a cultivation treasure is absolutely irresistible.

And there is a very powerful two-winged demon beast puppet next to it, and the mysterious Ice Refining Prince is peeping from the side.

Naturally, entering these caves for shelter does not mean that the two of them are safe.

What is the situation of these cave passages?

But it is very certain that there is absolutely no way for them to escape from these caves.

If they could get out, Prince Lianbing would have left this hellhole long ago. How could he stay here?

The two of them rushed forward quickly. There was a terrifying sound of footsteps behind them, followed by the roar of monsters. It was obvious that there were monster puppets chasing them from behind.

The two rushed forward quickly. A big fork appeared in the passage ahead, with four directions...

Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan to see this guy's choice of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger...

Zhang Qingshan's eyes suddenly flashed with golden light, and he smiled bitterly and said: "Junior Brother Ye, every cave entrance has a bad omen! They are all the same! They are all very dangerous!"

As he spoke.

The four cave entrances were all gusty, and the wind was howling. Four huge monster puppets came out of the cave entrances, and a monster puppet rushed over from behind...

The two of them were immediately caught in the front and back attack of the monster puppets.

Damn it! As expected, they are all equally dangerous. It seems that there are monster puppets in every passage!

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