Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 58 Definitely a Level 2 Monster

The huge monster rushed out of the cave, which was as tall as two people, covered in blood, with red and black scales, a head full of sharp teeth, and a pair of extremely deep eyes.

Two huge arms drooped on the broad shoulders, and the arms reached directly to the knees. The elbows and shoulders were all sharp horns, a slender tail, extremely powerful feet, and the whole body was full of bulging muscles...

The deep eyes of the clawed beast looked around, and the nostrils twitched, as if smelling the surrounding smell...

The terrifying shape and size alone were enough to make people feel scared.

Ye Han hurriedly hid behind a big rock. The damn Zhang Sanlei said that this guy was only half a level higher than the long-armed monkey monster! Just the size alone was more than three times larger than the long-armed monkey.

How the hell is this possible?

The terrifying aura emitted alone made Ye Han feel terrified, and he felt that fighting this guy would only lead to death.

Roar! !

The sharp claw beast suddenly let out an astonishing roar, and looked towards Ye Han, swinging its huge body and rushing towards Ye Han.

Not good!

How could Ye Han dare to stay here! With a move, he rushed to the side at a very fast speed...

His body had just left the big rock.


A terrifying hurricane roared, and the sharp claw beast had already rushed to the side of the big rock, swung its huge claws, and directly grabbed the big rock into pieces with one claw...

The fragments of rocks flew everywhere.

Ye Han rolled on the ground and hid behind another big rock. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated and he couldn't control it at all!

Damn! How can this be a first-level monster?

This guy is definitely a monster above the second level. Such a terrifying attack power and such a terrifying speed are definitely not comparable to ordinary monsters.

Ye Han opened his mouth without hesitation and let out a long roar!

Then his body quickly ran forward.

The Claw Beast saw Ye Han. This little guy gave off an alluring smell, his eyes were full of excitement, and he moved his body, rushing towards Ye Han at an amazing speed.

Deep pits were trampled out of the ground, and a storm was created. After a few flashes, it actually rushed to Ye Han's back, and slapped Ye Han fiercely with two huge claws.

"Vajra Talisman!"

Ye Han had prepared the Vajra Talisman a long time ago, and with a thought, he immediately activated the Vajra Talisman...


The Vajra Talisman surged with amazing golden runes, and instantly formed a Vajra light shield, covering Ye Han's figure.

The two huge claws of the Claw Beast heavily slapped Ye Han's golden light shield...

Bang! ! ! !

With a deafening and terrifying explosion, the Claw Beast's bombardment on the light shield instantly sank, and the entire golden light shield dimmed and shook twistedly...

Ye Han's figure was blown away together with the golden light shield.

The whole body hit a big rock like a cannonball, and the big rock exploded in pieces.

Fortunately, the golden light shield was able to maintain, but the golden light on it was dim, and the runes were constantly twisting and surging.

This damn sharp claw beast almost shattered the diamond light shield with such a blow.

It was really terrifying.

This is definitely not a half-level monster of the tall long-armed monkey.

It is definitely a second-level monster!

And it is not an ordinary second-level monster.

He is a little worried now, will the damn Zhang Sanlei and the other two come to save him?

This diamond light shield seems to be able to only withstand the last blow.

Ye Han felt the blood surging, and the magic power under his feet filled up. His body suddenly jumped up and fled forward at a high speed.

Roar! !

Seeing that he could not kill Ye Han with one blow, the sharp claw beast let out a shocking and suffocating roar, and his body suddenly moved, and chased Ye Han as fast as the wind.

His speed was extremely amazing. Wherever he passed, sand and rocks flew and smoke billowed...

Although Ye Han's step was three or four feet, he was still far behind this claw beast.

Seeing that the claw beast was getting closer and closer, Ye Han raised his foot and kicked back.

Puff! !

A large piece of sand and stones shook towards the face of the claw beast.

Instantly, the claw beast roared and swept over with its big claws!


The sand and stones were swept away directly.

Ye Han took the opportunity to run more than ten feet away and distanced himself from the claw beast.

But the claw beast suddenly showed a fierce light in its eyes, and suddenly roared, and the gray flames of its claws suddenly spun and gathered, forming a terrifying pressure...

Then, it fiercely blasted its claws at Ye Han's back!

Huff! !

After the reversal, the claws swung out fiercely, and the claws actually blasted out gray scratches, whistling towards Ye Han's back...

The speed was so fast that it was simply horrifying.

Ye Han never expected this.

Bang! ! ! !

With an extremely violent roar, the diamond shield on Ye Han's back burst instantly, turning into a little golden light, shattering and exploding.

His figure was also blasted away for more than ten feet, and hit a big rock hard...

Puff! !

Ye Han opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, only to feel the whole back burning, the blood churning, as if the whole person was about to fall apart.

This damn sharp claw beast is too terrifying!

Ye Han turned over and endured the pain to continue to escape!

Fortunately, he had practiced the blood refining technique for a level, so that his physical defense was not weak...

The sharp claw beast saw that Ye Han could still run, and his eyes showed a hint of teasing. He roared and chased after Ye Han.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry. He took big steps and rushed over quickly. His huge body leaped several times and chased after Ye Han at an amazing speed.

Ye Han's face showed reluctance. He finally became a cultivator and had a way out that others couldn't have. He finally had this cultivation. He didn't want to be a poor boy in Qingniu Village and be slaughtered by others...

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die! ! !

Ye Han was full of reluctance in his heart. Suddenly, his hands quickly pinched the seal and chanted a spell! He stopped suddenly and stared at the sharp claw beast that was rushing over...

"Vine Soul Technique!"

Ye Han suddenly pointed at the claw beast's feet and roared.

Buzz! ! !

Circles of green runes whizzed out from under the claw beast, and several thick vines immediately tied up the claw beast's feet...

The claw beast did not expect this, this seemingly weak monk with little resistance, could actually resist him...

When he flew up, his feet were suddenly tied up by two thick vines.

The huge body was smashed!

Bang! ! The claw beast fell to the ground in a somewhat embarrassed manner, and a big hole was smashed out of the ground...

Ye Han took the opportunity to run forward, and his exhausted mana was instantly replenished by the purple tripod...

Of course, he knew that he was no match for this guy, and now he could only pray that the damn Zhang Sanlei and the others would not lie to him and attack!

Damn! Where are they?

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