Seeing the two cultivators flying out, Zhang Sanlei and the other two looked extremely ugly...

Wang Fulai couldn't help but growled and said, "Not good! It's the Qinshan Two Evils!"

Ye Han was hiding behind a big rock, and his brows were also furrowed. Brother Zhang Qingshan had just reminded him that someone was watching from the side.

It turned out that someone was really watching from the side, and it didn't look like a guy who was particularly easy to mess with!

And judging from their expressions and tone, they were taking advantage of the situation.

The corners of Zhang Sanlei's eyes twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said to the Qinshan Two Evils: "Qinshan Two Evils! Do you want to go against my Qingxuan Sect?"

The Qinshan Two Evils looked at each other, and looked at the slain claw beast, their eyes revealed greed.

With their knowledge, of course they knew that this claw beast was not an ordinary monster. The corpses of these two claw beasts alone could be exchanged for a large number of spirit stones. It was initially estimated that there must be 300 spirit stones.

And they all saw that Zhang Sanlei and the other two had used up all their mana to deal with these two claw beasts.

The two Qinshan villains are at the eleventh level of the late Qi Refining Stage, and their methods are extremely brutal and notorious.

Now that they have encountered such a good opportunity, how could they let go of the three guys from the Qingxuan Sect?

Moreover, they originally had a grudge against the Qingxuan Sect.

The two Qinshan villains showed a mocking look in their eyes, and said disdainfully: "Zhang Sanlei! If you know what's good for you, you should give up your cultivation and surrender! Otherwise... hehe! We have accepted your blood and soul."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Sanlei and the other two changed their faces. You know, only evil cultivators and demon cultivators need the blood and soul of cultivators.

They want to use the blood and soul of cultivators to practice evil methods, or some evil weapons, ghost weapons, magic weapons...

These things are not only powerful, but also very cruel, and they are also very feared in the world of immortal cultivation.

For guys like the two Qinshan villains who are notorious, it has been rumored for a long time that they practice evil magic!

I didn't expect them to say it out loud. You know, in the eyes of the famous and upright sects, practicing evil arts and magic skills is like a rat crossing the street, and everyone can kill it.

Qingxuan Sect is also a member of the famous and upright sects.

They dared to say such words in front of them, so they must have wanted to kill the three of them to silence them.

At this time.


The huge injured claw beast looked at the fallen claw beast and roared with a mournful roar. The eyes burst out with amazing blood, and the blood and energy of the whole body burst out, and an amazing demonic energy burst out.

With a roar, it rushed towards Zhang Sanlei and the other two frantically.

This is the claw beast. Because of the death of its partner, it has been completely enraged, and its hands are constantly waving...

Swish, swish, swish!!

Countless gray claw shadows grabbed the three people...

Wang Fulai was the first to chant the spell, and amazing blood and energy burst out of his body, and the magic power surged, constantly drilling into the cold iron shield in front of him!

Instantly, the cold iron shield burst out circles of gray runes, blocking the three people in front of it.

Bang, bang, bang! ! !

The claw beast clawed out, and countless claw shadows were blocked abruptly...

The cold iron shield was shaking wildly, and the gray runes on it were constantly disintegrating...

Wang Fulai's figure was also shaken, and he kept retreating.

However, when he blocked the attack of the claw beast, Zhang Sanlei and Li Zongqing quickly pinched their fingers and chanted spells, controlling their daggers and magic weapons, spinning in the air, turning into two cold rays, and flew towards the claw beast.

The Claw Beast was constantly attacked by the dagger, sending out amazing sparks. Its defense was no longer as strong as before. There were countless bloodstains on its skin, and it screamed in agony...

The two Qinshan villains looked at each other, moved their bodies, and rushed towards the battle group of three people and the Claw Beast...

This was a great opportunity. The opponent had consumed a lot of mana, and the Claw Beast was also at the end of its strength.

This time, three Qingxuanmen guys were killed, their souls and blood essence, as well as the spoils of the Claw Beast.

This wave will definitely make a lot of money!

As the two of them moved, blood surged. The big villain grabbed a handful of blood runes with both hands, and the chains on his body burst out with circles of terrible blood energy, like a black snake, rushing out...

The second villain pointed to the back, the evil energy burst out, and the two long swords on his body flew out. The fierce energy burst out and surged instantly, turning into two blood blades, and killed Zhang Sanlei and the other two at an amazing speed...

Whether it was the terrible chain or the two blood swords, they all contained an indescribable, disgusting breath, which made people feel scalp numb and extremely uncomfortable...

This is the evil weapon!

Zhang Sanlei and the other two changed their faces. If they had all their mana, they would not be afraid of these two guys.

But the three of them had consumed a lot of mana in the battle with the claw beast, and they also used the blood sacrifice technique!

Now is the time when they are the weakest.


Just when the two Qinshan villains used the evil weapon.

Their faces suddenly changed.

Whoosh! !

Two cold lights instantly shot out from behind them, piercing directly at their backs.

The sudden attack.

The two villains of Qinshan were almost unable to react.

However, the blood runes on their bodies suddenly vibrated, and they released a blood-red skull, instantly blocking their backs...

The two skulls opened their bloody mouths and bit the two daggers directly...

It turned out that Zhang Sanlei and Li Zongqing's attack on the claw beast was fake. They quietly let the two daggers fly back and attacked the two Qinshan villains!

Unfortunately, they were discovered at the most critical moment and did not really hurt them.

An even more terrible situation happened.

The two skulls bit the daggers of the two people and emitted a rotten smell.

Suddenly, the two felt that the spiritual consciousness contained in their daggers was invaded by an evil spirit, and they almost lost control of the daggers...

Zhang Sanlei and Li Zongqing shouted: "Let go!"

With the roar of the two, a circle of magic power surged from their bodies...

At the same time, the daggers they controlled also shook violently in an instant, trying to break free from the bite of the two skulls.

With the vibration of the dagger.

The skull also bit the dagger tightly!

The two evil Qinshans burst into bloodshot eyes and roared: "Go!"

The evil chain weapons and blood knife weapons they released turned into a wave and swept towards the three people...

It was about to hit Zhang Sanlei and the other two!

At this moment!

"Don't even think about hurting the people of Qingxuan Sect."

A furious roar came from the side of the cliff, followed by a golden figure, who fell from the sky and punched the two evil Qinshans twice...

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