Ye Han couldn't hide his surprise when he saw Zhang Qingshan again, thinking that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan would never come back.

Unexpectedly, he actually came back, but after a closer look, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan only had one arm left, and the other sleeve was empty and fluttering in the wind.

Zhang Qingshan turned around, saw Ye Han, grinned and said, "I didn't expect it! You've grown so tall in a few months."

He actually recognized the taller and older Ye Han at a glance.

Ye Han thought that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan would never come back, but he could still recognize him at a glance, but why didn't he feel warm for Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan?

Ye Han's eyes were a little moist, and his nose was slightly sour, but he still controlled his emotions, staring at Zhang Qingshan's empty sleeves and said, "Brother Zhang, what's wrong with your hand?"

Zhang Qingshan looked back at his empty arm, grinned and said, "It's good to be able to come back alive, what arm?"

He paused, and continued, "Why don't you invite me in to sit down? This is not a place to talk."

After saying that, his eyes had a strange look.

Ye Han felt that Zhang Qingshan's face was not right, and immediately said, "Okay!~ Let's talk inside!"

As he said that, Ye Han shouted to the cave: "Open the door, Niu Men!"

As he spoke.

The door of the cave opened with a click...

Zhang Qingshan laughed after hearing this: "Only you can think of this kind of door-calling formula!"

As they said that, the two entered the cave one after the other.

Ye Han couldn't wait to ask Zhang Qingshan: "Brother Zhang! When did you come back? I heard that you were in danger and went to deal with some blood-dried bird... Did you lose your arm because of the mission?"

As he said this, he couldn't help but look at Zhang Qingshan's empty sleeves with concern.

He had also seen other disciples on the mountain, some of whom had lost their arms or legs, and even met disciples who had lost both legs and hands. The dangers of this world of immortal cultivators cannot be explained in a few words.

Zhang Qingshan's eyes moved instead, and he looked at Ye Han strangely and said, "How do you know I went to deal with the blood-dried bird?"

He paused, and said helplessly, "My hand was not lost because of dealing with the blood-dried bird. My mission was going smoothly, but I encountered those hateful bastards who attacked me when I was seriously injured. If my body was not strong enough, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back."

"I have been healing outside for several months before I came back. I came to you more than ten days ago. No matter how I called you, you didn't open the door. I thought you went somewhere."

After hearing Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han's face moved slightly and said, "Brother Zhang, have you been here? Didn't I agree to you at that time?"

From Zhang Qingshan's words, he could see that he had indeed been here, and he was absorbing the breath of the purple tripod to practice...

Could it be that using the purple tripod to practice would cut off his five senses? Cut off his connection with the outside world? If so, he would be careful when using the purple tripod in the future, and must use it in a very safe situation.

Zhang Qingshan didn't expect Ye Han to ask this, so he shook his head and replied, "I thought you went to practice somewhere, and I left when you didn't answer. I came back to see you after a while of recuperation, and I just happened to meet you."

Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan deeply, and after a closer look, he found that his breath was much weaker than before, and it seemed that he was indeed seriously injured and had not recovered.

So Ye Han asked, "Brother Zhang! It seems that your injury is very serious!"

Zhang Qingshan said helplessly, "It's good enough to save a life, so why worry about the injury."

Ye Han felt Zhang Qingshan's helplessness, but didn't know how to comfort him. After all, in fact, he was seriously injured and his arm was gone. For a cultivator, it might be a fatal blow.

Seeing Ye Han's worry, Zhang Qingshan couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. He had been cultivating for a much longer time than Ye Han. Generally, cultivators are selfish and rarely care about others.

The reason why he and Ye Han felt like they were close friends regardless of age difference was because they had similar personalities. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together...

So Zhang Qingshan smiled and said, "Brother Ye, didn't I tell you? What cultivators compete with is not their cultivation and magic power, but who lives longer. As long as they are alive, they have a chance."

Then he paused and taught Ye Han earnestly, "Brother Ye, you should do the same when you go out in the future. Don't be greedy and take risks. The road for us cultivators is full of thorns and crises. Survival is the most important thing."

After hearing what Zhang Qingshan said, Ye Han felt that Zhang Qingshan's mentality had changed a little after he went out for some time. Maybe it was because he was injured or encountered danger and became cautious?

However, Ye Han also listened to Zhang Qingshan's teachings. He always felt that it was not easy for an orphan like him to survive in Qingniu Village.

He knew the hardships and difficulties of survival, and he knew that being alive meant that everything had hope.

Take the case of the lost cow for example. He encountered that terrible monster. If he was not careful and was eaten by that monster, there would be no Ye Han in this world...

Not to mention picking up this magical purple tripod, Qingxuan Order, Qingxuan Gong, going through untold hardships to come to Qingxuan Sect, becoming a disciple of Qingxuan Sect, and becoming an immortal cultivator.

Or when he went to Wutong City, he showed his money and was almost crippled by that damn beggar, and maybe even killed.

These experiences made Ye Han feel the difficulty of survival. Only by being alive can there be hope.

Seeing that Ye Han had listened to his words, Zhang Qingshan was also relieved. Although his junior brother was very young, he was extremely smart and mature, and he didn't look like a half-grown child at all.

Suddenly, Zhang Qingshan looked Ye Han up and down and said, "I can't believe it, junior brother. It's been more than three months since I last saw you. Your cultivation has already reached the middle stage of the Qi Refining Stage. I see that you have grown so much in height, and your blood refining has also broken through a level."

Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han and sighed. It took him at least a year to start practicing from the Qi Refining Stage to the middle stage of Qi Refining, and his foundation didn't seem as stable as Ye Han's aura.

And Ye Han's stature had grown so much, it should be that his blood refining had broken through.

He had cultivated to such a high level in such a short time. This kid's talent was really extraordinary...

Ye Han's face moved. Could it be that his stature suddenly grew taller not because of a breakthrough in cultivation, but because of a breakthrough in his blood refining?

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