Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 60 The oriole is behind

Although this clawed beast has no body shape, the trapped clawed beast is huge...

But not much smaller, looking at the trapped claw beast.

This sharp-clawed beast roared with extreme anger, moved and rushed towards Zhang Sanlei and the others...

The speed is simply appalling!

Zhang Sanlei and the other three didn't think about why there was a clawed beast?

It turns out that this cave is home to two clawed beasts, one female and one male.

No wonder they were worried just now when they saw that the clawed beast chasing Ye Han was bigger than the one they saw before.

As a result, a smaller one rushed out now.

Apparently the smaller one they saw last time was not the larger one.

damn it! There were actually two clawed beasts.

It's not easy to deal with now.

But it was too late to think about it now.

The small clawed beast had already rushed over, erupting with an astonishing suffocating breath, and wildly bombarded Zhang Sanlei with its claws...

Boom boom boom...

A series of astonishing gray-light blades, like a storm, bombarded Zhang Sanlei...

Zhang Sanlei's eyes flashed with a look of helplessness: "Help me!"

Wang Fulai moved and landed in front of Zhang Sanlei. He quickly made hand gestures and recited incantations. The cold iron shield instantly expanded and blocked the two of them...

Bang! Bang! Bang! ! ! !

The gray-light blade that the sharp-clawed beast bombarded hit the cold iron shield, emitting harsh light explosions. The cold iron shield shook wildly, and the radiant runes on it became much darker.

But he finally blocked the clawed beast's attack.

Li Zongqing on the other side made quick gestures with his fingers and pointed: "Go!"

Phew! !

The red light of the nine dagger instruments bombarded the clawed beast...

The sharp-clawed beast seemed to know the power of these red rays of light. It took steps and quickly dodged to the side...

I saw red light constantly chasing the clawed beast, attacking the rocky ground, leaving groove marks, and the rocks were cut into several pieces like tofu.

It was obvious that this small clawed beast was much faster than the larger one. After making a noise, it came towards the three of them and killed them.

Fortunately, Wang Fulai's Cold Iron Shield's defense was amazing, constantly blocking the clawed beast's attacks.

Zhang Sanlei and Li Zongqing quickly chanted incantations, controlled the magic weapon dagger, and kept attacking the clawed beast. Although the newly emerged clawed beast was extremely fast, it already had many scars on its body. …

If this continues, it will be a matter of time to kill this clawed beast.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's heart moved. The three of them, San Lei, are really not ordinary monks...

Can he actually deal with two clawed beasts?

However, he carefully observed the expressions of the three people and found that their expressions were solemn and their faces were a little pale. Especially Wang Fulai, who was responsible for blocking the defense, had cold sweat on his forehead...

It seems that whether the three of them use magic weapons or cold iron shields for defense, their mana consumption is huge.

Although it can block the attack of the clawed beast, it seems a little unable to kill the clawed beast.

And this time.

Roar! ! !

The clawed beast controlled by petrification roared on the ground, roared angrily, and struggled crazily...

The petrified stones showed signs of cracking under its struggle. It seemed that it wouldn't take long for him to escape from the trap...

If surrounded by two clawed beasts, Zhang Sanlei and the others would definitely not be able to withstand them.

Ye Han was very confused about the situation in front of him. If he called Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan to help at this time, he would definitely be able to kill these two clawed beasts.

However, in this case, it was Zhang Sanlei and three others who were helping, so their plan completely failed.

While Ye Han was hesitating, Zhang Qingshan's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Junior brother Ye! Don't act rashly, someone is peeping! Don't let them discover you."

Hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved and he suppressed the impulse in his heart...

Since Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan said that, there must be a reason.

Is someone else spying?

It must be another monk.

And being warned by senior brother Zhang Qingshan not to act rashly, it means that the person who comes here is not good.

So he narrowed his figure tightly and hid under the stone without moving...

And this time.

Zhang Sanlei and the others also discovered that the huge clawed beast was about to escape. Once the big clawed beast was allowed to escape, the three of them were no match for the two clawed beasts...

Zhang Sanlei gritted his teeth and shouted: "Kill this guy first! Blood sacrifice!"

Following Zhang Sanlei's roar, the three of them looked at each other, and decisively stretched out their thumbs to bite their mouths. Blood and essence immediately splattered out, twisting and spinning in the air...

The three of them muttered words, and quickly made secrets with their hands. The flying dagger weapon suddenly burst into blood, and the aura also burst out in an instant!

Zhang Sanlei roared angrily: "Three swords combined into one!"

As the three of them swiped at the same time, the three daggers spun around each other, turning into a bloody cold light that was about ten feet in diameter surrounded by blood...

He shot hard at the clawed beast trapped on the ground...

The sharp-clawed beast also sensed the crisis, its eyes burst with blood, and it roared crazily. The bloody demonic energy on its body was constantly swirling, and the demonic energy exploded to the extreme in an instant.

Roar! ! !

With the horrible roar of the Claw Beast, he shattered the petrified stones around him and rushed out of the hole...


The red flying sword light of the three swords combined by Zhang Sanlei and the other two instantly turned into a red light, slashing towards the head of the Claw Beast that blurted out...

But this Claw Beast was obviously unwilling to be killed like this, and it let out a piercing roar, and the bones of its hands actually fell out, forming a bone shield in front of it...


The huge blood-red sword light bombarded the Claw Beast, and immediately blasted the Claw Beast away for dozens of feet...

A pair of arms were actually directly broken, and the body was covered with bloodstains, very weak, and staggered on the ground...

Zhang Sanlei and the other two showed disappointment in their eyes, but with a finger, the blood-red sword light instantly turned around and flew away, killing another Claw Beast!


Swish! ! !

The blood sword light moved at an astonishing speed, leaving a terrible ripple in the air, and instantly killed another claw beast...

The other claw beast's cultivation was far inferior to that one, and its body fled at a rapid speed...

But it was still pierced by the blood cold light, and fell to the ground motionless.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Sanlei and the other two breathed a sigh of relief, finally killing a claw beast!

The other claw beast was also seriously injured, so it was not difficult to deal with!

At this time.

A burst of laughter came from the other side of the hillside: "Hahaha! We brothers are really lucky!"

Followed by a tall and strong man, and a short guy, flew out...

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