Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 381 Can’t find it! ?

Prince Lianbing was filled with rage. His old nest had been destroyed twice by that damn cunning boy, and now even the house was blown up.

This was the result of his hard work for more than a thousand years!

How could that damn boy be so easy to get?

However, now his men have searched all over the place, but they still couldn't find Ye Han...

That means there is a great possibility that this cunning boy is still playing the same old tricks, hiding nearby and not going far away, watching his jokes on the side!

Thinking of this, Prince Lianbing felt extremely aggrieved. He was deceived and framed by that damn Binglian and trapped in this ghost place for so many years. He was already aggrieved and unlucky enough.

Now he was not only not taken advantage of by a cunning boy with a lower cultivation level, but also played around by him. How could Prince Lianbing not feel extremely angry and aggrieved?

Prince Lianbing also calmed down for a rare time. Would this damn cunning boy play tricks on him three times?

So, Prince Lianbing muttered something, a mantra came out, and strange magic power waves rippled in the air.

The metal tubes and armors on the monster puppets were constantly showing blood runes...

Suddenly, the monster puppets roared one by one and searched around the cliff.

Prince Lianbing said to himself with an extremely ugly face: "You want to run away after stealing my things? Dream on!"

He had decided that even if the damn cunning boy was not on this cliff, he had to search once, and he couldn't fall into that guy's conspiracy again!

So Prince Lianbing asked these monster puppets to search this area first.

However, Prince Lianbing is no longer as confident as before, because his preparations for more than a thousand years were completely destroyed by that damn cunning boy.

Now he doesn't have that much confidence anymore.

What's even more hateful is that this guy also stole his monster puppet blueprints. If he could see the weaknesses of these monster puppets, it would be troublesome to deal with this guy.

So Prince Lianbing is in a very complicated mood now, with a premonition of a disaster.

This feeling is really bad. Prince Lianbing couldn't help but clench his fists, and said with hatred in his eyes: "If it doesn't work! I will go to restore my body and kill these two guys first!"

At this point, he looked down at the countless pits under the cliff, staring at a certain place, and suddenly he had a bad feeling and said to himself: "Damn it! That stupid big guy is still in there, won't let that stupid big guy find that place?"

As he said this, Prince Lianbing hesitated a little. How about letting two fourth-level monster puppets guard it? Lest he suffer a big loss again!

He was about to issue an order...


Boom! A violent roar and explosion came from a cliff below the mountain wall...

"Have you found that cunning boy?"

Immediately, Prince Lianbing didn't care about anything else, and immediately moved towards the cliff...

In the distance of the cliff, a figure rushed out from the bursting flames, and was chased by two monster puppets.

Seeing this scene, Prince Lianbing couldn't hold back, and immediately ordered and shouted: "Catch that boy for me!"

According to Prince Lianbing's order, the monster puppets searching in other directions howled violently and rushed towards the cliff.

It was extremely terrifying when so many monster puppets ran wildly. The whole ground was shaking and shaking, and countless rocks were knocked away and shattered...

What Prince Lianbing didn't expect was that the fleeing figure didn't escape far before being surrounded by two monster puppets and smashed to pieces as soon as he went over.

Looking at the fleeing figure, it was smashed into pieces, and turned into a little bit of spiritual light that shattered and exploded...

That was not Ye Han's entity at all, but a magic substitute.

Seeing this situation, Prince Lianbing was furious. At this time, this cunning boy was still plotting against him.

It was really hateful.

But it also fully proved that his guess this time must be correct. The cunning boy must still be nearby. A cultivator like him with the foundation-building stage cultivation level could not control the clone magic from a long distance.

Just thinking about it.

Roar! Another series of roars from the monster puppets, another figure rushed out not far away, chased by a monster puppet.

Prince Lianbing's heart moved, and he was about to order other monster puppets to chase and kill, but this time, he paid more attention, and the figure seemed to be a clone.

Suddenly, Prince Lianbing angrily cursed: "This damn guy is so cunning! Play this trick on me?"

As he said, he waved his hand: "Come on!"

The double-winged monster puppet not far behind him flapped its huge flesh wings and rushed out, turning into a hurricane, chasing after the cunning boy's back.

The double-winged monster puppet is a fourth-order mid-stage monster. Its speed is so fast that it can't be compared with the clone at all. After flapping its huge flesh wings a few times, it caught up with the clone and opened its mouth to spray...

Boom! ! A gray light whirlwind chased after the figure.

Puff! A piece of mana spiritual light shattered, and the fleeing figure was hit by the gray light whirlwind and instantly turned into ash spiritual light and dissipated.

At this time.

Another figure was driven out by a puppet monster.

Without waiting for Prince Lianbing's order, the two-winged monster puppet rushed forward and sprayed out an astonishing whirlwind of gray light. Although the range of this whirlwind blade was not very large, the impact speed was extremely terrifying, and the figure had no time to escape. No matter how far, he was defeated and disillusioned...

After watching the two-winged monster puppets defeat the clones of two cunning boys, Prince Lianbing felt better and cursed: "You still want to play tricks? Let me see where you are running away!"

He finally succeeded in refining the two-winged monster puppet. In order to catch this guy, it cost a lot of money. It was his biggest reliance when going out...

How could two boys in the Qi refining stage be opponents of a mid-level fourth-level monster puppet? !


However, Prince Lianbing was only happy for a while and then stopped laughing.

Because, after the two-winged monster puppet defeated the two clones, this guy was never seen again.

Prince Lianbing cursed angrily: "Look for me! I have to dig through the ground to find this cunning boy!"

Following the order of Prince Lianbing, those monster puppets searched around frantically one by one, and even dug dozens of feet into the ground to find Ye Han's whereabouts...

Ye Han was nowhere to be found.

Prince Lianbing stood on the cliff dumbfounded: "Damn! Where did that cunning boy hide?! Did he escape from under his nose?"

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