Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 52: New Secret of Ziding

"Vine Soul Technique."

With Ye Han's angry shout, he pointed his finger at a corner in the room...


A piece of rune trembled, a flash of light appeared, and dots of green light formed a green vine in the air. The vine seemed to come alive and rolled up a stone bench.

It actually lifted the stone bench up.

Ye Han showed a trace of joy and felt weak.

After Zhang Qingshan's teaching and guidance, he finally found the trick to perform the Vine Soul Technique.

I finally learned the Vine Soul Technique.

But my cultivation was too poor, and my mana was still far from enough. I only performed it once, and I didn't have the mana to continue. If I had enough mana to control it, the power of this vine would be greatly increased.

Right now, this vine lasts less than a breath. What's the use of this person?

You know, he used it before because he didn't use enough mana, so every time it didn't take shape, it disappeared when it exerted its power.

After seeing the result of his failed casting, Zhang Qingshan suggested that he should use up all his mana every time he cast this spell.

Failure before it takes shape may be because he did not use enough mana, and after the casting succeeded, he immediately withdrew the mana, resulting in the vines not having mana to support them, which led to failure, because the vines need mana to maintain their power.

If there is not enough mana, it is impossible to maintain this power.

Therefore, every time Ye Han casts the vine soul technique, he starts to drive the mana in his body to cast it with all his strength.

He had already mastered many techniques and finally successfully cast this vine soul technique.

But his mana could not continue, after all, his cultivation was only the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and he was able to cast it because his foundation was very good and his mana was very full.

Just when Ye Han was about to give up maintaining this vine soul technique...

He felt a warmth coming from his arms, and in an instant, his mana was completely restored in an instant.

Feeling this situation, Ye Han's face lit up, what was going on? Every time he used up all his mana, he had to sit in meditation for a long time to recover his mana if he wanted to use it again.

But in his cave, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was relatively abundant. If he was outside, he didn't know how long it would take.

So Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that it was best to use the Soul Teng Technique when he was in the late stage of Qi Refining...

It was already very good to be able to learn it now.

However, his mana suddenly recovered completely in an instant.

This sudden situation made him react a little too late.

What was even more amazing was.

His mana suddenly recovered completely, and the vine that was about to collapse also gained mana at this moment, suddenly becoming solidified, and suddenly tightened. Ye Han moved his mind, and suddenly felt as if he was connected to the vine, and the vine became his arm, which could be controlled freely.

Left! !

He moved his mind, and the vine wrapped around the heavy stone bench and whistled to the left.

Bang! ! !

With a violent muffled sound, the walls of the room shook.

Ye Han was shocked, and the vine controlled by the magic power instantly lost control, turned into a little spiritual light and dissipated.

He looked at the wall in surprise. Wouldn't such a big stone break it?

However, there was no trace on it. It seemed that the wall of the immortal cultivator's cave was also specially refined.

No wonder Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that ordinary cultivators could not break this cave by force. It turned out that the defense of this cave was so strong.

Fortunately, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was not in the cave, otherwise he would be scared.

Because tomorrow he will go with Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai to kill monsters.

He and Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan had discussed that Zhang Qingshan went out to perform the mission this time, and his whereabouts were leaked by someone, and he was besieged by people, so he was seriously injured.

Originally, he only suspected the three of them.

However, Wang Fulai let it slip when he was shouting in Ye Han's cave, which made Zhang Qingshan, an honest man, unable to hold back his anger.

Although Zhang Qingshan is very open-minded, it does not mean that he is not angry, because someone fell into his whereabouts, and when he finally completed the task and his mana was insufficient, he was besieged by those damn enemies.

If it were not for his strong body refining skills, he would have killed three or four people on the other side and paid the price of his arm, and barely came back alive.

Otherwise, his life would have ended here.

Even so, he broke an arm and was seriously injured. If he practiced in the future, it might be greatly affected. How could he not hate those damn guys?

You must know that Zhang Qingshan is a very tough person, and his heart to the Tao is as solid as a rock.

Because of the revenge of these people, his road to the Tao and cultivation is full of uncertainty and his future is bleak.

So after hearing Wang Fulai's shouting, Zhang Qingshan could no longer hold back his anger. He originally didn't intend to pursue the matter. After all, he had no evidence and it was just a guess. He didn't want to use guesses to decide the other party's hatred...

The other party finally said it, so how could Zhang Qingshan hold back?

So he asked Ye Han about his plan on how to deal with those people.

After listening to Ye Han's plan, Zhang Qingshan felt that this plan was very constructive, bold, and had the possibility of success.

The most important thing is that even if it fails, it will not have a big impact on them.

It was difficult to guarantee Ye Han's safety, so Zhang Qingshan went out to help Ye Han find some defensive treasures...

Ye Han stayed in the cave to practice the Vine Soul Technique, hoping that he could make a breakthrough today.

As a result, he really learned this Vine Soul Technique.

Moreover, he also discovered a huge secret.

The secret of the purple tripod!

He took out the purple tripod from his arms!

Not bad!

When he performed the Vine Soul Technique just now, his mana had been exhausted. When his mana was exhausted, the purple tripod suddenly emitted a breath, and it instantly filled up his consumed mana.

He looked at the purple tripod and found that the purple tripod was exposed a little bit of purple from the half-gray stone, and now the purple part has increased a lot.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han understood that this purple tripod is really not an ordinary thing. In addition to absorbing the power of the elixir, it can also be transformed into cultivation. In addition to absorbing it, it can also replenish his mana.

Imagine if you are fighting with others and their mana is not enough, you suddenly recover all your mana.

Wouldn't that mean that he would be able to have an absolute advantage in the future battles with others?

This purple tripod is really not an ordinary treasure.

Ye Han was getting more and more excited, holding the purple tripod tightly in his hand. With this treasure, he would be more confident in dealing with the monsters with the three guys tomorrow!

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