Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 42 Did they recognize me?

Ye Han was walking on a mountain road in Qixuan Peak. He looked around at the surrounding buildings...

The last time he came to Qixuan Peak, he didn't dare to wander around. He was sneaky and hid here and there. He bought things and left.

Because he might be recognized at any time. He was the legendary Ye Han.

Now it's different. Not only has his cultivation improved so much, but his body has also grown so much. He looks almost the same as some younger disciples.

Anyway, he doesn't look like a little kid.

Although many disciples saw Ye Han as unfamiliar, they also looked at him curiously...

However, it has been several months, and many people wanted to take advantage of Ye Han before.

But Ye Han stayed indoors, and no one knew what he looked like.

Besides, after he grew taller, his appearance also changed a little. People who were not very familiar with him would not recognize him.

Moreover, Ye Han's cultivation was the fourth level of the middle stage of Qi Refining, which was completely different from the extremely low cultivation in the legend.

Moreover, many of those who can become inner disciples in the middle stage of Qi Refining are related families or disciples with extraordinary talents.

Ye Han is now walking in the sect. Although his cultivation is not high, he is not bullied by others. There are still many disciples with the same cultivation as him.

Ye Han came out this time mainly to get some food, because he didn't have any spirit stones on him, so he could only use silver to buy some food.

It is worth mentioning that gold and silver, which are commonly used in the secular world, can also be used to buy things here, but can only buy some daily necessities or food.

You can even exchange spirit stones with gold and silver, but the exchange rate is very exaggerated.

One low-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for a thousand taels of silver, and ten taels of gold...

You should know that a thousand taels of silver is a huge number in the secular world, not to mention gold.

Fortunately, one of the two spirit stones that Ye Han cheated from Jin Feng last time was exchanged for silver. He used the exchanged silver to buy food for several months. He still has five or six hundred taels of silver on him.

He now put the banknotes in his arms and exchanged them for some food. He would eat first...

In fact, this Qixuan Peak has a row of buildings in the center of the mountain. These buildings are workshops for buying and selling treasures, such as elixir shops, treasure shops, magic weapon shops, task shops, spiritual herb shops, etc.

There are also some monks setting up stalls. These monks put a lot of strange things on the stalls, some spiritual medicines like tree roots, glowing stones, special metal blocks.

There are also various broken books, some jade slips, treasures, magic tools, etc.

Anyway, Ye Han basically doesn't recognize these things. Even if he recognizes them, it's useless because he doesn't have a penny.

But he also looked around curiously. Although he can't afford it, it doesn't matter if he looks at it. What if he doesn't recognize these things in the future, wouldn't it be a big loss?

But it's strange. I still remember that when I was strolling around the Seven Profound Peaks last time, there were many more monks and disciples wandering around and setting up stalls than the last time I came...

He listened carefully and heard many monks and disciples talking. It seems that there will be a selection for the Foundation Establishment Pill recently.

Ye Han didn't understand the details very well. Anyway, the general meaning was that the seven peaks would hold a joint trial. The top few who performed well in this trial could get a Foundation Establishment Pill as a reward.

Those who participated in the competition for the Foundation Establishment Pill this time were all Qi Refining Stage, 11th and 12th level Great Perfection disciples...

You know, these disciples can theoretically break through the Foundation Establishment Stage, but because they don't have the Foundation Establishment Pill, these disciples are stuck at this critical node and can't break through the realm barrier to become Foundation Establishment Stage monks.

You know, the difference between Foundation Establishment Stage monks and Qi Refining Stage monks is that one is in heaven and the other is in hell.

Let alone other things, the life span alone is doubling. Generally, the peak of Qi Refining Stage monks can live to more than 200 years old.

The weakest foundation-building cultivator can live for four or five hundred years.

A person can live for two hundred or five hundred years. This is the difference between cultivators and mortals. You should know that in Qingniu Village, an old man in his seventies or eighties is already the oldest guy in the village.

He is the oldest person Ye Han has ever heard of.

He knows that a person can live for two hundred or five hundred years. No wonder ordinary people are so yearning for cultivators?

Of course, the foundation-building pill is not so easy to obtain. For him, he came to Qingxuan Sect with the Qingxuan Order, and then he got a foundation-building pill, which made two Jindan-stage elders fight for it.

What they said was that one wanted to give the foundation-building pill to his disciples, and the other wanted to treat himself as his grandson.

It can be seen that even for high-level cultivators, it is not so easy to obtain the foundation-building pill.

As for how long the Jindan-stage cultivator has a lifespan, it is estimated to be doubled, at least a thousand years.

Isn't this a thousand-year-old tortoise?

However, Ye Han is still young and is not particularly concerned about life span...

But he knows that even the emperor in the secular world is seeking immortality, not to mention the powerful people in general.

But he only heard a few words and didn't know what the so-called trial was, and didn't ask about it, because it was too far away from him.

He only knew that it was held every five years, and he would have to wait at least five years to participate.

However, with his current cultivation, he may not be able to reach the peak of the Qi Refining Stage in five years. At that time, he still doesn't know whether he needs the Foundation Building Pill.

The Foundation Building Pill is indeed the best pill for the Foundation Building Stage, but it doesn't mean that you will definitely break through with the Foundation Building Pill. There is a high probability of failure.

Moreover, it is not impossible to advance to the Foundation Building Stage without taking the Foundation Building Pill. It is said that some cultivators can break through by themselves with some opportunities, some special natural treasures, even exercises, and talents.

Because this world of immortal cultivation is so magical, there are all kinds of resources and extraordinary things...

When Ye Han walked aimlessly in Qixuan Peak, he looked here and there, and was curious about everything about immortal cultivators.

Indeed, someone was staring at his figure closely.

Ye Han didn't know it at first, but as time passed, the other party's unscrupulous eyes kept looking at him, and Ye Han was still sharp and felt the other party's existence.

He pretended to wander around and inadvertently looked at the sight in his direction.

Seeing the other person's figure, his eyes narrowed slightly, his pupils dilated, and he felt a little bad.

"Oh no! Why are these three guys here? Did they recognize me?"

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