Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 46 Should we trick them?

So he said: "I was lucky. I met Uncle Qingfeng and gave me some Qi Refining Pills."

After hearing Ye Han's words, Zhang Qingshan's expression changed and he asked in surprise: "Uncle Qingfeng? Could it be Fairy Qingfeng?"

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Han in surprise.

Ye Han replied: "Yes! It was several months ago. I took his elixir and that's why I practiced so fast."

His talent is mediocre. If his cultivation grows too fast and people find out about it, people will definitely remember him, even Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan...

You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must not have the intention of guarding against others.

So he directly said that it was because he took the Qi Refining Pill given to him by Fairy Qingfeng that his cultivation level broke through quickly.

In this way, many things can be explained reasonably.

Sure enough, Zhang Qingshan suddenly realized and said: "I see, junior brother took the Qi Refining Pill, I have told you, you must be careful yourself."

Ye Han nodded and replied: "Of course I will listen to my senior brother."

Zhang Qingshan scratched the back of his head and said a little embarrassedly: "Junior brother Ye, I came to you this time to borrow your cave to continue practicing. Senior brother, I want to participate in the battle for the dark forbidden land this time. This injury is not enough." That’s not good.”

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately replied: "No problem, senior brother can stay as long as he wants. I still have many questions about cultivation, and I want to ask senior brother."

Speaking of this, Ye Han asked curiously: "What is the selection for the Dark Forbidden Land?"

Zhang Qingshan replied: "The selection of the Dark Forbidden Land is also called the Immortal Meeting. In fact, our Qingxuan Sect and several other sects discovered an ancient secret place. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth there is extremely abundant, and many heavenly materials and earthly treasures have grown. There are also many treasures left over from ancient times.”

"Our Qingxuan Sect and several sects discovered this ancient secret place. We fought several sect wars for this secret place. Later, we felt that the casualties in the war were too great, so we held peace talks and set up this dark forbidden place. The ban is opened every five years.”

"Whenever the Dark Forbidden Land opens, each of our factions will send disciples who are under the Foundation Establishment stage to go in and hunt for treasures. There is a place for refining the main medicine of the Foundation Establishment Pill. Once enough is found to refine the main medicine of the Foundation Establishment Pill, Or if you have enough heavenly materials and earthly treasures, you can exchange them with the sect for a foundation-building pill!"

"The next selection for the Dark Forbidden Land will be in three months. During these three months, I will try my best to quickly recover my cultivation and participate in this immortal meeting."

After hearing Zhang Qingshan's answer, Ye Han understood. When he was wandering around Qixuan Peak just now, he heard them always talking about the Immortal Meeting. They always talked about the selection of Foundation Establishment Pills...

It turns out that this Immortal Association is the same place as the Dark Forbidden Land.

But when he heard this, he frowned and said to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang, the Dark Forbidden Land must be dangerous, right? Your injuries are so serious, and you are missing an arm. If you go there, will there be serious dangers?" Is it dangerous? Do you want to consider not participating?”

After a pause in his voice, he said with a smile: "Senior Brother Zhang, didn't you tell me? Isn't the winner the only one who is alive is the cultivator?"

Zhang Qingshan listened to Ye Han's words, grinned and said: "It's not that you can't do many things if they are not dangerous. You have to know that if I miss this time, I will have to wait for another five years. I may not be able to do it in five years." With the current cultivation level, and if the bottleneck of one cultivation level is too long, it will be more difficult to break through, and the effect of the Foundation Establishment Pill will become worse and worse. "

Then he said with a look of helplessness: "And if I don't break through to the foundation building stage in five years, I won't be able to stay on the mountain to practice. I will have to work as a resident steward in various places."

After a pause in his voice, he continued: "Although living is victory, that kind of living cannot be just living! You have to know that even if we cultivators are meditating in the cave, we may go crazy and explode and die."

"Because cultivating immortals is something that goes against heaven and violates the laws of heaven and earth, and will be punished by heaven."

Ye Han listened to Zhang Qingshan's words, and he also knew that there were many meanings to living, and there were many meanings to becoming an immortal cultivator. He could not simply look at the problem from one side.

But Ye Han suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way! Senior Brother Zhang, there is something I want to tell you! I met Zhang Sanlei and the three of them again."

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan's face darkened and he said: "Are you talking about Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai? Are they causing trouble for you? Or what? Don't worry, they won't dare to bully you with me here. !”

Ye Han listened and immediately explained: "That's it, just before, I met the three of them on the mountain just now, and they wanted to take me to kill the monster...!"

Before Ye Han could finish speaking, Zhang Qingshan immediately said: "Don't go! With your level of cultivation, wouldn't you be willing to die by killing monsters? I think the three of them want to do something to you."

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately told him exactly what Zhang Sanlei and the other three had told him, to kill the monster and use him as bait.

Zhang Qingshan frowned and said, "Using you as bait? Wouldn't that push you into a pit of fire? These bastards are really going too far."

As if he was remembering something, his eyes showed a hint of anger, and he said with anger: "It's not enough to deal with me, why should I deal with you?"

Listening to Zhang Qingshan's tone, Ye Han seemed a little wrong, but he still said: "Don't worry! Senior brother! I promised them, but they don't know where I really live. As long as I hide in the cave to practice, they You can’t find me.”

Zhang Qingshan nodded and said, "That's good! They don't recognize you... Actually! I also suspect them of one thing!"

He was silent for a while, his face became serious and he said, "My mission this time was originally a very secret matter. Someone leaked my whereabouts and those cultivators with ulterior motives discovered it. When I completed the mission, they besieged me... I have always had a grudge with Zhang Sanlei and others... I suspect that this matter may be done by them."

After hearing Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han immediately said, "Brother Zhang! Do you mean that you ended up like this because they secretly betrayed your information and harmed you?"

Damn it, they are all disciples of the same sect, but they still want to harm each other. Can't they get along well?

But he thought of that damn Jin Feng, and believed Zhang Qingshan's words. Not all disciples are as friendly as Zhang Qingshan to his fellow disciples.

Zhang Qingshan said with a gloomy face, "If not them, who else?"

Ye Han's eyes moved, and he said mysteriously, "Brother Zhang! Do you think we should trick them?"

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