Ye Han spent a lot of time in the Qingxuanmen Library, reading about various monsters, natural treasures, and strange insects that cultivators often encounter...

In places with abundant spiritual energy, in addition to promoting the growth of monsters, natural treasures, and medicinal materials, there are also many terrifying and strange insects.

These strange insects are very powerful in places with abundant spiritual energy, devouring natural treasures and absorbing spiritual energy.

Some strange insects are even more terrifying than high-level monsters.

Cultivators can only run away when they encounter them.

Ye Han has read a book that records the classification of strange insects, and the book ranks strange insects.

The biographies of cultivators he has read say that the gold-eating insect that can devour the treasures of cultivators is ranked second and is not ordinary scary.

When fighting with Bloodlight Ancestor, what Bloodlight Ancestor used was a strange insect called blood-sucking worm, which ranked in the eighties in the ranking list, but its power was already amazing. It was not afraid of the five elements spells and could absorb the blood and qi of cultivators or monsters...

However, Bloodlight Ancestor used this thing to deal with the Ice Lotus Puppet, which was the wrong place.

The Ice Lotus Puppet is made of refined spiritual weapon-level metal, and has no blood and qi at all...

Wouldn't it be a waste to contaminate the Ice Lotus Puppet?

However, as Bloodlight Ancestor was killed by him, most of the blood-sucking worms were killed by the Ice Lotus Puppet, and the rest escaped...

The reason why Ye Han studied this insect repellent technique was because he also had the eggs of strange insects, which he got from the spoils storage bags of those cultivators in Shangling.

According to the strange insect ranking list that Ye Han had seen, this egg should be the poisonous centipede ranked 27th. The mature appearance is slender and multi-legged, like a centipede, and the poison it emits is very strong.

Before, he put it in a storage bag as if it were a piece of junk. After all, he had not practiced the insect repelling technique, nor had he cultivated the control method, so he ignored it.

Now that he has obtained the insect repelling technique from the Blood Light Ancestor, he can study it carefully. After all, many skills are better than nothing.

Once he has mastered the method of cultivating poisonous centipedes, if he can control the attack of thousands of insect swarms, it will be a great help...

Therefore, Ye Han also plans to spend time to study it carefully.

On the other hand, his spiritual sense has always been alert to the surrounding situation to prevent emergencies...

More than two hours later.

It was completely dark.

Ye Han studied the insect repelling technique and gained some results. When he was alone, he planned to enter his purple tripod space and open a cultivation room for cultivating poisonous centipedes near the medicine garden, and arrange a few puppets in it...

In this way, he can use his spiritual sense to control the puppets in the purple tripod space to cultivate poisonous centipedes without delaying his cultivation...

This is why Ye Han attaches so much importance to the purple tripod space.

He stood up and called to Qin Jiuzhen, "Fellow Daoist Qin, it's time for us to set off."

Qin Jiuzhen opened his eyes. His injuries had stabilized and he was much better. He had recovered about 60% of his cultivation and mana, at least much better than before. It seemed that the elixir Ye Han gave him was not an ordinary healing elixir, but there was still no way to get rid of the secret method of the Yinsha Sect that he was infected with.

Ye Han didn't say much. He took Qin Jiuzhen out of the forest and entered the plain under the cover of night...

Entering the plain, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was not much weaker, but there was a dangerous breath...

On the ground of the plain, you can see some monster skeletons from time to time, and even skeletons larger than a hill.

You can often see inexplicable big holes and mounds on the ground...

It seems that they were left by the burrowing monsters.

Ye Han's consciousness vigilantly swept around. As long as it was not a Jindan stage or monster king level monster, the probability of finding him first and not being found by him was extremely small.

After all, after his Qingxin Gong made a big step forward, his spiritual consciousness also rose with it...

And now the purple cauldron can also absorb the spirit pill, which makes him cultivate his spiritual consciousness much faster. Unfortunately, Ye Han's spirit pills are almost the same as the pills for cultivating spiritual consciousness, and he can only wait until there are enough pills for cultivating spiritual consciousness before practicing.

Moreover, Ye Han felt that, just like cultivating cultivation, his spiritual consciousness should soon reach the bottleneck of his current cultivation, and it would be a waste to waste cultivation resources to blindly improve his spiritual consciousness...

On the other hand, the reason why he studied insect repellent was because his spiritual consciousness was strong enough to allow him to drive enough poisonous centipedes while also controlling puppets, formations, talismans, ancient treasures, and spiritual tools...

This is also the main purpose of Ye Han's cultivation of so many miscellaneous studies...

As Ye Han and Qin Jiuzhen continued to fly towards the distant mountain peaks, the spiritual energy of the world not only did not become thinner, but became more and more intense...

This made Ye Han and Qin Jiuzhen alert. The more abundant the spiritual energy of the world, the greater the probability of the appearance of high-level monsters.

This is basic common sense in the world of immortal cultivation.

The two came to the edge of a huge lake. Ye Han suddenly stopped and waved to Qin Jiuzhen, signaling him to follow him along the lake and go around the lake...

There is a dangerous aura in this lake. Although it is not the aura of the demon king level, once a war breaks out, it will affect the whole body and may attract the attention of demon beasts. What is even more terrifying is the demon clan...

Qin Jiuzhen immediately followed Ye Han. He knew that Ye Han must be in the foundation building stage, but he was definitely not an ordinary foundation building cultivator. The power of his spiritual consciousness alone was not comparable to that of an ordinary foundation building cultivator.

Moreover, Ye Han killed four snake monsters very easily, which was not comparable to that of an ordinary cultivator. Otherwise, he would not have asked Ye Han for help to go to Wubian Mountain.


What you fear will come true.

The two had just run out for dozens of feet.

Crash! The huge lake suddenly shook violently, and two huge black tentacles and shadows swept towards Ye Han and Qin Jiuzhen. Wherever they passed, a storm of water splashed...

Ye Han frowned. He and Qin Jiuzhen had been very careful. How did this guy find them?

He immediately shouted: "Fellow Daoist Qin! Ignore this thing! Let's go!"

While speaking, he pointed his finger, and the Piercing Cloud Boat turned into a spiritual light and flew out, showing the shape of the flying boat in the air...

Then he casually threw two punches, two terrible light explosions, and two fists rushed out, hitting the two black tentacles that swept over...

Bang! Bang! The terrible muffled explosion cracked, and the two black tentacles were shaken away...

A huge black shadow rushed up from the lake, and water splashed continuously, and above the black shadow's head, there was an extremely powerful aura of the demon king.

How could there be a demon king?

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