Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 579 Beili Wubian Mountain

Ye Han slapped the storage bag, and something flew out of it. It was a crystal clear bottle with a golden liquid swirling inside...

Seeing this thing, Ye Han felt the excitement of Zi Ding, and an amazing golden aura surged out of it.

Ye Han couldn't help but be surprised: "Great! Gengjin Spiritual Liquid!"

Yes, from the storage bag of this Blood Light Ancestor, Ye Han found that this guy actually had half a small bottle of Gengjin Spiritual Liquid, which was the main purpose of his going to Beili Wubian Mountain...

But he didn't expect that he would get this small half bottle from the Blood Light Ancestor who was killed halfway before he arrived at Beili Wubian Mountain.

He felt the trembling of Zi Ding, and his mind moved, and his consciousness drove Zi Ding...

The Zi Ding swirled a trace of purple light runes, forming a small black hole vortex in front of Ye Han...

Then, he pointed his finger, and the small bottle of golden Gengjin Spiritual Liquid flew out and was actively sucked into the black hole vortex.

As the black hole vortex sucked in the Gengjin Spiritual Liquid, a purple-gold rune appeared inside the purple cauldron.

Just as Ye Han thought, when the purple cauldron had a little Gengjin Spiritual Liquid, it began to tremble slightly on the lid of the cauldron, and a little golden sapling began to grow out...

Sure enough, it was a gold-type spiritual root seed. Ye Han showed joy at the corner of his mouth, but the golden sapling on the purple cauldron only grew two small buds and stopped growing...

It seems that if you want the golden sapling to grow gold spiritual root fruits, you can't do it without enough Gengjin Spiritual Liquid.

However, it should be that the purple cauldron absorbed the purple cauldron phantom on the Blood Light Ancestor, and the purple cauldron was strengthened a lot. The amount of Gengjin Spiritual Liquid needed should be much less than Ye Han estimated...

Of course, the saplings are not mature and the fruits fall, and even a little bit is not enough.

After putting away the small bottle, Ye Han took a look and found that the Blood Light Ancestor really had a thunder-type skill, called the Heavenly Thunder God Skill.

He took a casual look. This Heavenly Thunder Divine Art and his Thunder Art are both at the same level, but the several magical powers contained in it are very powerful and can complement the Thunder Art...

After Ye Han sorted out the storage bag of the Blood Light Ancestor, there are really a lot of good things. This also confirmed the rumor that Ye Han had inquired about. The Blood Light Ancestor did appear in the opportunity place of Qing Country and obtained a lot of opportunities. Otherwise, how could this guy be so powerful...

If the Blood Light Ancestor is given enough time to practice, this guy is already in the Jindan stage, and he will definitely advance to the Jindan stage cultivator faster than him...

Of course, it is also this guy's bad luck to meet Ye Han.

On the contrary, although Ye Han's confrontation with the residual soul of the Blood Light Ancestor left in the purple tripod phantom was very dangerous, it was not completely without benefits. After this confrontation, his spiritual consciousness has improved a lot, especially the Qingxin Gong has just advanced and taken a big step forward...

With Ye Han's current spiritual consciousness, it can be said that he is close to the Jindan stage cultivator...

This will make it much safer for him to travel on the North Luzhou Continent. With a strong spiritual consciousness, he can be more vigilant and control the power of spiritual tools and ancient treasures.

Ye Han did not stop. If the news that he killed the Blood Light Ancestor spread out, the Blood Cloud Sect would not let him go. After all, this is a matter of the sect's face...

And the Qing Kingdom is full of fights between the cultivators of those sects. If it weren't for the purple tripod's induction, Ye Han would not have taken action and would have gone to Beili Wubian Mountain long ago.

He packed up and rushed all the way to Beili. When he encountered a fight between immortal cultivators, he stepped aside in advance and tried not to fight...

However, if he encountered the evil disciples of the Blood Cloud Sect or the Yinsha Sect, he would kill them if he could...

Ye Han did not flaunt his chivalry, but killing these people was not a burden for him.

In a continuous forest.

Ye Han ran silently in the woods.

It only took one day to cross Qingguo at full speed, but it took four days to cross the entire Qingguo by running on the ground.

After this forest, it was Beili.

According to Ye Han's understanding, Beili was a bit similar to Shangling in Fengtian Continent. It was also a place with abundant spiritual energy and various powerful monsters...

There was no sect in this place, but the immortal cultivators above the foundation-building stage liked to come here to hunt for treasures and kill monsters.

However, the difference is that the terrain structure of Beili is less forested, and the area is several times larger than that of Shangling. Moreover, there is a demon king who has established a demon tribe in Beili.

They call themselves the demon tribe. The general intelligence of the tribe members is higher than that of the demon beasts, and even the demon beasts with less than the fifth level of cultivation are half human.

The demon tribe also regards Beili as their territory. When human cultivators come here, in addition to facing competition among cultivators, they also have to face the pursuit and attack of the demon tribe...

So if they are not particularly strong foundation-building cultivators, they dare not come to Beili easily.

However, because of the great war between the Qing Kingdom sects, many cultivators fled to Dacheng and also went to Beili.

But many cultivators are also unwilling to go to Beili, because now the demon tribe in Beili is chasing cultivators everywhere, and even set up many ambushes at the border.

So many Qing country cultivators, knowing that the Linghu Mountain Cliff in Dacheng is guarded by the Blood Cloud Sect, are unwilling to leave to the north, because falling into the hands of the demons is more terrible than being killed.

It is said that the demons do not care about the gender of human cultivators...

And Wubian Mountain is thousands of miles away from the southwest in the north. It is said that there was a cave and sect of ancient cultivators in that place. No one knows how they ended up in Wubian Mountain...

The reason why Wubian Mountain is called Wubian Mountain is not because it is really boundless...

It is because the formation formed naturally in Wubian Mountain produces boundless thick fog. This thick fog not only makes it difficult for cultivators to see far, but also naturally suppresses the range of spiritual consciousness observation. Generally, cultivators who enter it are very easy to get lost and can never reach the edge...

That is why it is called Wubian Mountain.

Ye Han ran in the jungle at an amazing speed, his spiritual consciousness vigilantly scanning the surroundings, and moving all the way to Wubian Mountain.

As long as they pass through this forest, they will reach Beili, which is much safer.

However, he heard that because of the great war between the Qing Kingdom sects, many cultivators also went to Beili, and some cultivators even ambushed in this area to kill and rob the cultivators who fled from Qing Kingdom...

Hmm? Ye Han's face suddenly changed, and his body suddenly stopped. His body turned into a green light and went into a big tree.

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