Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 401 Demon Valley?

He thought that he and Zhang Qingshan had known each other for so long, and the two of them supported each other and helped each other. It was considered that they each had opportunities and made each other successful.

Without Zhang Qingshan's guidance, it would be difficult for Ye Han to become an immortal cultivator.

And Zhang Qingshan probably wouldn’t be able to become a foundation-building monk without Ye Han’s help...

The point is, no matter what happens, Zhang Qingshan can remain calm. This state of mind and broad mind are far beyond what ordinary cultivators can match.

The two of them could not linger here any longer, according to Ye Han's judgment.

The Blood Taoist had previously chased Zhang Qingshan in the Demonic Heaven Battlefield. When Zhang Qingshan escaped into the Immortal Burial Ground, the Blood Taoist continued to pursue him.

That shows that the Blood Taoist knew the dangers of the Immortal Burial Place, so that's why he didn't go in.

Now that the Blood Taoist appears at the other end of the passage, it means that the entrance where the Blood Taoist comes in is definitely not in the Immortal Burial Ground.

In other words, if you get out safely, you can successfully leave the Immortal Burial Place.

You know, for many years, no one has left the Immortal Burial Place, but the two of them succeeded.

However, Ye Han didn't think so. He remembered the key he got in the cave when he first entered the Immortal Burial Land.

That key opened the door in the passage of the Immortal Burial Place. How could it appear in that cave?

And the huge crack that was cut out of the waist of the giant metal puppet...

Ye Han felt that there might be a mysterious immortal cultivator who had gone in, but he couldn't kill the metal puppet, so he could only go out and throw the key away in the cave...

No matter what, it was a miracle that the two of them could come out alive.

The two walked out of the hall and looked at the passage they came in. In the passage, they saw metal puppets swaying one by one. The formation runes on their bodies had lost their aura.

Looking at the broken parts of these metal puppets, they were obviously destroyed not long ago...

There is also a trace of the evil aura of the bloody sword used by the Blood Taoist on it. It seems that these are the puppets that the Blood Taoist killed.

Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han spent a lot of mana together to kill the metal puppets and come in. Moreover, those metal puppets were injured in the battle with the immortal cultivators.

And these metal puppets in front of you are obviously complete metal puppets.

That was just like those complete metal puppets that Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan encountered in the canyon, which were not easy to deal with.

However, they were all killed by the Blood Taoist. Apparently the Blood Taoist's magical powers were more powerful than imagined.

If the two of them were really fighting to the death with the Blood Taoist, they might not necessarily be his opponents.

However, the blood Taoist has been killed, so naturally there is nothing more to say.

Ye Han looked at the corpses of these metal puppets, thinking that he had lost some monster puppet materials in his storage bag, which were bombarded and consumed by the Demon-Breaking God Thunder Formation. Now two storage bags were empty, and he looked at these metal puppets. Some of the relatively intact ones were collected and returned.

He got some blueprints of the way of puppets from the Ice Refining Prince's lair, and saw how powerful puppets were, so he planned to research and refine some of them himself.

The two people quickly exited the passage. In front of them was another open metal door. After walking out of the door, there was another passage...

Half an hour later.

The Devil's Battlefield is located under a very hidden and desolate mountain cliff.

There was a loud bang, a piece of rock flew out, and the sand city soil was splashed everywhere.

Following two figures walked out of a mountain wall.

Ye Han looked at the situation around him and suddenly felt that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this area was very depleted, as if he had reached the outskirts of the Demonic Heaven Battlefield.

So he couldn't help but said: "What's going on? Is this passage outside the Demonic Heaven Battlefield?"

But when I think about it, it's impossible. Although this passage is very long and has many more traps and formation restrictions than the place where you enter from the Immortal Burial Land, they have been broken by the Blood Taoist. It is very easy for the two of them to come out. , only a few trap formations took a little effort.

However, even though they walked for almost half an hour, they definitely did not leave the area of ​​the Demonic Sky Battlefield.

Isn’t the aura of heaven and earth lacking in this place?

However, Zhang Qingshan looked around and said in surprise: "This should be the Demon Valley! Why is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth so weak?"

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved and he looked at Zhang Qingshan and said, "Is this really the Demon Valley?"

Zhang Qingshan nodded and said: "Either you gave me that map, or it was here. I searched here for a month before I found that place of opportunity. I will never admit it."

After a pause, he continued: "I didn't expect this to be the exit, but when I was in the Demon Valley, the spiritual energy and demonic energy of the heaven and earth here were much stronger than before, and I couldn't even see anyone dozens of feet away!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Qingshan suddenly realized and said: "Oh! By the way! Junior Brother Ye! You said that the formation that releases the Demon-Breaking God Thunder is maintained by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the Demonic Heaven Battlefield?"

After hearing this, Ye Han replied: "It should be so, otherwise where does that formation get the continuous power of the formation?"

However, the two of them finally saw the light of day again. They finally came out of the dangerous place where immortals were buried, and they also carried so many good things with them. However, the greater the danger, the greater the reward. The risk was not in vain.

With that said, Ye Han said to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang, since you have been to this Heavenly Demon Valley, you should know the way out, right? It's better to go back to Qingxuan Sect as soon as possible!"

Yes, he gave Zhang Qingshan the map to Tianmo Valley. Since Zhang Qingshan has been looking here for more than a month, he should know the way out.

So, Zhang Qingshan immediately said: "I know the way! It's just that I had the magical ability to seek good luck and avoid evil before, so it's not easy to get lost! It might be a little troublesome to go out now."

As Zhang Qingshan said this, he punched a few times and collapsed the entrance of the cave the two came out of...

Then he took Ye Han and rushed forward.

Seven days later.

In the mountains and forests outside the Demonic Battlefield.

Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han rushed forward quickly.

Yes, even though I went around and around the Demonic Heaven battlefield for a long time, looking for a way out, I also encountered a fourth-level monster blocking the way, and an immortal cultivator with unpredictable intentions who killed people and took treasures...

However, both of them thought that walking was the best option and fled quickly. Finally, they left the Demonic Heaven battlefield and rushed back towards Qingxuan Gate.


When the two of them flew to the top of a hill, Ye Han flew up in the cloud boat and flew dozens of feet away...

Zhang Qingshan was controlling a Yu Ruyi flying escape treasure, and he followed the flying escape...

call out! Two rays of light flew towards the distance, quickly catching up with Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan!

Ye Han felt the aura in the light, frowned, and said to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang! We are in a bit of trouble."

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