Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 440: Treasure hunt?

Yes, when Ye Han left the place where he killed Sima Xiong and others, he also put down a special talisman, called the warning talisman, which is also a mid-level talisman.

The refining of this talisman is much easier than the tracking talisman. It is the first mid-level talisman that Ye Han has successfully refined. Its function is to warn people from a long distance.

As long as there are immortals or monsters approaching a certain range of this warning talisman, this warning talisman will automatically trigger self-destruction.

Ye Han, who released the warning talisman, will immediately have a bloody reaction when the warning talisman self-destructs, knowing that something is going on over there.

The sensing range of this warning talisman is also a hundred miles. If it exceeds this range, it cannot be sensed. If the person who released the talisman is in a special restriction or a special location, it is also difficult to sense it.

At this time, he sensed that the warning talisman he placed there had self-destructed. What does that mean?

It means that there must be immortal cultivators or monsters approaching that place. However, monsters are also very vigilant. They will run away if they find traces of immortal cultivators fighting.

That means most of them are immortal cultivators, and there is a great probability that they are from the Black Mountain Sect.

However, these three-eyed Vermilion Birds are trapped here by their own spells. It is still in time to kill these guys.

Originally, Ye Han wanted to deal with these three-eyed Vermilion Birds slowly, but now it seems that there is no time for such a thing.

So, Ye Han quickly made hand gestures with both hands, and the Qingxuan Sword Formation, which had been set up, formed a huge circular formation, spinning in the air. As he made hand gestures and chanted spells, his hands continuously shot out purple-gold lightning that broke the demon thunder, and poured into the eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords...

In an instant, the purple-gold lightning of the Qingxuan Sword Formation composed of these thousand-year-old iron wood swords burst out, and the extremely terrifying sharp sword energy continued to surge in the air.

When casting this Qingxuan Sword Formation and adding the blessing of the Demon-Breaking Divine Thunder, Ye Han only felt that the mana in his dantian was like a river bank breaking and bursting, and it kept pouring into the Qingxuan Sword Formation.

The purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness kept releasing a lavender aura to replenish his mana that was constantly consumed by casting the Qingxuan Sword Formation and the Demon-Breaking Divine Thunder.

Although he was only one person, this explosive blessing was equivalent to the mana released by several Ye Hans.

Of course, the aura that burst out like this cannot be simply compared to that of one Ye Han.

The three-eyed Vermillion Bird trapped in the Dragon Trapping Formation was hit by the huge ice and screamed miserably. It spurted out flames crazily to resist the arrows attacking from all around, as well as the wind blade attack of the Dragon Trapping Formation. The hail kept falling down, and for a moment, it was very embarrassed.

And one of the largest three-eyed Vermilion Birds, with a flash of red light bursting out of its three eyes, and a pair of huge wings frantically flapped and attacked, blocking most of the arrows and wind blades.

Chirp! ! The three-eyed Vermilion Bird let out an astonishing roar, and the formation of the Dragon Trapping Formation trembled, and rushed in one direction of the Dragon Trapping Formation.

The other three-eyed Vermilion Birds heard its roar, and they calmed down one by one, roared with their mouths, and rushed in that direction with the three-eyed Vermilion Bird.

These three-eyed Vermilion Birds roared in unison, and spit out terrible fireballs from their mouths, bombarding one direction of the Dragon Trapping Formation...

Suddenly, fireballs larger than water tanks bombarded the Dragon Trapping Formation like a tidal wave... A huge gap was blasted out of the Dragon Trapping Formation.

The Dragon Trapping Formation is not a mid-level or high-level formation, so it is very normal that it cannot withstand the attack of these three-eyed Vermilion Birds.

The largest three-eyed Vermilion Bird was about to rush out.

But! The three-eyed Vermilion Bird suddenly changed its eyes and looked away in horror.

Ye Han's figure appeared in this gap, and his body was full of terrible purple-gold electric light.

What was even more terrifying was that above his head, eight thousand-year-old iron wood swords surrounded circles of terrible arcs of demon-breaking thunder, sizzling violently.

Looking at the three-eyed Vermilion Bird rushing out, Ye Han pointed his finger and shouted in a deep voice: "Kill!"

The Qingxuan sword formation surrounded by the thousand-year-old iron wood swords instantly burst out with terrible Qingxuan sword beams more than ten feet long. The sword beams carried circles of demon-breaking thunder and rushed out with a bang. The air was pierced and a terrible arc trembled...

The speed was also extremely fast. Countless sword beams with purple-gold electric light killed the two-eyed Vermilion Bird.

Seeing this, the three-eyed Vermilion Bird showed a look of horror, and suddenly closed its left and right eyes. The single eye in the middle suddenly burst into a blood-red flame, and burst out a series of terrible flames and light columns, which blasted towards the Qingxuan sword light wrapped in purple-gold electric light...

The other three-eyed Vermilion Birds also closed their left and right eyes instantly, and the single eye in the middle burst out a blood-red flame light column, forming a beam of light, and blasted out.

In an instant, the flame light column blasted out by the single eye of the three-eyed Vermilion Bird blasted against the sword light surrounded by purple-gold electric light.

A terrible roar broke out, and countless Qingxuan sword lights, purple-gold electric light of the demon-breaking thunder, and the flames of the flame light column burst and exploded wantonly, and a terrible and suffocating air wave shook in the air, rolling and surging and exploding.

For a moment, there was a stalemate! A terrifying wave of magical energy exploded in a hundred-foot radius, with flying sand and rocks, and collapsing cliffs...

The dragon-trapping formation could not withstand it at this moment and exploded directly.

However, Ye Han did not just release the Demon-Breaking Thunder to bless the Qingxuan Sword Formation!

At this moment of stalemate, countless hail fell like meteors, and several three-eyed Vermilion Birds were instantly smashed and the ice on their bodies shattered.

There were also arrows shot by metal puppets, which kept hitting...

Suddenly, the five three-eyed Vermilion Birds could not help but twist their bodies and dodge.

Without the flames of these five three-eyed Vermilion Birds to resist Ye Han's purple-gold electric light-surrounded sword formation attack...

Suddenly, a series of Qingxuan sword beams containing Demon-Breaking Thunder bombarded these three-eyed Vermilion Birds...

These five three-eyed Vermilion Birds burst into purple-gold electric light, and their bodies were suddenly surrounded by purple-gold electric arcs, and their entire bodies could not move...

Then the Qingxuan sword beam pierced through the throat, eyes, heart and other fatal places, and the three-eyed Vermilion Birds fell one after another.

Seeing this, the remaining three three-eyed Vermilion Birds screamed in fear and flapped their wings to fly up.


A figure flashed, and the Ice Lotus Puppet swung out countless sword lights, and killed the three fleeing three-eyed Vermilion Birds with great sharpness.

Ye Han also rushed towards the three three-eyed Vermilion Birds...

Ye Han and the Ice Lotus Puppet were chasing the three-eyed Vermilion Birds.

Whoosh! Another gray figure rushed towards the five killed three-eyed Vermilion Birds!

Damn! Steal my spoils?

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