Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 365: Separation

Ye Han heard Zhang Qingshan's cry and his face changed...

At this moment, a series of metal collisions came from the place where Zhang Qingshan was taken down by the monster puppet. The terrible roar exploded, and the mountain shook, and it kept coming out...

It seems that Zhang Qingshan and the monster puppet are fighting. The specific situation is still unknown.

Ye Han's figure performed ghost steps and turned into a ghost to dodge the terrible purple-blue flame attack while blocking the blood-red sword attack...

He shouted loudly: "Brother Zhang! I can't abandon you!"

Yes, Zhang Qingshan helped me so much, how could I abandon him and run away?

But Zhang Qingshan shouted: "Don't worry! I'm much safer than you! It may be safer for us to go separately."

Hearing Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han's eyes moved, and some thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

Zhang Qingshan's words made sense. These monster puppets were transformed by Prince Lianbing, and these cave passages were also dug by monster puppets. Prince Lianbing should know the structure inside much better than them.

Moreover, Ye Han concluded that these dug passages could not possibly escape the imprisonment of Prince Lianbing.

On the other hand, Zhang Qingshan's combat power was still higher than his, but if the two were together, it was not easy to coordinate the skills and spells they practiced.

It was just because Zhang Qingshan practiced a hard-hitting melee body-building skill, and the combat method was relatively simple, relying on a strong body, axe attack, and shield defense.

Ye Han practiced all kinds of skills and treasures...

In short, Ye Han could use extremely fast ghost steps, or even blood escape talismans to escape...

But in order to wait for Zhang Qingshan, he had to wait for him and had to fight with these monster puppets, consuming more mana and treasures.

Besides, Zhang Qingshan had the ability to avoid danger and seek good fortune, and he was safer alone than with himself.

So, Ye Han also made up his mind and shouted, "Brother Zhang! Take care! Let's find a way to meet up."

As he spoke, Ye Han continued to perform ghost steps, and his body turned into a ghost phantom, constantly dodging the attacks of purple-blue flames and blood-red swords...

In fact, the digging rat demon puppet and the fire-breathing monster puppet have blocked the big hole on the ground.

If Ye Han wants to meet up with Zhang Qingshan, he must try his best to break through the obstruction of the digging rat demon puppet and the fire-breathing monster puppet. It is not known how much it will cost.

Since Zhang Qingshan told me that he is safer down there for the time being, I won't force it.

After all, Zhang Qingshan is just honest and simple, not stupid.

And his fighting skills may be higher than his. After all, Zhang Qingshan was the one who crushed all opponents in the Four Sects Immortal Meeting in the Dark Forbidden Land.

Zhang Qingshan is not that easy to deal with.

With this in mind, Ye Han decided not to fight these monster puppets head-on. He slapped his storage bag, and a wind-saving talisman appeared in his hand. As he made a gesture, the wind-saving talisman turned into a green rune that wrapped around Ye Han's body...

Ye Han felt his body lighten, and his speed of running away soared, turning into a residual shadow, rushing towards the cave in front...

Although Zhang Qingshan said that the omen ahead was terrifying, Ye Han also knew that Zhang Qingshan's ability to avoid danger and seek good fortune could only be used for his own good fortune and bad luck.

He could not help others judge good fortune and bad luck unless the matter was related to him.

So for Zhang Qingshan, the omen ahead might be terrifying, but for Ye Han, it might be a chance of survival.

Just as Ye Han had thought before, Zhang Qingshan and himself were together, and the two people's fighting skills were actually a bit restrained. If Ye Han practiced all the immortal methods of long-range attacks, it would be convenient for the two to cooperate.

Zhang Qingshan likes to fight against monsters head-on, and Ye Han's consumption would be too great.

The two of them ran away together, but they were a bit of a burden to each other.

Watching Ye Han run away, the digging rat demon puppet kept grabbing out terrible blood-light blades, frantically attacking the back of the fleeing Ye Han.

Ye Han seemed to have eyes on his back. His consciousness paid close attention to the blood-light blades that attacked his back and quickly dodged in advance.

Not going head-to-head with this digging rat demon puppet, so that his consumption would be smaller.

The fire-breathing monster beast puppet behind the digging rat demon puppet kept spewing purple-blue flames and chasing Ye Han's back, but the speed of the flames was far less than Ye Han's escape speed, and it had no effect at all.

Sure enough, Ye Han didn't have to worry about Zhang Qingshan behind him, and he was much easier to escape with all his strength.

Ye Han ran forward at an extremely fast speed, and three forks appeared in front of him. At the forks, two of them were already guarded by monster beast puppets.

Seeing Ye Han rushing over, the two demon beast puppets, one opened its mouth and spurted out flying swords and knives, which turned into countless sword lights and shadows, bombarding Ye Han...

The other one, with heavy armor all over its body and spikes all over its body, rolled up its body and turned into a rolling stone, rushing towards Ye Han...

Looking at the sword lights and shadows that burst out, the armored demon beast puppet crushed over...

There was also the blood-red blade light of the digging rat demon puppet that continued to attack from behind.

Ye Han slapped his storage bag without hesitation, and another blood escape talisman appeared in his hand, instantly activating the blood escape talisman.

Whoosh! The blood runes on Ye Han's body suddenly rose up, turned into a blood light and exploded, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, Ye Han passed over the armored monster puppet that was rolling over. Behind the monster puppet, a blood rune exploded and turned into a blood escape light, flying quickly towards the big hole behind the monster puppet...

The monster puppets on both sides dodged because Ye Han suddenly used the blood escape rune, and the swords that were ejected flew towards the digging rat monster puppet...

The blood blade light ejected by the digging rat monster puppet bombarded the armored monster puppet that was rolling over...

In an instant.

The monster puppets on both sides attacked each other. For a moment, the sound of collision and explosion rose, and the monster puppets howled and roared, and collided with each other in a mess...

This is the advantage of Ye Han escaping alone. He can avoid casting various spells, magical powers, treasures and talismans at will without worrying about Zhang Qingshan's safety...

However, Ye Han cast the blood escape talisman continuously, which consumed his blood and qi very alarmingly, and his face was a little pale.

However, fortunately, Ye Han's blood refining technique has advanced to the fifth level. His blood and qi are so vigorous that it is not comparable to that of the cultivators of the same level. The continuous casting of the blood escape talisman consumed only a small amount of his energy.

And Ye Han also discovered another benefit of the improvement of the body refining technique.

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