Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 580 Snake Demon

Swish! !

A series of leaves rubbing against each other, a young man rushed out of the forest...

This man had a face as white as jade, looked harmless, of medium build, wearing a white robe, his face full of fear and panic...

Roar! A series of roars and roars of monsters came from a distance, and four monsters with dark green stripes, human-shaped snake heads, eyes on their foreheads, and human-shaped monsters like big frogs chased the young man.

The young man quickly pinched his fingers, and with a click of his fingers, four wooden puppets flew out of his storage bag. The four puppets held swords and knives, slashed out sword lights and knife lights, and killed the four snake monsters...

The four snake monsters opened their mouths and sprayed, grabbing a piece of gray-black demon claws. The four wooden puppets were no match for these four guys, and were smashed into pieces in a few strokes...

The speed of the four snake monsters was not affected at all, and they were divided into four directions and surrounded the young man...

Ga ga ga! The four snake demons let out strange roars, their large pupils emitting evil spirits as they scanned the young man up and down, roaring with great excitement, and rushed towards the young man...

Seeing this scene, the young man's face turned pale, he released two flying knives, his fingers quickly pinched the seal, and his body continuously dodged the siege of the four snake demons.

But the young man's cultivation was only in the initial stage of foundation building. The four snake demons had a strong aura. When they joined forces, the young man was no match at all and was beaten back step by step...

Thinking of the consequences of falling into the hands of these snake demons, the young man gritted his teeth and roared: "I will fight you!"

As he said, he gritted his teeth, slapped his storage bag, and a blood-red pill flew out. Rather than falling into the hands of these terrible demons, it is better to fight to the death, although the chance is also very small...

At this time

Swish, swish, swish, four extremely sharp sword lights suddenly flew out from behind a big tree in the woods...

The sword lights were like flowing light, with an amazing speed, attacking the snake monsters...

However, these snake monsters reacted very quickly, twisting and shaking their bodies one by one, roaring and roaring, avoiding the sword lights...

But, their bodies just dodged the sword lights.

Crash! One by one, the big vine hands broke out of the ground and grabbed at the feet of these snake monsters...

Ah! Dark green demonic energy burst out from the bodies of the snake monsters, and the claws of their feet grabbed out one after another, and most of the vine hands that were grabbed were crushed by the snake monsters.

But, two snake monsters were still caught by the tail.

Buzz! A hot red light whizzed out, and a gourd with red flames appeared above the snake demon. The gourd spun and burst out a hot red rune, and sprayed out a terrible suffocating red flame, which rushed towards the two snake demons...


The two snake demons roared and roared, releasing a black and red rune, which turned into a blood-red light explosion, protecting their entire bodies...

But the flames sprayed out by the gourd were not ordinary hot, and the surrounding trees withered and caught fire in an instant...

The light shields of the two snake demons could not block it, and they were instantly surrounded by flames, making extremely miserable screams...

The other two snake demons were beaten back by the four sword beams.


A dark circular treasure appeared on the head of one of the snake demons, and a shocking storm of suffocation erupted, crushing and impacting the top of the snake demon's head fiercely...

The snake demon opened its mouth and sprayed out a disgusting dark green blood mist, withstanding the bombardment of the ring...

But it couldn't stop the attack of the four sword beams.

Puff puff puff! Three sword beams pierced through the body of the snake demon, and then the circular treasure smashed down, and the snake demon was instantly smashed into a meat pie...

The remaining snake demon saw this, showed a look of horror, shouted, and opened his mouth to spray out a large piece of dark green blood light, surrounding the snake demon's body...

Boom! The snake demon instantly turned into a terrible dark green demonic energy, broke through the air, and flew away in a moment.


Huchi! A figure appeared in front of the snake demon, and his palm trembled instantly, slashing out a series of sharp and boundless golden sword lights, bombarding the snake demon with overwhelming force...

The snake demon screamed in fear, opened his mouth and spit out a blood-red bead, with a terrible blood light, bombarding the person who came...

A piece of sword light collided and shattered, and the bead released by the snake demon was chopped into pieces by the sword light, turning into blood light runes that stained the person who came.

However, the person's figure trembled and disappeared on the spot.

Huchi! A figure appeared behind the snake demon, and the snake demon screamed in fear, and its tail whipped towards the other party fiercely...

However, the other party seemed to have expected it, and grabbed it with his backhand. A golden hand grabbed out and grabbed the tail of the snake demon, and the sword light slashed it...

Puff! The snake demon's head flew up, his eyes full of unwillingness. How could a damned human cultivator resist the physical attack of this monster?

At this moment, the two snake demons burned by the scorching red flames suddenly burst into blood. The two snake demons actually exploded and turned into a beam of light and flew away!


Buzz! A gray light column rushed out from the front of the person.

Bang! Bang! The gray light column hit the fleeing snake demon soul, and the two bloody skulls bit the two snake demon souls and smashed them hard on the ground...

The snake demon soul was bitten by the bloody skull and struggled continuously, and was dragged into a ghost skull treasure mirror...

It was Ye Han who came to the rescue. Although Ye Han did not want to meddle in other people's business, he could not bear to see the human race being besieged and bullied by the snake monsters...

However, more importantly, Ye Han also wanted to try how powerful this legendary monster race was...

Although the cultivation of these four monsters was only at the initial stage of foundation building, they were much stronger than the ordinary human cultivators at the initial stage of foundation building, especially their physical bodies were very strong. You must not be careless when dealing with them...

The young man did not expect that someone would come to the rescue at the critical moment, and the other party's cultivation was so powerful, and the magic treasures were extremely terrifying. In less than five breaths, four monster snake monsters were killed...

So, he immediately bowed to Ye Han and said: "Thank you for your help! Otherwise, I would be in danger!"

Ye Han glanced at him, waved his hand, and summoned the flesh and blood corpses of these snake monsters, and put them into the storage bag...

Although these snake monsters are in human form, they are actually a mutation of blood. Those with human form are actually monsters, but they have entered the transformation stage in advance.

Their bodies and beast crystals are actually the same, both are good things, so they should be collected...

Ye Han collected the bodies of these snake monsters, and then said to the young man: "You're welcome, goodbye."

Seeing Ye Han leaving, Qin Jiuzhen immediately called out: "Daoyou! Are you going to Beili? Can you take me with you?"

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