Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 367 Three-step plan

Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and the invisibility cloak flew out. As he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, the invisibility cloak turned into a gray light rune that wrapped around his body...

As the invisibility cloak attached to him, Ye Han's figure flickered and disappeared.

At the same time, he released a purification talisman, which turned into a white light and surged past...

Ye Han's breath was completely cleared and swept away, dissipating.

His figure was hidden in the invisibility cloak and rushed forward at a high speed.

Not bad.

After getting rid of the pursuit of those monster puppets, Ye Han planned to hide his figure, quietly find the exit, leave this cave, and go outside.

After all, so many monster puppets are in these caves, and there are several terrible fourth-level monster puppets among them. They have also been transformed by Prince Lianbing and become half puppets and half monsters. In fact, they are more difficult to deal with than normal monsters. It is very difficult to kill all these monster puppets.

Although Ye Han's purple cauldron can store mana, it doesn't have much elixir to replenish it.

Besides, Prince Lianbing is outside, and he will definitely not let them kill those monster puppets one by one.

Ye Han's third step is to capture the thief first. After going out, he will find a way to deal with Prince Lianbing. Even if he can't kill this guy, he must prevent him from commanding and using these monster puppets.

In fact, he has already figured it out. Prince Lianbing's feet are locked by the gold and silver rune chain, which is obviously used to suppress Prince Lianbing's cultivation.

That is to say, Prince Lianbing cannot use his cultivation because of the chain, at least he can't use most of his magic...

But Ye Han also remembered that when he and Zhang Qingshan first met Prince Lianbing, this guy disguised himself as a harmless girl to deceive them.

When Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan came down from the cliff, they were hit by a psychedelic spell...

He still hasn't figured out how this psychedelic spell came about.

On the other hand, Ye Han saw that this Ice Refining Prince was a descendant of the demon clan, so he unexpectedly cut off his neck.

And Zhang Qingshan and himself also cut this guy into dozens of pieces.

This damn Ice Refining Prince was not affected at all, and after a series of demonic energy bursts, he regained his physical body.

In other words, this damn Ice Refining Prince may still have an immortal body.

This immortal body is the Ice Refining Prince's reliance, and it is the most difficult to deal with.

After all, as long as he can't be killed, this guy can order his demon beast puppets to deal with himself and Zhang Qingshan.

On the other hand, Ye Han tried to find a way to meet up with Zhang Qingshan, and the two of them might be more confident to deal with the Ice Refining Prince together.

After Ye Han hid his breath and figure...

The Ice Refining Prince was standing on the edge of the cliff.

A bloody black gas flew out of a cave and landed in front of Prince Lianbing...

Prince Lianbing pointed his finger, and the bloody black light turned into a black gas and drilled into his forehead...

Feeling the content of the black gas, Prince Lianbing cursed angrily: "Damn it! Cunning guy! He actually disappeared! Damn it! Damn it!"

Yes, his subordinates had spread the news that those monster puppets could not find the smaller cunning earthly cultivator.

When he first came into contact with the two, he thought that the cunning boy was harmless and easy to deal with.

Who knew that the most difficult to deal with was this cunning boy, who actually used his trick against him and cut off his neck, causing him to lose some of the magic energy he had finally recovered...

It was then that he realized that the small cultivator was extremely cunning and insidious...

So he had to order his monster puppets to chase this cunning boy first.

As a result, now there is news that this cunning boy actually disappeared while running?

How could he be relieved?

The reason why he was trapped in this hellhole was because of the conspiracy of the damn woman in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Ye Han had treasures from the Heavenly Spirit Realm on him, which was definitely related to the cultivators in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Then another piece of news came, that the tall cultivator from the Earth Realm who was easier to deceive was still besieged by the monster puppets in the cave.

But the news that came out was not good news. Although this big guy was stupid, he believed his words easily and said he would help him.

However, this guy practiced a very powerful physical training method, and his physical strength was comparable to his fourth-level monster puppet...

Now he has killed three of his monster puppets, one of which is still a fourth-level monster puppet.

Knowing this news, Prince Lianbing was so angry that he couldn't say anything, and his face was extremely gloomy...

And he didn't forget that after being chopped by the big guy's battle axe for a few times, he actually felt very uncomfortable in his body, and he couldn't get rid of this feeling so far.

He felt that this big guy was a bigger threat to him than the cunning earth cultivator.

After all, his immortal body seemed to be restrained by this guy's battle axe.

This was a situation he had never encountered before.

I really don't know where this guy's treasure came from! After all, this guy seemed to be only at the foundation-building stage.

After thinking about these, Prince Lianbing suddenly showed a trace of ferocity on his face, and said to himself: "Damn it, if I can't find that cunning boy, then I'll do it to you, the big fool!"

As he said this, Prince Lianbing turned into a black smoke and landed on the back of the double-winged monster puppet. He patted the back of the double-winged monster puppet and ordered: "Let's go! Find some fun."

The double-winged monster puppet flapped its huge flesh wings fiercely, flew up, and rushed into a big hole in the cliff in front.

For Prince Lianbing, the battle axe treasure in Zhang Qingshan's hand posed a greater threat to him.

Although Ye Han was extremely cunning and hid his figure with magic treasures, Prince Lianbing didn't care.

He knew this place very well. It was not very big, and there were restrictions and restrictions, so there was no way to get out.

In such a place with extremely amazing demonic energy, this kid would be demonized sooner or later, and there was plenty of time to deal with him.

But this Zhang Qingshan must be killed first, and the battle axe treasure in his hand must be taken away first.

And he had a vague feeling that Zhang Qingshan's battle axe treasure might be able to help him cut off the damned forbidden magic chain under his feet.

When the double-winged demon beast puppet took Prince Lianbing into the cave on the cliff.

Ye Han had just quietly emerged from a cave and saw this scene. He frowned and said, "Not good! The damned demon has gone to find Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan!"

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