Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 41 He has grown so much taller?

Ye Han looked at the purple tripod with an excited expression. He picked up the purple tripod in front of him and looked at it carefully.

The purple tripod had changed from being completely stone to half stone and half purple.

And he looked at his own cultivation.

He was shocked. He now felt that his body was full of mana, about twice as strong as before.

He couldn't believe it. He stretched out his hand and looked at his palm. This feeling of always having mana...


He found that his sleeves were much shorter. He looked down and saw that his pants were also shorter...

He stood up suddenly and found that he had suddenly grown several inches taller. He was just a half-grown child before, but now his height is close to that of a shorter adult.

Ye Han was a little bit unable to suppress his excitement. My God, I have grown so much taller.

He found that his cultivation was not only the peak of the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, but also that his aura was very stable and his height had grown so much. He felt that his body was full of strength. This feeling was really great.

Before he became a cultivator and was still herding cattle in Qingniu Village, he had imagined countless times that he would go to a big city to work hard and become a superior person after growing up.

He really didn't expect that he would grow up so much after meditating for so long.

No, how long had he been meditating?

Ye Han suddenly felt that something was wrong. He felt that he had miscalculated the time and it was much longer than before.

Could it be that he had been meditating for several years?

How is this possible?

Thinking of this, Ye Han walked out of the practice room and looked around. There was not much dust in the cave of the cultivator, and nothing could be seen.

So he opened the cave again and looked at the situation outside.

Suddenly found that many leaves outside had turned yellow, and now it had become autumn.

He knew that it was summer before he practiced, which meant that he had been meditating for several months this time?

And his cultivation has improved now, and he found that his five senses are extremely sharp. He looked at a leaf and could see the veins of the leaf clearly and observed it in detail.

His ears could hear the sound of insects crawling dozens of feet away, and he could smell the breath far away with a careful sniff...

This feeling was so good, as if he had become an extraordinary person in this world.


It was so powerful.

Then he looked carefully at the withered trees to see how much they had grown. If it was one or two years, they should have grown a lot taller.

He looked carefully and it should not have grown much taller, which means that he should have meditated for about three months this time.

One meditation actually consumed so much time that his cultivation broke through to the peak of the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

According to the realm division that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him, he is no longer a cultivator in the early stage of the Qi Refining Stage, but a cultivator in the middle stage of the Qi Refining Stage. In the middle stage of the Qi Refining Stage, he can practice some spells.

Ye Han stayed outside for a while and went back immediately.

He took out the purple tripod and observed it carefully. He found that his cultivation was extremely stable and his foundation was very solid. He did not feel the instability of his cultivation at all.

This was completely different from the result of taking the inferior Qi Refining Pill before.

He remembered that when he was in the third level of Qi Refining last time, his mana was weak and his tendons were not smooth when he circulated his mana. He felt that it would take a long time to stabilize his cultivation...

That was the sequelae of not using pills that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him. He needed to spend more time to stabilize his cultivation and make his foundation stable...

He reorganized himself and went through these things.

The few extraordinary Qi Refining Pills that Fairy Qingfeng gave him were originally placed together with the purple tripod. After practicing the blood training, he found that the Qi Refining Pills turned into ashes.

The purple tripod turned into a stone-like texture again, and then he practiced by himself. This meditation lasted for three months, and his cultivation increased so much.

And the foundation was very solid, and the body grew a lot.

In other words, the purple cauldron has the function of absorbing the medicinal effects of the elixir. After absorbing the medicinal effects, you can practice facing the purple cauldron and absorb the medicinal effects absorbed by the purple cauldron.

Why does this feel like a superfluous move?


This is not a superfluous move.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that there will be many unexpected situations when cultivators take elixirs to practice.

Among them, elixirs have a special commonality, that is, they contain elixir poison. This kind of elixir taken alone will always lurk in the body of the cultivator, and the cultivator needs to slowly refine it. Excrete it out of the body...

The second is to take elixirs to improve cultivation. Although the cultivation level is improved faster, the foundation is unstable. There will be great obstacles when breaking through the realm. It is easy to have insufficient mana and unstable meridians, which will lead to failure to break through the realm.

The third is the drug resistance of taking elixirs. As the name suggests, it means that if the same elixir is taken too many times or too frequently, the results of taking these elixirs are not the same.

Maybe the first time you take this pill, the effect is very good, and it can improve your cultivation a lot at once. After you take it several times, or the time interval is too short, the effect of this pill becomes extremely weak, or even has a bad effect...

Fourth, if you take multiple pills together, it will produce a repulsive effect, which may cause your cultivation to not only not improve but also regress sharply, or even cause you to go astray...

More importantly, taking too many pills will make your body more and more dependent on the pills, and the absorption effect will become worse and worse.

Therefore, most cultivators take pills at intervals when practicing. Experienced cultivators will reduce the use of pills, calm down to build a foundation, and consolidate their cultivation before taking pills.

The purple tripod that Ye Han has allows him to skip any side effects of the pills. In other words, if he has enough pills, the purple tripod will absorb them and convert them into his cultivation.

His foundation will be extremely solid, and there will be no rejection effect of taking too much pills...

What a terrifying thing is this, that is, Ye Han has no restrictions on taking pills for cultivation?

Of course, all of this is Ye Han's guess. In fact, the function of the purple tripod has not been fully understood. If it is really as he thought, then he will improve his cultivation much faster in the future.

However, Ye Han thought about it and realized that there were restrictions, because he was a pauper now. How could he get a large number of pills without spirit stones?

He didn't have a single spirit stone on him now.

How can I get a large amount of pills?

Just as he was thinking, he felt his stomach growling. He had been meditating for so long, so he must be hungry.

He took a look at the food he brought back last time. Wow, it was basically inedible. It was all moldy...

It seemed that he had no choice but to go out for a walk. However, he had grown up a lot. He looked like a child before, but now he was a teenager, like thirteen or fourteen years old...

It should be okay to go out for a walk now, right?

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