Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 53 Black Demon Forest

Black Demon Forest.

The forest is very lush, and there are few human traces. From time to time, the roars of wild beasts can be heard...

The trees here are so tall that they block out the sun, and you can barely see the sky. Even the weeds are taller than a person.

Swish, swish, swish...

There was a sound of clothes fluttering.

Only four figures were seen, leaping forward among the trees.

Ye Han followed Zhang Sanlei, looking around with curiosity.

The purple tripod was placed in his arms. Originally, he had no intention of taking it out. After all, this treasure was so magical and he didn't have a storage bag to hide it.

But last night, he unexpectedly discovered another magical function of the purple tripod, which is that it can consume mana consumed by monks.

As for how much it can replenish, he judged that it should be based on the amount of mana reserves absorbed by Ziding from the elixirs or other means.

The last time Ziding absorbed five extremely high-grade Qi Refining Pills given to him by Fairy Qingfeng.

After letting him meditate and practice for several months, his cultivation reached the middle stage of Qi refining period...

The reserves inside have not been fully absorbed.

If he had time, he could continue to practice, but Zhang Sanlei and the other three pestered him so much, and they also targeted Zhang Qingshan.

The two of them work together to find a way to deal with these three guys and make them suffer a big loss.

Therefore, Ye Han and Zhang Sanlei came out anyway.

These three guys have higher cultivation than Ye Han. Aren't they easy enough to deal with Ye Han?

Little did they know that Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan still had to deal with them.

Of course, without Zhang Qingshan's help, Ye Han wouldn't have come out at all.

It's not like he thought his life was long enough to provoke such a monk.

In addition to the purple tripod, Ye Han also had a talisman used by immortal cultivators, the diamond talisman, in his arms!

At that time, Zhang Qingshan went out to find a protective treasure for him. This diamond talisman was used by Ye Han to save his life...

Early in the morning, Zhang Sanlei and the others went to the door of Ye Han's cave to call him.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Sanlei and the others also gave Ye Han an amulet in a pretentious manner.

Diamond talismans and amulets are both talisman treasures refined by monks.

According to Brother Zhang Qingshan, the talismans made by the monks' talisman masters store spells in the talisman through a special arrangement of characters. As long as you modify your thoughts, you can drive the talisman and release the spells with one movement. .

It is one of the most useful treasures for low-level immortal cultivators. After all, the weak can defeat the strong by using less mana to drive and more powerful spells.

However, according to the functions of the spells stored in the talisman, they are also divided into levels.

The talisman amulet Zhang Sanlei and the others gave Ye Han was the lowest-grade talisman, with only two spiritual stones per piece, and its defensive power was quite limited.

The diamond talisman that senior brother Zhang Qingshan gave to Ye Han was different. It was a second-grade talisman with astonishing defensive power. According to senior brother Zhang Qingshan, a monk in the late Qi refining stage could withstand several blows with all his strength.

Of course, the value is different. This diamond talisman can only be exchanged for thirty spiritual stones.

As for Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan's previous situation, where did he get so many spiritual stones to buy this diamond talisman?

He must have pawned his own magic weapon before he could get this diamond talisman.

One can imagine the attitude of both parties towards Ye Han. Zhang Qingshan spent so much money to ensure Ye Han's safety.

Zhang Sanlei and the other three were just given a talisman to make things perfunctory.

This thing can only increase Ye Han's defense by one-third. Even if he is hit by a monk in the late Qi refining stage, he cannot withstand it.

This compares favorably.

The four of them ran wildly all the way. If Ye Han was not fast enough and could barely keep up, their speed would be even faster.

Zhang Sanlei led the way, and Ye Han was protected by them in the middle. It was called protection, but it seemed to have a sense of surveillance.

However, as the four people continued to fly forward, the woods became more and more lush, and the air was filled with a trace of black aura.

This kind of aura cannot be seen with the naked eye, but can be felt through the sense of the immortal cultivator when the eyes are filled with mana.

Just like when Ye Han was practicing, although he said he felt the aura of heaven and earth before, the aura of heaven and earth he felt was invisible and colorless.

But as his cultivation level improved, his five senses became stronger and stronger, and he had initially acquired the spiritual consciousness possessed by immortal cultivators. Although it was extremely weak, he could clearly feel the color changes in the five elements' aura.

And he had never seen this kind of black aura.

After running for a while, Ye Han couldn't help but ask Zhang Sanlei in front of him: "Senior Brother Zhang! Why do I feel that there is a special spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air? It seems that this spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a bit evil...!"

After hearing this, Zhang Sanlei looked at Ye Han in surprise and said, "Huh? You can actually feel this evil energy? It seems that your spiritual consciousness is good! It seems that you may be born with strong spiritual consciousness!"

Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai, who were following behind, also looked at Ye Han in surprise. For a monk like this who is born with powerful spiritual consciousness, that is also one of his talents!

I didn't expect Ye Han to have this talent.

However, they also remembered that the last time they saw Ye Han, he was still a mortal, but now he was in the middle of his Qi training period. This was not the talent of an ordinary monk.

This was only a short period of four or five months.

But so what if the talent is good? He is not yet a low-level monk, so he cannot be allowed to grow up.

Otherwise, there will be trouble in the future, but there are a few of them.

Such geniuses must be nipped in the cradle, and they have big backers behind them, so what are they afraid of?

Zhang Sanlei also explained hypocritically: "It's actually very simple! The evil energy contained in these auras of heaven and earth is the evil energy that monsters prefer. If we monks practice in such a place, this evil energy will affect us. Heaven and earth The absorption of spiritual energy, if practiced in such a place for a long time, will affect our state of mind, leading to obsession, even demonization, and various negative consequences. "

Li Zongqing from behind also followed up and said: "In short, practicing in a place like this is not good for us, but for monsters, this is their paradise. They are like a fish in water in a place like this, and their cultivation speed is extremely fast. Yes, this is a good place for us to hunt monsters.”

Wang Fulai also said: "Junior brother, if you want to follow us from now on, if you want to complete any sect tasks or kill any monsters, just come with us directly."

After hearing this, Ye Han said happily: "Then I am really grateful to the three senior brothers. Without you...!"

He didn't finish his words.

boom! ! There was a muffled explosion, the ground cracked and exploded, and a terrifying strange hand was grabbed from a big tree and grabbed towards the four of them...

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