Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 366: Get rid of

After Ye Han's blood refining technique advanced to the fifth level, his blood and qi had undergone fundamental changes. Compared with ordinary cultivators, his blood and qi contained extremely amazing explosive breath, and even contained a trace of golden body refining qi in his blood...

No wonder Zhang Qingshan's whole body emitted brilliant golden light when he performed blood refining technique. He had always thought that it was because Zhang Qingshan practiced gold-based magic.

It was not until his blood refining technique advanced to the fifth level that he also emitted amazing golden light when he performed blood refining technique that he understood.

It was also because of this that Ye Han discovered the benefits of cultivating blood and qi to a certain degree.

Now, as long as he bursts out blood-related spells or secret talismans, or even elixirs, the effect will be much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators.

And the speed of blood and qi self-recovery is also much faster than before.

Just like casting the blood escape talisman, which consumes a lot of blood and energy, Ye Han consumed a lot, but when casting it, the distance and speed of teleportation increased a lot, which shows the benefits of cultivating a strong body.

Zhang Qingshan passed on the best body refining technique to him, and the benefits of body refining he told him were all true.

Ye Han took advantage of the collision between the monster puppets and made a mess.

His body burst out with amazing blood and energy, and he fled quickly towards the cave passage...

Every time the blood light trembled, Ye Han accelerated his escape by a hundred feet. In a few breaths, he escaped to the end of the passage. At the end of the passage, there were three forks, two of which had no shadow of monster puppets. Only one of them had a monster puppet rushing out and roaring at Ye Han...

Ye Han ignored the monster puppet at all, and quickly pinched his fingers with both hands. The technique turned to earth magic, and with a finger, the earth spirit aura flew out.

The ground suddenly shook under the feet of the monster puppet. Before the monster puppet could rush to Ye Han, the ground beneath it loosened...

The monster puppet stepped on it, and the ground collapsed, trapping the monster puppet in it...

Ye Han threw seven or eight fire talismans at random, flying towards the mountain wall above the monster puppet's head...

Boom! Boom! ! The fire talisman burst and exploded, and the flames swept across the entire cave passage. There was a terrible roar and trembling, and countless huge rocks were blown down and continuously smashed on the monster puppet.

The entire monster puppet was buried.

And Ye Han didn't even look at it, and rushed into a passage that was not blocked by the monster puppet.

Ye Han had analyzed that these monster puppets were originally hidden in these passages by Prince Lianbing. Most of them should have been released just now. They could only rush in from the nearest passage to block him and Zhang Qingshan...

This means that the passage where no monster puppets came should be much farther away from the passage where those monster puppets came in.

So although Ye Han could not judge the direction of the specific passage, he should stay far away from these monster puppets.

Wait until he comes up with a good idea, finds out the weaknesses of these monster puppets, deals with them, and understands Prince Lianbing's background, and then thinks of a way to deal with this guy.

On the other hand, this is also the advantage that Ye Han thinks Zhang Qingshan escapes separately, so that he can face fewer monster puppets and escape without hesitation without waiting for Zhang Qingshan to catch up.

Otherwise, if the two escape together, they have to leave Zhang Qingshan behind and fight their way out.

This is too wasteful of mana and too unrealistic.

Sure enough, Ye Han's judgment was correct. After rushing into this passage, there were monster puppets chasing him frantically from behind. The roars and terrible vibrations of these guys could be heard from a distance...

But when Ye Han rushed to the end of this passage, he found that there were three more forks in the road, and there were no monster puppets at these three forks.

Ye Han's figure did not stop. He pointed his finger and released more than a dozen fire explosion talismans, flying towards the entrances of the three forks...

His figure rushed into one of the forks.

A series of earth-shaking roars came from behind him, and the flames that exploded blew up the three forks. Huge rocks kept falling down, and suddenly the entrances of the three forks were blocked...

Ye Han's figure rushed forward rapidly in the passage, and a dust storm rushed from behind.

He blew up three forks in a row, so that the monster puppets chasing behind him could not tell which fork he escaped from.

Because Ye Han could feel that these monster puppets had intelligence, but it was only equivalent to the monsters' own intelligence, and was still slightly inferior to that of the immortal cultivators...

By the time these monster puppets could find his escape direction, Ye Han had already run far away.

And Ye Han had a follow-up plan.

When he passed through this passage again, four more forked passages appeared in front of him...

Yes, Ye Han had been escaping in this underground passage for so long, and he basically judged that these underground passages were connected in all directions, with many forked passages, like a spider web arranged underground.

Ye Han had no idea why Prince Lianbing dug the underground like this.

However, he deduced that this underground passage must have many exits.

If he stayed in these underground passages, he would be besieged by these monsters sooner or later.

And his idea was to get rid of these monster puppets chasing him, find an exit from the other side, leave this underground passage, find a place to hide, and observe the details of Prince Refining Ice.

Thinking of this, Ye Han rushed into the middle of the four forked passages without hesitation.

This time he did not release the fire explosion talisman to blow up the four passage forks.

Instead, he casually threw a piece of talisman at these forks. As long as these talismans were stepped on, they would trigger...

When those monster puppets rushed over, they would be in trouble.

In the more than one year in Guling Cave, Ye Han still spent a lot of time studying the way of refining talismans...

In the past year or so, he has made great progress. Although he has not succeeded in refining intermediate talismans, he can already refine most of the primary talismans, such as these fire explosion talismans, earth sinking talismans, and wind-saving talismans. He can refine them by himself.

And because of the purple-gold runes obtained from Ye Chunfeng, plus Ye Chunfeng's experience in refining talismans.

The talismans refined by Ye Han are also 30% more powerful than ordinary talismans...

No matter where these talismans are buried, they will be triggered as long as a monster puppet passes by...

After Ye Han rushed out hundreds of feet, he began his next plan.

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