Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 584 Blue Lake Demon King

This demon king looks completely black, with a pair of lantern-like blue pupils that emit a cold air. However, because he is wrapped in circles of water mist, his specific appearance cannot be seen clearly...

As soon as he appeared, he slapped the monster beneath him.

Woo! The demon beast burst out with a terrifying roar, and its seven tentacles swept up a storm, sweeping towards Ye Hanqin's Nine Formations. Wherever it passed, the air was picked up in circles and vortexes, and the surrounding grass was swept away. The volume flew up...

"Get up!" Ye Han shouted angrily and pushed Qin Jiuzhen onto the Chuanyun Boat...

At the same time, he chanted a mantra, and golden light erupted from his body in an astonishing way. Circles of golden light fists struck out overwhelmingly.

A series of fists exploded out, and countless fist shadows were bombarded in a series, causing the void to vibrate and explode, crushing circles of storms...

A series of terrifying roars exploded, and the fists and the attacking black tentacles continued to clash, and there was a stalemate.

Ye Han's blood training has been infinitely close to the sixth level of cultivation. The speed of the fists bombarded is not very fast, but the power is extremely amazing. It can withstand the attack of late fourth level monsters, which is considered to be the limit...

The main thing is that Ye Han has no intention of following the Demon King to fight against the fourth-level monster...

In fact, he had just noticed with his spiritual consciousness that there was a very dangerous aura in the lake, and then he felt the aura of a late-stage fourth-order monster...

This made Ye Han already have doubts in his heart. Although the late fourth-level monsters are very dangerous to other foundation-building stage immortal cultivators, because they have already exceeded the cultivation level of the late-stage foundation building stage...

Moreover, monsters are much more difficult to deal with than cultivators...

But for Ye Han, although the late fourth-level monsters are dangerous, they may not be so dangerous.

Ye Han even wanted to kill this monster to get some more loot. After all, monsters in the late fourth level were quite difficult to encounter.

However, it gave him a creepy feeling of danger, and he immediately felt that something was wrong.

So immediately, Qin Jiuzhen was asked to speed away together...

The late fourth-order monster that appeared now still had the aura of a demon king on its back. Obviously, he and Qin Jiuzhen were unlucky enough to encounter a demon beast at the demon king level...

This demon king obviously discovered his whereabouts first and deliberately hid his aura. When Ye Han and Qin Jiuzhen approached, it would be easy to deal with them if they wanted to pass through the lake...

This lake is obviously the lair of this demon king, and it is a water monster. The water demon king has all the advantages when fighting in the water, but Ye Han and the others are fooled...

As a result, Ye Han felt something was wrong and immediately took Qin Jiuzhen to prepare to take a detour...

The demon king couldn't hold himself back any longer, let his men take action, and followed him out.

Ye Han blocked the monster's tentacle attack, turned over and followed him onto the Chuanyun Boat. With a slap on the storage bag, the middle-grade spiritual stone fell into the formation furnace, and the mana was input into the Chuanyun Boat crazily... …

boom! A cloud of runes erupted from Chuanyunzhou, and its wings opened from the whirlpool hole on its back, shocking a circle of storm, and sprinted forward...

"Don't even think about running away!" The demon king in the water made an unpleasant sound, opened his mouth and sprayed out, and the demonic energy vibrated out into boundless water splashes. It swirled into water arrows that were more than ten feet long, and bombarded towards Chuanyunzhou. …

Seeing this, Ye Han slapped the storage bag, and three spiritual weapons flew out, two shields and a gong. As he chanted the incantation, boundless waves of mana burst out, trembling continuously in the air. , three defensive shields, gongs...

In the end, with continuous finger pinches, Creation Tianfang was released, turning into a huge defensive light shield blocking the air...

boom! Boom boom boom! ! !

The water arrow attack of the Demon King in the Water was very terrifying. A series of terrifying bombardments. The defenses of the three defensive spiritual weapons were directly crushed by the bombardment. The treasures were shattered into pieces in an instant, and finally bombarded the light barrier in the sky of creation. superior……

boom! ! The defensive shield of Creation Tianfang was extremely distorted and dented...

Ye Han shouted angrily, and his mana was input into the heaven of creation crazily...

Bang! The light shield of the Creation Tianfang suddenly erupted with a burst of runic mana light. It was shaken violently. Instead, with the impact of the water arrows, the speed doubled and soared into the sky...

Seeing this scene, the demon king in the water shrank his blue pupils and turned blood red. He roared and cursed: "Damn it! Don't even think about running away!"

This immortal cultivator made him feel a very pleasant smell. He had not tasted this kind of smell for many years. As long as he swallowed this boy, he would be able to break through the current bottleneck of cultivation...

Although the monster under him is a late fourth-order monster, it is a water monster and cannot escape at all.

As a result, a circle of terrifying dark green demonic energy shook out from the body of the demon king in the water. His body trembled and turned into a terrifying arrogance, chasing after the flying boat that Ye Han and the two were riding on...

The Demon King in the Water chased and cursed at the same time: "Want to escape from my hands, the Demon King of Blue Lake? Dreaming!"

The Blue Lake Demon King roared angrily, and the terrifying dark green demonic energy swirled around his body, and he chased Chuanyun Zhou at an astonishing speed.

Ye Han looked back and saw that the Blue Lake Demon King's figure had been revealed. His whole body was covered with black and blue scales, his head looked like a fish head, his lips were thick and thick, and he had two slender whiskers. Wearing a suit of armor, he looks like a giant carp that has become a spirit...

However, when this guy opened his mouth, he had a mouthful of sharp and scary teeth, which was very scary...

However, as Ye Han's mana was madly input into the Piercing Cloud Boat...

The huge wings of the Piercing Cloud Boat swept out a storm, and the cylinder behind it continuously sprayed out a vortex storm, forming a sonic boom...

The speed of the Piercing Cloud Boat soared, and it gradually distanced itself from the Blue Lake Demon King...

When the Blue Lake Demon King saw this scene, he cursed angrily: "Damn it! What kind of flying boat is this?"

As he cursed, a circle of runes burst out of his dark green demonic energy, speeding up to catch up...

However, the speed of the Piercing Cloud Boat was too fast, and he, the demon king, was gradually thrown off...

The reason for this situation is that one side It was indeed the Piercing Cloud Boat that reached its maximum speed under Ye Han's crazy blessing without fear of consuming spirit stones and mana. The speed of the Piercing Cloud Boat had reached the speed level of a Jindan-stage cultivator...

On the other hand, although this Blue Lake Demon King was a demon king, he was a water-based demon beast that lived in the water for a long time and was not good at flying. His speed was not as fast as that of a cultivator...

The Blue Lake Demon King saw that the Piercing Cloud Boat was getting farther and farther away. He couldn't catch up even after using his secret method. He showed a trace of anger in his eyes and cursed: "I don't believe you can run away! This demon king asked my old friend for help!"

As he said this, the Blue Lake Demon King muttered something in his mouth, chanting a dark green black gas rune, and opened his mouth to spit it out, which turned into a ray of light and flew away into the distance...

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