Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 57 Claw Beast

In a very quiet and desolate valley, the valley is full of huge stones, many of which have been weathered.

This valley is also a very secretive existence in the Black Demon Forest.

There are white bones around the valley, most of which are the skeletons of wild beasts or monsters, but there are still some human skeletons mixed in...


A faint sound of footsteps.

A slender boy who looks fifteen or sixteen years old, with a pale face and a serious and nervous face.

This boy is Ye Han.

He was brought to this valley by Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, and Wang Fulai...

This is a very secret place in the Black Demon Forest. They passed through several forests and encountered many powerful beasts on the way. Fortunately, they encountered a monster.

They came to the valley where the claw beast was relatively safely.

Now he came to this valley alone because he was forced to come to this valley by the three people to use himself to lure out the damn claw beast.

According to Zhang Sanlei, monsters like to eat people, and they like to eat monks more.

Because the cultivators are already full of refined mana, and their physiques are different from those of ordinary people.

For monsters, eating humans is not only delicious, but also can improve their cultivation. Of course, it is the best tonic...

In fact, it is similar for cultivators. Monsters live in places with abundant spiritual energy, and they eat a lot of natural treasures. Their whole bodies are treasures.

The skin can be used to refine defensive treasures and talisman paper. The essence and blood can be used for cultivation, can also be used to draw talismans, and even as medicine for alchemy. Bones, blood and flesh are all good things...

However, the most precious thing is the demon crystals or demon pills produced in their bodies...

These are all good things for refining treasures or cultivation.

It can be said that cultivators and monsters are natural enemies. You wish I die, and I wish you die. The other party is a great tonic for me.

So generally, the encounters between monsters or cultivators are a life-and-death battle.

They all want to eat each other, or hunt each other and turn it into their own cultivation resources...

To put it bluntly, the relationship between humans and monsters is that you eat me and I eat you.

To put it in a more elegant way, it is the survival of the fittest.

In fact, the relationship between cultivators is similar, killing people for treasures, fighting to the death for cultivation resources.

Often, the competition between cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation is more cruel than the competition between species.

The world of immortal cultivators is full of infinite possibilities and opportunities, but at the same time it is a world of cannibalism.

As for Ye Han now, if it were not for his low cultivation, he would not be a match for Zhang Sanlei and the other two.

And even if he is stronger than Zhang Sanlei and the other three, there is still the damn Fifth Elder behind them.

That is a Jindan-stage cultivator.

If not, Ye Han would not be brought out by the three of them as bait to lure that sharp claw beast.

After all, how could he be a match for the monster with his cultivation? He had to be a bait, which was not ordinary.

It was precisely because his cultivation was far inferior to the three that he had to compromise.

However, Ye Han also had his own ideas. If he practiced in the sect honestly, he would not have much chance at all. He would only do tasks for the sect, hunt monsters, and work hard like Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, and only then he got a little pitiful practice resources, which were not enough for himself.

And he, Ye Han, first relied on a Qingxuan Order to get the status of an inner disciple from Qingxuan Sect, and also exchanged a foundation-building pill for a cave, which gave him a safe place to practice.

Second, he was lucky enough to meet the more honest Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, and used Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan to guide his practice, and he exchanged it for the cave.

Third, the five top-grade Qi-refining pills given to him by Fairy Qingfeng.

Even for Ye Han, he cheated Jinfeng's two spirit stones with clever words, and he didn't know what normal means he used to get them.

Not to mention the role of the magical purple tripod for him.

You know, if there is no such series of plans, Ye Han would be like Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, who would honestly practice in the sect, not plan these things, but eat honestly, meditate and practice...

His current cultivation must still be hovering around the Qi Refining Stage, and it is even more impossible to become the fourth level of the middle Qi Refining Stage.

Ye Han has been in Qixuan Peak for so long, through the words of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, Zhang Sanlei and others.

In fact, he has gradually understood the underlying rules of the world of cultivation.

The cultivation of immortals is originally against the will of heaven, competing for cultivation resources, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, the strong is respected, the strong is stronger, and the winner is the kingly way to survive.

This is very cruel, this is the truth of the world of cultivation.

So Ye Han agreed with Zhang Qingshan to deal with Zhang Sanlei and others. These three guys are not top disciples among the inner disciples of Qixuan Peak.

But the three of them worked together to hunt down the monsters and complete the mission, and they had a master in the foundation-building stage behind them to guide them...

So the three of them were relatively wealthy among the inner disciples of the Seven Profound Peaks!

They actually colluded with outsiders to deal with Zhang Qingshan, and they also wanted to deal with him, Ye Han. As far as he knew, the three of them spread the news of his true identity in the sect, which was the cave mansion he exchanged for the Qingxuan Order.

Ye Han would not let these three guys go easily, but he was not able to deal with them before.

After Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan came back, he wanted to persuade Zhang Qingshan to let him fight with them, but Zhang Qingshan refused.

It was not until Wang Fulai let slip that they colluded with the cultivators outside and leaked Zhang Qingshan's whereabouts.

Zhang Qingshan, who had always been honest, got angry and made this plan with Ye Han to deal with the three of them.

Ye Han took a deep breath and didn't let these messy thoughts disturb his mind.

Zhang Sanlei and the other two asked him to come to this valley and let him lead out the clawed beast.

It was an extremely dangerous thing in itself.

But Ye Han was not a timid person, he walked carefully in the valley.

He found that the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here was particularly abundant, and it also contained a bloody smell. This breath almost made him nauseous. It seemed that there must be a powerful monster here.

He carefully touched the valley, surrounded by bones.

After walking forward for about a hundred feet, I saw a sunken cave in the valley. The surface of the cave was smooth...

There was a smell of blood coming out of it.

Ye Han suppressed the fear in his heart and tightly grasped the Vajra Talisman in his hand. This was his only life-saving treasure, so of course he had to keep it at all times...

At this moment.


A piercing roar of a monster came from the cave.

Then a huge monster rushed out from it! !

Ye Han looked at the monster and his scalp numbed: "Is this the clawed beast?"

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