Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 43 The Lifespan of a Monk

Ye Han saw three people who he had met before. They were the guys who had followed Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan that day and questioned Zhang Qingshan about his relationship with him.

He asked Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan. These three guys were named Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai...

They were disciples of Uncle Liu from Qixuan Peak. The three of them knew a joint attack formation. Although their cultivation was not high, they were extremely powerful when they joined forces. Ordinary cultivators were no match for them.

These three guys actually stared at him closely, which made Ye Han somewhat nervous...

You should know that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was very afraid of these three people. At that time, Zhang Qingshan was already a cultivator at the eleventh level of the Qi Refining Stage.

And he was only at the peak of the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage. Any of these three people could deal with him.

You should know that in Qingxuan Sect, there are very few cultivators who have really seen him in person. Except for the few disciples he met when he first came to Qingxuan Sect, those people didn't even know his name.

There are also several elders and masters.

Those people simply ignored him and would never think of attacking him.

In addition, there were only Fairy Qingfeng, Jinfeng, and these three guys.

He dared to walk in the gate now, on the one hand, his cultivation level had improved, and on the other hand, when he broke through his cultivation level, his body grew a lot, and few people could associate him with the ten-year-old Ye Han.

Because he now looks like a teenager of about fifteen or sixteen years old...

The change in his body shape made him confident that others could not tell who he was.

But now, Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai have been staring at him, and they have been staring at him for a long time, which made Ye Han a little confused. What are these guys staring at him for?

Did they recognize him?

After all, they have seen him before.

Ye Han felt dangerous. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that although the lifespan of immortal cultivators is very long, in fact, most of them have not lived to the end of their lifespan and have already fallen.

For example, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan himself, he is only in his twenties, but he did not come back after going out on a mission this time, which seems to be a bad omen.

It's not even as long as the average mortal's life.

It's just that the immortal cultivators are full of dangers everywhere. Since Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan has chosen that mission, he has to bear the consequences.

But for Ye Han, he finally met such a good senior brother who can help him and guide him, but now there is no news. How can he not worry about Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan?

Ye Han is not an indifferent person. When he was in Qingniu Village, Wang Laocai and his wife were so harsh to him. Just because they said a few good words behind his back, he gave him ten taels of silver out of the twenty taels he got.

In fact, he is not an ungrateful person. He feels a little guilty when he thinks of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan.

But he still plans not to provoke Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai...

However, he didn't provoke those three guys, but those three guys came to provoke him.

I saw three people walking towards him quickly.

Ye Han's heart moved, but he was not panicked. This was still in the Seven Profound Peak, under the watchful eyes of the public, and no one dared to do anything to him.

The three walked to Ye Han's side, and Zhang Sanlei said to Ye Han: "This junior brother? I haven't seen you before. Which uncle are you from?"

After saying this, the three looked at Ye Han up and down, and their eyes were a little strange.

Ye Han's face moved slightly after hearing this. From the tone of this guy, it seemed that he was curious about his identity and didn't recognize him?

So Ye Han said: "This senior brother! I just came to the Seven Profound Peak, please take care of me."

His attitude was very sincere, and he didn't say who his master was.

After hearing this, Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai looked at each other. They didn't expect that Ye Han didn't say his origins at all, but just said that he had just arrived.

Li Zongqing on the side smiled and said: "Oh, so you are new? No wonder we haven't seen you before."

As he said, he gave Zhang Sanlei and Wang Fulai a look.

The two of them were communicating in a tacit understanding...

Ye Han knew that these three guys were not good people, but he didn't want to offend them. After all, in the world of immortal cultivation, who lives longer is the hard truth?

Easily offending cultivators, especially those with higher cultivation than oneself, isn't that courting death?

He suddenly had an inexplicable touch. His identity was widely spread in Qixuan Peak some time ago, and the initiator must be the damned fifth elder.

But he couldn't do such a thing personally. He must have bribed some disciples of Qixuan Peak...

Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai in front of him looked the most suspicious. On the one hand, they had a grudge against Zhang Qingshan, and on the other hand, their character was just like that, and the three of them spread it faster.

Ye Han thought so in his heart, and said, "Yes, this is the first time I have met the three brothers. They all say that the brothers of Qixuan Peak are the best to the brothers of our sect. It seems that it is true."

He immediately used words to frame the three people and prevent them from posing any threat to him.

As expected, Wang Fulai laughed and said, "Of course! The disciples of our Qixuan Peak are the most united! Right!"

After saying this, the other two laughed, but a trace of disdain flashed in their eyes. As expected, they were new disciples, so naive, so they should be used well...

Ye Han also laughed, looking harmless and trusting the three people very much...

Zhang Sanlei said: "This junior brother, you are an inner disciple when you first came to Qixuan Peak, so you must have a good cultivation level, right?"

He wanted to know who this Ye Han was, in case he offended someone, that would be bad.

Ye Han immediately replied: "My cultivation level is poor, only the fourth level of Qi Refining Stage, I hope the three senior brothers will take care of me and give me guidance!"

Ye Han looked honest and took the initiative to explain his cultivation level, which seemed to be very easy to deceive.

In fact, Ye Han knew that these three guys had already seen his true cultivation level, and it might be bad if he concealed it.

Sure enough, Zhang Sanlei immediately said: "Oh, I didn't expect that Junior Brother's cultivation is still stuck at a bottleneck?"

Wang Fulai on the side said: "Junior Brother! The three of us have a great thing, and we want to ask Junior Brother for help. I wonder if Junior Brother is interested."

Li Zongqing also said: "As long as Junior Brother helps us this and completes that task, we will reward us, but in addition to giving Junior Brother a share, we will take good care of you in the mountains in the future!"

These three people said that it seemed that they were taking good care of Ye Han, but the tone was a meaning that could not be refuted...

After hearing this, Ye Han didn't know what these three guys were thinking, and said: "I don't know what Junior Brother can do to help Senior Brother?"

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