Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 510 Wind Chasing Boat

Ye Han did not expect that three people would come out of the Discipline Hall...

One of the auras was very familiar, it was Fairy Qingfeng!

The other two were not unfamiliar either! They were the subordinates that Young Master Zhuge brought from Dafeng, Xue Bing and Xue Xue!

How did they get here?

And Xue Bing and Xue Xue were also staring at Ye Han vigilantly...

When Fairy Qingfeng saw Ye Han, her eyes showed surprise. Although she did not recognize Ye Han, she knew his red mask treasure.

She immediately shouted, "Junior Brother! You...!"

Ye Han immediately interrupted her and said, "Sister, this is not the time to talk. Let's leave here immediately!"

As he said this, his spiritual consciousness moved and he sent a message to Fairy Qingfeng, "Don't reveal my origins!"

Fairy Qingfeng heard this and her eyes showed a little strangeness. She nodded and replied, "What's the situation now?"

Xue Bing and Xue Xue looked at Ye Han up and down. Suddenly, their eyes showed a little strangeness. They looked at each other without saying anything. They silently took a step back and put away their magic power...

Ye Han waved his hand, and the ancient treasures he had released flew back one after another and returned to the storage bag. He said, "There are too many high-level cultivators on the mountain now. With our cultivation, it is too dangerous to stay here. It is better for us to leave."

Fairy Qingfeng heard this and replied in a deep voice, "Okay! Then we...!"

Before he finished speaking!


With a startling roar, the colorful spiritual light shield in the sky suddenly trembled at this time, and the colorful spiritual light on it continued to shatter, and countless colorful light spots scattered and fell...

The colorful spiritual light pillar on the treasure mountain also began to dissipate at this time...

The entire treasure mountain trembled slightly and began to sink...

Everyone felt that the prohibition of the air ban in this protection range, the prohibition that suppressed the release of spiritual consciousness, had weakened a lot...

Xue Bing shouted in surprise: "What's going on?"

Xue Xue followed and said: "The prohibition disappeared!"

Ye Han's face changed, and he said: "Senior sister! Let's go!" Then he bowed to Xue Bing and Xue Xue and said: "Goodbye!"

According to what he discussed with Mr. Lan Qing, the prohibition outside the treasure mountain must have been broken by other cultivators who came and were besieged by them. I don't know how many cultivators above the Jindan stage are among them.

If they come on a large scale, there will definitely be another bloody battle to kill people and grab treasures!

Now is the time to escape from this treasure mountain, and we can't stay here.

Of course, he didn't want to take Xue Bing and Xue Xue with him. These two women were from the Zhuge family and it would be very troublesome to take them with him.

Of course, he didn't want to fight with them here. It was obvious that they were practicing the combined attack method and their cultivation was in the middle stage of the foundation building period. Once they started fighting, he would not be able to kill them instantly without using the magic treasures that he had kept in the bottom of the box.

Fairy Qingfeng also said to them: "You two, we will meet again if we are lucky. Goodbye."

Ye Han had just whispered to her, asking her not to reveal his identity, otherwise Ye Han would definitely have some concerns.

Xue Bing and Xue Xue stared at Ye Han with cold eyes: "Wait a minute! Fellow Taoist! Shouldn't you explain why our young master's space ring and the wind-chasing boat are here with you?"

As they spoke, they suddenly separated and blocked Ye Han's figure from front to back, bursting out a cold spiritual light of magic power, pointed their fingers, and released four long sword treasures respectively, which flew out, spun in the air, and surrounded Ye Han and Fairy Qingfeng.

Ye Han's eyes moved, and he said coldly: "I don't need to explain anything to you! The wind-chasing boat was my accidental acquisition!"

I didn't expect that Xue Bing and Xue Xue would recognize the blue bead ring of Young Master Zhuge, and they also knew that the flying boat was inside? This is a bit troublesome.

Now it seems that the only way is to kill these two Xue Bing and Xue Xue who are in the way.

On the other hand, Fairy Qingfeng said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, don't do it, talk it over! What's going on?"

Xue Bing and Xue Xue looked at each other with a hint of surprise. Xue Xue said: "Daoyou misunderstood, I just want to know how the owner of this space ring is doing?"

Xue Bing also said: "Yes! We are not...!"

Ye Han immediately noticed the surprise in their tone and interrupted her: "He is dead! Killed by the demon king, and I got his ring, it's that simple!"

The surprise in Xue Bing and Xue Xue's eyes did not escape Ye Han's eyes.

Could it be that these two people don't care about the life and death of Young Master Zhuge, but have other purposes?

So Ye Han said it without hesitation. He did not say that Young Master Zhuge died at his hands, but said that he died at the hands of the demon king.

Could it be that the two dared to go to the demon king to settle accounts?

After hearing this, Xue Bing and Xue Xue said in surprise: "He is really dead?! That's great!"

At this time.

Boom! A terrible wave of air exploded on the distant mountain...

A strange rune trembled, flew towards this side, and hovered above Xue Bing and Xue Xue's head...

Xue Bing and Xue Xue's face suddenly changed, and the surprise turned into horror. They said in unison: "No! The damn black snake king is coming!"

The two immediately shouted to Ye Han: "The black snake king is coming! Let's run!"

Ye Han and Fairy Qingfeng's face changed. The black snake king is a fifth-level demon beast. The four of them may not be the opponent together...

Ye Han's face moved. The restriction in the sky disappeared, so the restriction on the sky also disappeared, right?

He released the flying sword and flew up into the sky. Sure enough, the forbidden air ban had disappeared.

Seeing this, Fairy Qingfeng, Xue Bing and Xue Xue also quickly released their flying treasures and flew up into the sky...

Ye Han immediately shouted: "Let's go north!"

As he said that, he flew north with the flying sword...

Mr. Lan Qing had told him to escape to the north. Fairy Qingfeng also flew up. Xue Bing and Xue Xue looked at each other and actually followed and flew away...

Ye Han looked back and saw a large area of ​​escaping light appearing in the distant sky of Baoshan, flying towards Baoshan. The speed was so fast that it was definitely not the speed of a foundation-building cultivator...

Sure enough, as he thought, many cultivators had heard the news and came here, breaking through the forbidden light shield of Baoshan and coming to Baoshan to search for treasure...

At this time, he saw the Tianji Hall on Baoshan.

He thought it was a palace, but it turned out to be a huge city-like palace, extremely complex and magnificent, it was completely a city, and there was no telling how many forbidden traps there were!

At this moment.

A terrible roar came from the mountain: "Don't even think about escaping!!"

Then the black snake king, wrapped in a circle of demonic energy, rushed out from a forest on the treasure mountain and chased after the four people...

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