Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 403 Don’t even think about running away!

As Senior Brother Sima spoke, the female monk and Senior Brother Sima drove their flying treasures and rushed towards Ye Han.

Senior Brother Sima slapped his storage bag, and eight copper coin treasures flew out...

As he pinched his fingers and chanted the spell, the eight copper coin treasures grew in the wind, and continued to swell, turning into eight large copper ingots, rolling up a terrifying storm and smashing towards Ye Han...

The female monk pinched her fingers and chanted something, and pointed her finger, and a crystal clear blue light ring vibrated out circles of blue light runes, sweeping towards Ye Han.

Ye Han saw these copper ingots and Yuan rings whistling towards him, and shouted in a deep voice: "What? Don't you want that guy's life? He is in my hands!"

While speaking, Ye Han pinched his fingers quickly, and his fingers tapped continuously, and eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords flew out, spinning in the air, turning into extremely sharp Qingxuan sword light, and burst out.

At the same time, Ye Han slapped his storage bag, and the thorns turned into a green halo, whistling out and turning into countless vines...

The Qingxuan sword light released by Ye Han continuously hit the copper coins and ingots, sending out sharp sparks, and the sword energy and magic power exploded violently, creating a violent storm.

The thorny rings turned into vines to form a huge vine cage, covering the ring treasure...

The ring burst out, and the amazing cold storm kept hitting the vine cage, causing many cracks in the vine cage, and countless icicles scattered...

Although Ye Han's cultivation was 10% or 20% weaker than before, during this period, he did not hesitate to spend mana and constantly used the treasure refining technique to refine the spiritual weapon-level treasure...

Especially these eight thousand-year iron wood swords, which have been refined by more than 70%, plus his continuous practice of combat methods during this period, the power that the thousand-year iron wood swords can exert is extraordinary...

It can actually resist the attack and crushing of the copper coin treasure. Although the thorn cage on the other side fell into a disadvantage, it can resist the attack of the female monk's blue ring.

Seeing this, Senior Brother Sima frowned, and clearly felt that although Ye Han's cultivation was weak, his fighting power had improved a lot, and the set of thousand-year-old iron wood swords that Ye Han was using now was the treasure of the Black Mountain Young Master.

It was actually refined by this guy, and what did he say just now? He said that the guy was in his hand?

Who was in his hand? The Black Mountain Young Master?

Thinking of this, Senior Brother Sima said angrily: "Stinky boy! Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you were born in the Qingxuan Sect. Our Black Mountain Sect is not something you can provoke. I advise you to surrender obediently."

As he said this, Senior Brother Sima slapped the storage bag, and three bones with gray light flew out. As these three bones flew out, the surrounding air instantly became cold.

As Senior Brother Sima muttered something, a series of gray light runes surged, and the three bones turned into three evil dogs with gray fur, each of which was several feet long. They roared and barked terribly, and pounced on Ye Han.

In Senior Brother Sima's opinion, the life card of the Black Mountain Prince had been shattered long ago, so how could he still be alive?

This guy was just stalling for time and blocking me here.

Anyway, I had to take down this damn Ye Han as quickly as possible.

Ye Han was quite concerned about what Senior Brother Sima said. You know, Qingxuan Sect is one of the big sects of Tianlan. Although it is not the strongest, it is also quite strong.

At least it is not something that a small sect like the Black Mountain Sect can clamor for. But from the tone of Senior Brother Sima, he actually said that the Black Mountain Sect is not something that Qingxuan Sect can provoke?

Is there any backer behind the Black Mountain Sect?

That's right! This Black Mountain Sect is very mysterious, and no one knows where their sect is yet...

It seems necessary to check this damn Black Mountain Sect.

Looking at the three gray-haired evil dogs howling, Ye Han's body suddenly shocked with golden light, and the Soul-Slashing Sword in his hand whistled out, and the Soul-Chasing Sword Technique burst out with amazing sword light of several feet, constantly bombarding.

But these golden sword lights bombarded the gray-haired evil dogs, only cutting out a series of gray light ripples, unable to hurt these evil dogs.

On the contrary, these three gray-haired evil dogs constantly besieged Ye Han, making Ye Han a little embarrassed.

The female monk saw this and pointed her finger. A blue light flew out, and a cloth bag treasure with blue light runes spinning appeared in front of her.

As the female monk pinched her fingers and chanted a spell, the blue light runes of the cloth bag treasure continued to bloom.

The female monk pointed a finger at Ye Han and shouted, "Rain! Rain!"

The treasure in the cloth bag bloomed and opened the bag. From it, icy rain whistled all over the sky, and fell towards Ye Han in a violent storm.

Ye Hanzi felt the air suddenly become cold. Seeing the icy rain whistling all over the sky, his frostbitten arm also became numb.

So Ye Han swept in the direction where Zhang Qingshan fled. Zhang Qingshan's figure had disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he told Zhang Qingshan, when he was with Zhang Qingshan, he still had to take care of Zhang Qingshan. Now that Zhang Qingshan had gone far away, he had nothing to worry about.

Seeing the icy rain whistling and the gray-haired vicious dog constantly besieging him, Ye Han was already feeling exhausted.

However, Ye Han's purple tripod was already full of mana that could be replenished. If he continued to fight, he could still hold on.

But if these two guys couldn't take him down for a long time, they would definitely notify the other people of the Black Mountain Sect to come and besiege him.

At that time, it will be hard to say.

Besides, he has an injured arm now, and he is facing the siege of two people, one of whom is still in the middle stage of foundation building.

Although Brother Sima's cultivation and magical power are far inferior to that of the Blood Daoist, it is extremely difficult for Ye Han to kill a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building in his current situation, not to mention that the other party must have reinforcements!

So, Ye Han slapped his storage bag without hesitation, and a blood escape talisman whistled out, turning into a blood light rune that wrapped Ye Han's figure.

Huh! Ye Han's figure instantly disappeared in the air...

Seeing this scene, Brother Sima sneered and shouted: "Want to run?! Don't even think about it!"

With his angry shout, he pointed his finger, and a rope treasure with black gas surging whistled out, emitting a terrifying blood light rune shock and explosion, and the rope treasure disappeared in the air.

The next moment!

A few dozen feet away, a rope flashed out and rolled violently into the air...

Bang! A burst of blood exploded, and Ye Han's figure flashed out, and was rolled by the black rope, and his whole body was tied up by the rope...

Ye Han's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that this Sima Senior Brother would have a treasure that could break and escape like his Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror...

This is bad!

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