Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 439 Giant Tree Nest

Although Ye Han's dragon-trapping formation is only a primary formation, it has many ways to deal with it, and it is not easy to use for cultivators who know some formations.

After all, it is only a primary formation, and the only restrictions are wind blade attacks and a wind-type mist.

If it weren't for Ye Han putting the formation eye on the ice lotus puppet, Sima Xiong and others would have to defeat the ice lotus puppet to break the formation, so breaking the formation would become difficult.

But if the cultivator is willing to sacrifice blood and can use the blood escape talisman continuously, he can escape.

But it should be much more useful to deal with monsters that don't understand formations.

Of course, Ye Han only used the dragon-trapping formation to trap Sima Xiong and others for more than ten breaths...

After arranging the dragon-trapping formation, Ye Han released a water-type hail talisman and arranged a water-type hail talisman formation.

The reason for arranging the water-type hail talisman formation is that according to the information Ye Han found out, this three-eyed Vermilion Bird is a fire-type monster, and using the water system is the formation that restrains the three-eyed Vermilion Bird.

Then Ye Han took out another storage bag, pointed his finger, and twenty ugly metal puppets holding bows and arrows flew out of the storage bag.

These metal puppets were made by Ye Han. They looked so shabby that those who didn't know would think they were picked up from a pile of junk.

However, the bows and arrows in their hands were the materials of the metal puppets that Ye Han killed in the passage of the Burial Land of Immortals. The arrows that succeeded in trying to refine Qi were all blessed with attack formations...

Although the attack speed was very slow and the metal puppets were very inflexible, the arrows shot out were very powerful, and they would be used to deal with the three-eyed Vermillion Bird trapped in the Dragon Trapping Formation.

After getting ready, Ye Han slapped the storage bag again, and the Ice Lotus Puppet flew out. He muttered something in his mouth, and his spiritual light drilled into the Ice Lotus Puppet.

The Ice Ling Puppet's eyes flashed with blue light, and it leaped up to the cliff of the three-eyed Vermillion Bird.

Ye Han himself clapped his hands and released eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords, and then pinched his fingers and chanted a spell. The Wanxiang mask released a silver-white rune, which turned into a white light covering Ye Han's figure. A radiance like water ripples rippled, and his figure disappeared into the air.

In addition to hiding Ye Han's true appearance and breath, this Wanxiang mask can also be invisible.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary cultivators of the same level to discover Ye Han's figure, unless they have cultivated special magical powers, treasures, etc.

On the other side, the figure of the Ice Lotus Puppet continuously leaped and climbed up the ladder cliff.

On the top of the cliff, there was an extremely huge dead tree. The dead tree was a hundred feet wide and the trunk was ten feet wide. Dozens of people couldn't hold it.

There were several huge three-eyed Vermilion Bird nests on the dead tree. On one of the thick trunks, an injured three-eyed Vermilion Bird hung its head dejectedly...

Around this three-eyed Vermilion Bird, four three-eyed Vermilion Birds surrounded the injured three-eyed Vermilion Bird, constantly shouting, as if insulting this guy.

The injured three-eyed Vermilion Bird seemed to be unable to bear it, flapping its wings and roaring angrily...

There were three more three-eyed Vermilion Birds watching the excitement over there.

At this moment.

One of the three-eyed Vermilion Birds watching the excitement suddenly moved its eyes, and turned its three eyes to look at a cliff not far from the tree.

I saw a figure flashing on the edge of the cliff, and the figure of the Ice Lotus Puppet appeared on it.

Chirp! The three-eyed Vermilion Bird that saw the Ice Lotus Puppet suddenly emitted a trace of cold and murderous aura from its three eyes, roared, flapped its wings, and soared into the air, flying towards the Ice Lotus Puppet. It opened its mouth and sprayed out a shocking flame, which rushed towards the Ice Lotus Puppet...

The Ice Lotus Puppet's eyes flickered with blue light, and its body turned around and headed down the cliff...

Boom! The large piece of scorching flames hit the Ice Lotus Puppet, burning the metal armor to emit heat waves...

But the Ice Lotus Puppet was extremely fast and kept flying towards the cliff.

The other three-eyed Vermilion Birds also became furious and chased after the Ice Lotus Puppet. The injured three-eyed Vermilion Bird also flew up in anger and chased after it.

Just now, he was almost killed by several human cultivators. Now another person appeared, so he naturally wanted to take revenge.

I saw these three-eyed Vermilion Birds flying out one by one, fanning up a terrible hurricane, chasing the Ice Lotus Puppet frantically, spewing flames from their mouths, bombarding with explosions, and collapsing rocks...

The Ice Lotus Puppet was besieged by so many three-eyed Vermilion Birds, spewing flames continuously, and its armor was burned red, but it did not stop and continued to rush down the mountain.

A three-eyed Vermilion Bird saw that the flames could not hurt the Ice Lotus Puppet, so it swooped down and grabbed the Ice Lotus Puppet with its huge claws.

But the Ice Lotus Puppet's two-handed long sword burst out with an amazing sword light, and forcibly blocked the three-eyed Vermilion Bird's grab...

With a clang of sparks and sword energy, the Ice Lotus Puppet was blown off the cliff and fell to a huge open space under the cliff.

The eight three-eyed red birds roared, flapped their huge wings, and rolled up a terrible storm, rushing towards the Ice Lotus Puppet...

When the Ice Lotus Puppet landed on the ground, the ground was full of rocks and cracks, and the whole body was burning hot...

Ye Han hid in a corner of the cliff, watching the Ice Lotus Puppet fall into the Dragon Trapping Formation. His eyes moved, and he pinched the magic formula to activate the Dragon Trapping Formation!

The eight three-eyed red birds rushed down, and just as they reached the ground, a gray mist surged out, and the surrounding storm surged, and they were immediately caught in the attack of a wind blade...

Then, a large swath of cold blue light water vapor burst out, and hailstones shook out, turning into a blue light frost storm. Hailstones continued to gather in the sky above the trapped dragon formation.

It actually turned into an iceberg dozens of feet in size, and smashed down on those three-eyed Suzakus with a shocking force...

Those three-eyed Suzakus were smashed down by the terrifying iceberg, and four of them were crushed and smashed towards the ground.

The remaining four quickly got out of the way, but the wind blade storm trapped in the dragon formation kept attacking, hitting their bodies and sending feathers flying out, screaming again and again!

at the same time.

From the ground, metal puppets emerged one after another, pulled their bows and arrows, and shot out arrows one after another. The arrows contained a terrifying penetrating power and flew towards the three-eyed puppet...

puff! puff! These arrows continuously bombarded these three-eyed Suzakus, and blood scattered out.

At this time, Ye Han's figure flashed out, muttering something in his mouth, and the eight thousand-year-old ironwood swords emitted bright Qingxuan sword light, swirling in the air, forming a Qingxuan sword array, surrounded by sword light. Formed into a ring, the terrifying sword intent burst out...

At this moment, a trace of blood exploded from Ye Han's body, causing Ye Han's expression to change: "Damn it! The talisman was triggered! The people from the Black Mountain Sect are here!"

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