Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 509 Four-Series Ancient Treasure Array

Thinking like this, Ye Han couldn't help but ask Mr. Lan Qing: "Sir! Why...why did you give up again? Is it because of this gourd?"

I don’t want to ask Mr. Lan Qing why he wanted to take away his body. Isn’t it obvious? Mr. Lan Qing simply fell into a trap. Otherwise, if he could not return to his trapped body, he would have to find someone to take over if he wanted to recover his cultivation and survive.

At the beginning, those who entered Baoshan through the ladder were all Demon King and Golden Core stage, so it was very difficult to get there.

Xue Bing and Xue Xue are women, and Young Master Zhuge is from the Zhuge family. It is not easy to seize her...

Members of these big families have all been dealt soul cards. Once the soul cards are damaged, it means there is something wrong with the soul. They are either taken away or killed. People of this race must be investigated. of.

Life cards are connected to the vitality of the physical body, which is different.

Therefore, Mr. Lan Qing will not take away the body of young Master Zhuge.

If he had no choice, Ye Han knew that if he were Mr. Lan Qing, he would also choose to take him away.

Because he is the best target.

I just wonder why Mr. Lan Qing gave up after speaking out?

Is it because of this jasper gourd?

Mr. Lan Qing replied: "Yes! It's this jade gourd. This is the rebirth gourd. It can help immortal cultivators reshape their bodies. There is also something wrong with my soul. I must swallow the soul of this boy from the Zhuge family. Of course. Come on, you kid, don’t think about things you shouldn’t!”

Having said this, Mr. Lan Qing said in a deep voice: "Let's go! There is nothing to miss here."

Mr. Lan Qing's words made Ye Han feel weird. Although there are such things as the Scripture-Depository Pavilion and the Treasure-Secret Tower on Baoshan, if the Tianji Palace is a trap, maybe the Scripture-Depository Pavilion and the Treasure Tower are also traps...

He suddenly understood why there was a three-faced demon guarding the medicine garden...

Is that guy also a trap?

As soon as the idea came up.


boom! ! ! A thunderous roar that shook the earth came from the direction of the medicine garden in the distance. He felt that the entire mountain peak was shaking at this moment...

Ye Han turned his head and looked around, only to see a terrifying black light pillar rising into the sky. The light pillar was a hundred feet long, bursting out into endless circles of black light explosions, surging in all directions...

In the light explosion, two streaks of blood rose into the sky...

The entire giant mountain peak is constantly shaking...

Ye Han had a look of horror on his face. Could such a terrifying black beam of light be the result of the damn West Three-faced Demon self-destructing?

Tsk! There is indeed a lot of trouble here!

If it was really an attack on the sect and it was not good for so many Tianji soldiers to be sent out to deal with the enemy, why would they be guarding this mountain peak?

And even though they were all evacuated, why didn’t the medicine garden move away and there was still a three-faced demon guarding it?

As Mr. Lan Qing said, it may be a trap to deal with some immortal cultivators...

Why does the pagoda still have treasures? So we need to set up a trap without a little bait?

As for who to deal with? That's unknowable.

Anyway, based on Mr. Lan Qing's tone, he must know something, but now is not the time to hesitate.

So Ye Han said in a deep voice: "Sir, let's withdraw!"

Mr. Lan Qing also said immediately: "Quickly withdraw! Keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood."

Ye Han nodded and looked in the direction of the medicine garden, the black air swirling...

What's going on with that black light beam? He doesn't want to check the situation. It's better to take action now. His biggest purpose of going to the Land of Shangling has already been accomplished...

The essence and blood of the Three-Eyed Suzaku to repair the ancient teleportation array has long been obtained, the task of Thunder Technique has also been completed, and many other tasks have also been completed.

Moreover, I also got so many extra trophies, a harvest that even those in the Golden Core stage and Nascent Soul stage would envy!

With that said, he put away Mr. Lan Qing's jasper... After rebirth, he reached the green bead ring from the gourd and turned around and headed down the mountain...

However, Ye Han flew out dozens of feet, hesitated, and looked in one direction...

That is the direction of another Discipline Hall, because Fairy Qingfeng may have been sent there.

Tsk! Clouds and stones kill people! !

Thinking like this, Ye Han still rushed towards the Discipline Hall.

Sure enough, there is a Discipline Hall here, wrapped by a layer of restrictions. There are many traces of fighting skills around, there is a lot of dried blood, and there are potholes all around...

There is still a lingering aura of monsters. Apparently, the Demon King and the Immortal Cultivator may have fought a battle over this Discipline Hall.

But now the light shield of the Temple of Discipline is looming, and some runes are still vibrating!

Seeing this scene, Ye Han understood that someone should be attacking the light shield of the Discipline Hall inside. Maybe Senior Sister Qingfeng was breaking the ban inside!

It was no longer time to wait, so Ye Han gritted his teeth and patted the storage bag, and four treasures flew out. They were a cloth bag with blue light runes spinning, a Dinglong bracelet with cyan runes spinning, and a red rune spinning The moving true fire gourd is like a hill, and it is full of ancient treasures with earth runes...

These four ancient treasures and the cloth bag treasure are exactly the water-based ancient treasures obtained from the Black Mountain Sect Fairy Lan Feng, the Yin Shui Universe Bag...

The Dinglong Bracelet itself is Ye Han's ancient treasure. Although the True Fire Gourd is not an ancient treasure, it is no less powerful than the ancient treasure. As for the hill treasure, it is one of Ye Han's trophies, the Thick Earth Iron Mountain!

He released four treasures at once for one purpose, which was to display the four-series ancient treasure array!

As Ye Han chanted, he kept pinching his fingers, and the four treasures spun up and spun in the air...

Ye Han's mana continued to surge into the four treasures, and the aura of the four treasures continued to expand. In just one breath, all of Ye Han's mana had dried up...

But Ye Han's consciousness moved, and his mind drove the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the aura surged, and immediately restored his mana...

As Ye Han pinched his fingers and chanted, the aura of the four treasures surged more and more brilliantly! Four terrifying light columns were formed! Spinning together, boundless runes burst out...

Ye Han replenished his mana four times in a row to make this formation successful, which was equivalent to four Ye Hans exerting the power of the treasures at full strength!

"Go!" Ye Han roared, and pointed his finger!

Bang! The four treasures spun around each other, turning into a terrifying spinning ball of light. The aura of the four systems of mana was like a bright sun, bombarding the forbidden light shield...

Bang! ! With a thunderous explosion, the light shield was instantly blasted with endless cracks...

Crack! On the other side of the light shield, a terrifying sword light blasted out, and the light shield restriction was blasted open...

In the exploding storm, three figures appeared there...

Ye Han was shocked: "Why are there three people?"

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