Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 402 Brother, I listen to you!

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan frowned and said, "Are you in trouble again?"

Ye Han said without hesitation, "It's the Black Mountain Cult! Let's go!"

As he said this, Ye Han's magic power burst out to accelerate into the Piercing Cloud Boat and flew forward quickly.

Zhang Qingshan also drove the Jade Ruyi to speed up.

This flying treasure of his was one of the spoils of Ye Han's killing of the black-faced man of the Black Mountain Cult.

Zhang Qingshan successfully advanced to the foundation-building stage in the opportunity place of the Demon Valley in the Demon Heaven Battlefield.

Before entering the Demon Valley, he didn't have any flying treasures on him. Not long after he came out of retreat, he met the Blood Daoist again and was chased by him to the Burial of Immortals.

Ye Han has a few flying treasures on him, but except for the Piercing Cloud Boat, this Jade Ruyi from the black-faced man of the Black Mountain Cult is the best.

So Ye Han gave the Jade Ruyi to Zhang Qingshan. There were high-level monsters appearing from time to time in the sky above the Demon Heaven Battlefield, and there were space cracks. It was very dangerous to fly over it.

The two of them left the Demon Heaven Battlefield and took off with the flying treasure.

As a result, they had just taken off and before Zhang Qingshan was familiar with how to control the flying boat, he met this old acquaintance of the Black Mountain Sect.

Yes, the one who drove the flying boat to chase them was the cultivator who helped the Black Mountain Master to avenge the Black Mountain Sect not long after Ye Han came down the mountain.

The two people who came, one was a white-faced man dressed like a rich master, with white skin like jade and a graceful face.

The other one was a female cultivator with an exaggerated figure and a very beautiful face.

Why are these two guys here?

And it seems that they know that they are in the Demon Heaven Battlefield and wait for him to come out here...

This situation makes Ye Han feel a little bad.

Although he and Zhang Qingshan had recovered from their injuries, they were not at their best yet...

The white-faced man was in the middle stage of the foundation building stage, and the female cultivator was also in the second level of the foundation building stage.

One of them controlled the flying sword treasure, and the other controlled a white jade flying disc treasure, and they chased the two at an amazing speed.

The female cultivator said to the white-faced man: "Brother Sima! Ye Han is indeed in the Demon Heaven Battlefield! Hurry up and notify the leader and the others!"

The white-faced man said in a deep voice: "Why are you in a hurry? The two of them obviously have been injured! The two of us can deal with them, and we will never let that kid escape this time!"

He saw clearly that the jade ruyi under Zhang Qingshan's feet was the flying treasure of the missing black-faced man.

In other words, it is very likely that the guy died at the hands of Ye Han. Ye Han had just advanced to the foundation building stage and was able to escape from the encirclement of the three of them. And now it is proved that the black-faced man died at the hands of Ye Han.

A guy who just entered the foundation building period was able to kill the black-faced man. He must have some incredible treasures.

Besides, Young Master Heishan died at the hands of Ye Han, who was the young master of the Black Mountain Sect. The number of treasures on his body was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators.

This Ye Han himself was also a disciple of the peak master of the Qingxuan Sect. It would be strange if he didn't have some good things on him.

More importantly, as Brother Sima said, he had already felt that Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan were both seriously injured, with insufficient blood and weak breath. They must have been injured in the Demon Heaven battlefield.

Whether it was getting the spoils from Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan, or killing Ye Han to avenge the young master and make contributions, it was a good thing.

If other people were notified to come, at least a large number of spoils would be divided.

Especially Young Master Heishan's set of thousand-year iron and wood swords, which were treasures worth millions of spirit stones. If the master killed Ye Han, he would definitely take them back.

After hearing what Brother Sima said, the female monk was stunned. She knew what Brother Sima was thinking. Then she thought, if they killed Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan, all the spoils would belong to them.

So, the female monk said in a deep voice: "Okay! Brother, I will listen to you!"

What this meant was that I will listen to you in this matter, but you have to take the responsibility because you are the brother.

How could Senior Brother Sima, this old fox, not understand what the female cultivator said? He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Junior Sister! What's our relationship? Of course I will take care of Junior Sister!"

After hearing this, the female cultivator smiled coquettishly, rolled her eyes at Senior Brother Sima and said, "Senior Brother! How dare you say that? You and those girls in the Qi Refining Stage are having a hot relationship!"

Senior Brother Sima smiled and said, "It's just that you need my help, and you're just acting according to the situation. Junior Sister is the one that Senior Brother loves the most."

As he said that, his face changed, and he shouted, "Junior Sister! Take down these two guys first."

As he spoke, the flying sword he was driving suddenly accelerated and chased after Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan...

The female cultivator also pinched a spell, and the flying jade plate also accelerated instantly and chased after them...

The two had higher cultivation than Zhang Qingshan and Ye Han, and their flying treasures were also better.

Ye Han saw that the other party was getting closer and closer. Their cultivation and flying treasures were not as good as those of the two people from the Black Mountain Sect, and now they were injured. How could they possibly outrun them in the air?

However, Ye Han was not afraid, and sent a voice message to Zhang Qingshan: "Brother Zhang! You go first, and go back as quickly as possible! I have a protective treasure! You don't have to wait for me!"

Hearing this, Zhang Qingshan frowned and said: "Brother Ye! If we want to leave, we will leave together. What do you want to do? You can't stop them alone!"

How could it be possible for Zhang Qingshan to leave Ye Han alone and escape?

But Ye Han said directly: "Brother Zhang! Don't drag me down! I have a way to stop them, just go by yourself, why are you talking so much?"

As he spoke, Ye Han glared at Zhang Qingshan fiercely.

Zhang Qingshan was stunned, and his heart shuddered. He knew that Ye Han was really angry. He also knew his shortcomings. Although he had practiced the body refining technique well enough, he was far inferior to Ye Han in other magic.

More importantly, he was still seriously injured and could only exert 60% of his strength. How could he be his opponent? If they really fought, it would really drag down Ye Han!

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Qingshan said: "Junior Brother Ye! Take care of yourself, don't get hurt. If you get hurt, I will definitely...!"

Before Zhang Qingshan finished speaking, Ye Han cursed: "Bah! Shut up! How could I get hurt?!"

As he spoke, Ye Han stopped driving the Piercing Cloud Boat suddenly and cursed: "Get out of here."

Zhang Qingshan gritted his teeth and still drove the Jade Ruyi to fly forward.

Senior Brother Sima and the female monk watched Zhang Qingshan fly away, but Ye Han stopped...

The two looked at each other, and the female monk couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Sima! Should we split up to chase him?"

Senior Brother Sima frowned, not expecting Ye Han to stop suddenly, but remembering that the last time the three of them split up to chase him, they lost one person, and the leader almost scolded him to death.

So, Senior Brother Sima said in a deep voice: "No need to chase that big guy! This Ye Han is our target! Go!"

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