Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 380 Liquid medicine? !

Zhang Qingshan looked towards the large hole opened by the metal door. Inside was a metal cave wall, and on the ground was a pool of about ten feet. The pool was filled with a black liquid, exuding a strong medicinal fragrance. He knew at a glance that this was A medicinal liquid.

Zhang Qingshan felt his Qi and blood rolling just by smelling the aroma of the medicine. The blood exercise was actually running slowly, and he felt extremely comfortable.

Zhang Qingshan is an absolute master of body training. He immediately reacted and said in surprise: "This thing is of great benefit to body training."

Thinking like this, he restrained his skills, returned to normal, and crawled into the big hole.

Only when I saw it inside did I see that the walls on all sides, including the top, were made of the same material as metal doors. The edges were tightly joined without any gaps, and they were sealed tightly.

In other words, this pool is always surrounded by the entire metal wall.

What's the reason for doing this?

Zhang Qingshan was a little strange, but when he looked at the door he was looking at, he saw that the black liquid in the pool was emitting traces of white mist visible to the naked eye. These white mists continued to emit towards the entrance of the cave...

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingshan immediately realized that these metal walls sealed the pool in this metal space to prevent the spiritual energy of the medicinal liquid from leaking out.

Thinking so, Zhang Qingshan immediately picked up the metal block that was knocked down and put it back on...

And, use mana to seal the gap...

However, the magic power he exerted could not be sealed at all, and the white mist emitted by the medicinal liquid immediately corroded the magic light shield.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Qingshan's face turned ugly. The treasure in this pool must be a body-refining treasure. It would be a pity to have it scattered away like this.

These medicinal liquids gave him a very comfortable feeling and were definitely of great benefit to his physical training.

What is certain is that the ice-refining prince must have made these liquids, and it could not have been made by a second person.

Of course, it is impossible to keep it for Prince Lianbing.

Thinking like this, Zhang Qingshan patted the storage bag, and a small jade bottle appeared in his hand. As Zhang Qingshan pinched and chanted the incantation, the bottle cap opened, and a suction force surged out from the small bottle.

The medicinal liquid in the pool turned into a ripple and poured into the small bottle.

The liquid medicine in the pool dropped rapidly, visible to the naked eye, but after it was reduced by one-third, the bottle could no longer hold the treasure.

Zhang Qingshan's expression changed, and he frowned and said, "What's going on? Why can't you pretend to be so little?"

This bottle of his is a medium-grade magic weapon that can hold a liquid ten feet in diameter. How come it can't hold the medicinal liquid that's less than half a foot high?

Zhang Qingshan hasn’t figured out what’s going on yet!

Click! The bottle suddenly cracked, with countless cracks on it, and the magic weapon runes collapsed...


All the liquid in the bottle was sprayed out and returned to the pool.

The dense white mist emitted continued to surge out towards the gap at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingshan frowned: "Can't you just pretend to be damned?"

This situation really surprised him. It made him feel helpless that he had found the treasure mountain but could not move it away...

then what should we do?

Based on this metal-enclosed structure, it is obvious that there may be no other way to preserve these liquids.

What's more, Zhang Qingshan has no way to repair the metal gate.

Zhang Qingshan's expression changed, his eyes flashed with golden light, he took a look at the liquid, and said helplessly: "It seems I can only feel sorry for Junior Brother Ye! This liquid... I can use as much as I can!"

With this thought in mind, Zhang Qingshan jumped into the liquid in the pool.

There was no way, he didn't know what kind of refining these liquids were, and he couldn't take them away. No wonder Prince Refining Ice would seal all the liquids with metal. It turned out that he was afraid that this thing would spread...

Since I can't take it with me, instead of letting these treasures spread out, I might as well jump down myself, use the blood to practice, and absorb as much as I can.

Can't waste it like this.

But if he can't take it away, there is no way to share these benefits with Ye Han.

If Ye Han knew that Zhang Qingshan was still thinking of him at this moment, he would be quite touched.

But Zhang Qingshan has such a personality, he is very good to his friends, and even treats his fellow disciples with kindness, without caring about the past...

When Zhang Qingshan fell into the liquid, he immediately felt a refreshing cold feeling penetrate his skin. As his blood boiled, his qi and blood circulated very fast.

He circulated the blood to do the exercises, and the medicinal liquid in the pool also began to swirl, and continued to penetrate into Zhang Qingshan's body, as if her skin and body were constantly being reborn...

Zhang Qingshan has always practiced physical training techniques. Over the years, although he has continued to improve, he has reached a level that is unmatched by immortal cultivators of the same level.

However, he continued to use body training techniques to fight and close combat, and his body had actually left many hidden injuries.

The most serious one is that the arm he lost at the beginning was repaired by the great monk in the sect using the most precious elixir. However, it was not completely repaired and it was not as flexible and powerful as before. Especially the fracture was always faint. Painful.

Even after he successfully advanced to the foundation building stage, this feeling did not diminish.

But after entering this pool of medicine, he felt that the burden on his body from practicing blood refining for so many years had been reborn, and the injured arm was also rapidly recovering from the past hidden illness...

His blood refining was also quietly improving, heading towards the seventh level of blood refining.

Once he broke through the seventh level, it was unknown how powerful he would be.

Just as Zhang Qingshan was absorbing the extremely precious medicine in this metal pool at the deepest part of the ground.

On that cliff.

The ice refining prince's eyes were full of bloodshot and anger, looking at the hundreds of monster puppets gathered under the cliff.

The house behind the cliff was gone, leaving a big hole on the ground. The remains of the abandoned metal puppets and the skeletons of monsters around the cliff were blown away and disappeared...

Prince Lianbing gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Damn bastards from the Tianling Realm, this prince must kill you. If I don't tear you into pieces, I will never get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

He was fooled by this cunning boy from the damn Tianling Realm again and again, and each time he was more embarrassed and suffered more losses.

What made him even more angry was that he had not taken any advantage so far. He was so angry that he was about to explode.

However, so many of his men surrounded this cliff, but they didn't encounter that cunning boy.

Damn! Is that cunning boy still nearby? ! Where is he hiding?

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