Seeing this, Ye Han shouted to Zhang Qingshan without hesitation: "Let's charge towards that cave entrance! Senior Brother Zhang, I'll charge, you cover the rear!"

"Okay!" Zhang Qingshan replied immediately, and the dazzling golden light of the battle axe in his hand burst out, with amazing golden light ripples, and the golden shield in his other hand was taken out again...

Ye Han slapped the storage bag, and eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords flew out, and the Qingxuan sword intent burst out instantly.

He pointed his finger, and the eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords formed an extremely sharp Qingxuan sword light, which rushed out in the middle. There were two huge horns, black and red scales all over the body, and metal armor on both feet. The whole body was seven or eight feet big. Kill the monster puppet.

At the same time, Ye Han quickly pinched his hands, pointed his finger, and performed the vine soul technique.

Countless green runes appeared under the bodies of the monster puppets that rushed out from other caves, and huge vines whistled out and wrapped around the feet of the monster puppets.

The monster puppets that rushed out were entangled by the vines and could not rush over in the first time. They could only bite the vines with their teeth and claws.

Boom! Boom! Zhang Qingshan's battle axe burst out with a dazzling and terrifying roar, and the monster puppets that were chasing were beaten back step by step.

In addition, the sword light of the thousand-year-old iron wood sword released by Ye Han turned into a series of sharp green sword lights, and fiercely bombarded the two-horned monster puppet.

The eyes of the two-horned puppet monster were trembling with blood, and there were sharp blades on the thick armor of its claws. It looked very ferocious and terrifying. Looking at the flying sword light, it roared behind the scenes and kept swinging its claws...

The thousand-year-old iron wood swords with dazzling blue and black sword light were constantly hit by the monster's claws, emitting a series of sword light sparks, and there were more hot white marks on the armor...

Ye Han could see that the metal pipes, armor, and blades on these puppet monsters were made of the same materials as the metal puppets outside.

However, Ye Han calmly pointed his finger.

The thorny ring rune spiritual light flew out, and instantly appeared at the feet of the two-horned monster puppet...

The thorny ring burst out countless vines, forming four vine hands of seven or eight feet in size, which directly grabbed the feet and claws of the two-horned monster puppet.

After Ye Han's cultivation level advanced to the foundation building stage, his mana, cultivation, consciousness and soul increased greatly, and he was able to truly exert the power of the best magic weapon.

It can be said that when Ye Han reached the great perfection of the Qi Refining stage, the power of the Thorns Ring he used was far less than the power of the Thorns Ring he released in the foundation building stage, which increased by almost double.

Many foundation building cultivators are like this. Although they have the foundation building stage cultivation level, the treasures they use are still at the magic weapon level.

But not everyone is as lucky as Ye Han, who has a lot of spiritual weapon-level treasures just after the foundation building.

However, magic weapons can only be used in the middle stage of foundation building at most, because in the late stage of foundation building or after the golden elixir stage, the materials that magic weapons should use are like that.

It can't withstand the powerful mana of the late foundation building stage and the golden elixir stage cultivators. Even if they use it carefully, the power they exert is limited and they can't hurt opponents of the same level at all, so they will naturally be eliminated.

For example, the set of top-grade defensive magic weapon Xuanwu Shield given to Wang Fa by the Fifth Elder, although the defensive power is amazing enough, even the cultivators in the late stage of foundation building can barely use it.

But after all, it is a magic weapon-level treasure. Even if it is used to the extreme power, it cannot resist the attack of higher-level spiritual weapons.

Of course, this requires the opponent to have such powerful magic power and treasures.

So, when Ye Han now performed the Thorns Ring, it turned into four huge vine hands, tightly holding down the limbs of the two-horned monster puppet...

The two-horned monster puppet let out a terrifying roar, struggled hard, opened its mouth, and a metal tube blasted out a beam of magic energy towards Ye Han.

But Ye Han had the defense of the Creation Heavenly Square. Although this beam of magic energy was extremely powerful, it had no effect on Ye Han's Creation Heavenly Square light shield, and directly turned into a large piece of black magic energy and dissipated.

At this moment.

A dazzling golden figure rushed out of the black mist, and the Soul-Chasing Sword in Ye Han's hand burst out with a dazzling golden sword light, and swept out with a sword.

The terrifying golden sword light flashed past the neck of the two-horned monster puppet as Ye Han's figure passed by.

Puff! The huge body of the two-horned monster puppet trembled violently, and a thin sword mark had been cut on its neck, followed by a clang of sparks flying...

There was actually a metal mechanism in the body of the two-horned monster puppet...

But it was useless, the huge head of the entire two-horned monster puppet was chopped off...

Ye Han roared, and the golden light in his left hand shocked out, and he punched out, directly bombarding a fist force several feet large, instantly bursting out a terrible storm, bombarding the body of the two-horned monster puppet...

Boom! ! With a terrible muffled explosion, the huge body of the two-horned monster puppet was blasted back at this moment.

The cave wall was hit, and cracks appeared on it, and countless rocks and dust fell...

Ye Han rushed forward directly, not caring whether the two-horned monster puppet was killed directly!

At the same time, Zhang Qingshan roared angrily, and the battle axe kept blasting out axe lights, hitting the monster puppets behind.

The huge monster puppet was directly blasted by Zhang Qingshan and flew backwards, hitting other monster puppets and becoming a mess.

Just in time to cut off the pursuit of these monsters, Zhang Qingshan followed Ye Han and rushed forward at the same speed.

But just as the two rushed over a few hundred feet, another huge monster rushed over. This monster puppet wore a huge metal helmet on its head, with a huge horn spike on it, and let out an astonishing roar.

This guy lowered his head, the huge horn spikes on the metal helmet, the blood runes kept trembling, and the mechanical formation was activated, constantly spinning, forming a terrible blood vortex...

This monster puppet let out a piercing roar and roared, lowered its head, and with the huge spinning vortex spikes, it let out a piercing whirlwind whistle, rolled up a terrible storm, and rushed towards Ye Han frantically.

If they were caught in the spinning spikes of this guy's horns, the terrible vortex storm would be like a meat grinder, which would grind Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan's bodies into it and turn them into meat paste in an instant!

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