Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 62: Body Refining Monk Zhang Qingshan

Ye Han watched Zhang Sanlei and the other two use all their skills and cast spells to fight the clawed beast, which opened his eyes.

The last time he saw the Fairy Qingfeng fighting the terrible monster, he didn't see anything and didn't have time to run. Moreover, as a mortal at that time, how could he see the methods of the immortal cultivators?

This time, he saw it clearly. Whether it was the dagger magic weapon attacks of the three people or the joint formations, he was amazed.

These three guys are bad, but their cultivation and methods are really powerful. One of the two clawed beasts died and the other was injured.

No wonder they dared to attack the clawed beast.

However, the sudden appearance of the Qinshan Er Xiong made Ye Han realize that when Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him not to come out and that there were outsiders watching, he should be referring to these two guys.

The evil spirits of these two guys were very scary, and that emotion made him feel terrified.

No matter which of these guys he went up to, he would not be their opponent.

But what he had never expected was that Zhang Sanlei and his two companions were no match for the Qinshan brothers.

He had never expected that when Zhang Sanlei and his two companions were about to be killed by Qinshan brothers.

Zhang Qingshan actually took action.


The golden figure that flew out was Zhang Qingshan.

His skin glowed golden, and he punched out two punches with one hand!

Boom boom! ! !

The two golden fist halos, like shock waves, violently hit the iron chains and blood-red long swords released by Qinshan brothers...


Bang! Bang! ! !

A dazzling light exploded, and the golden magic halo and the evil blood light vibrated and exploded...

The iron chain and blood-red long sword released by Qinshan Er Xiong were about to kill the target, but they were blasted away by Zhang Qingshan who suddenly appeared...

The face of Qinshan Er Xiong was indescribably cold. He turned his head to look at Zhang Qingshan, and cursed with fierce eyes: "Damn it! Who dares to care about the affairs of us Qinshan Er Xiong?"

Zhang Qingshan was surrounded by golden light, like a god descending from heaven. He stared at the two coldly and shouted: "Qinshan Er Xiong! Dare to set your sights on my Qingxuan Sect people! I think you are looking for death."

Seeing Zhang Qingshan, Qinshan Er Xiong stared at his broken arm and said with sudden realization: "It turned out to be you! Body Refining Cultivator Zhang Qingshan!"

The look in his eyes showed a trace of fear. He remembered that some time ago, five casual cultivators joined forces to besiege Zhang Qingshan, but they were all killed by Zhang Qingshan, although Zhang Qingshan also paid the price of an arm.

But the story of that battle had spread far and wide. Zhang Qingshan, a little-known Qingxuan Sect member, actually had such great ability that he could fight five enemies alone even when he was injured, and he could kill all of them...

It was really terrifying.

Now there was only Zhang Qingshan who had one arm, was a body-refining cultivator, and was from Qingxuan Sect.

Ye Han saw Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan rushing out at this time and frowned. What was Senior Brother Zhang doing?

It was clearly agreed that he would come with Zhang Sanlei and the other two, and after luring out the sharp claw beast, he would sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, watching Zhang Sanlei and the other three fight with the sharp claw beast, and then when they were almost exhausted, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan would come up...

Kill Zhang Sanlei and the sharp claw beast, then all the spoils would be theirs.

It was indeed unexpected that two Qinshan Erxiao would suddenly come out to kill people and steal treasures...

I didn't expect Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan to come out to help Zhang Sanlei and the others at the critical moment.

In Ye Han's opinion, it would be better to let Zhang Sanlei and Qinshan fight first, and then they would come out to pick up the bargains.

Tsk! Senior Brother Zhang is really good in everything, but he is too honest and kind.

Zhang Qingshan looked at Qinshan and Qinshan with a cold face, and said in a deep voice: "Qinshan and Qinshan! Today, we in Qingxuan Sect will enforce justice for the heaven! Get rid of you two evil monks!"

Then he turned around and said to Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai: "Three fellow disciples! Let's go together and kill them two."

Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai looked at each other. They didn't expect Zhang Qingshan to come to help them at the critical moment. Seeing that they had saved their lives, they were slightly relieved.

But at the same time, their hearts moved, and a trace of suspicion flashed in their eyes. How could Zhang Qingshan appear here?

The three looked in the direction where Ye Han was hiding, and suddenly they showed a look of realization.

This damn Zhang Qingshan must be in the same group with Ye Han, and they must have followed him.

Damn! It seems that they are targeting me.

The three of them are not rookies, and they are not easy to deceive...

So Zhang Sanlei immediately nodded and said: "Okay! Zhang Qingshan! Let's join forces today! To deal with the damn Qinshan two villains! Let's go."

As Zhang Sanlei spoke, Li Zongqing and Wang Fulai looked at each other. With their relationship with Zhang Sanlei, they knew Zhang Sanlei's thoughts very tacitly...

Zhang Qingshan didn't doubt anything. He was flying with one hand, muttering something in his mouth, and circles of golden light and golden magic power surged...

He pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and slapped his chest!

A piece of golden light rippled on his body! The muscles on his body squirmed and swelled up...

Zhang Qingshan's figure suddenly became bigger, and he looked extremely intimidating.

Ye Han was hiding in the big rock and saw this scene, his eyes showed horror. He didn't expect that Zhang Qingshan's blood refining skills had been practiced to the third level. The defense and attack power of this body are comparable to magic weapons.

As the circles of golden light surged, Zhang Qingshan's eyes flashed with golden light, and his body moved violently, rushing towards Qinshan Er Xiong...

Qinshan Er Xiong looked at Zhang Qingshan who suddenly appeared. As expected, as the legend goes, this guy is a body-refining cultivator. This terrifying power and breath pressure are definitely not comparable to cultivators of the same level.

The big villain muttered something in his mouth, and his hands quickly pinched the seal. The chain controlled by him suddenly shook like a spirit snake, rolled up a terrible black blood light, and suddenly rushed towards Zhang Qingshan.

The second brother moved his body and slapped the two skulls behind him. The two skulls penetrated into his blood-light long sword violently...

The blood-light long sword suddenly emitted an evil blood-hmm. The fishy smell made people feel sick.

I don't know how many people this thing has killed to have such blood...

The blood-light long sword instantly merged into one, turned into a knife light, and turned towards Zhang Qingshan.

Zhang Qingshan rushed forward, punching out with his fists continuously, and a terrible golden power burst out...

Bang, bang, bang! ! !

His fists kept colliding and exploding with the bloody chains, and the bloody long sword slashed over, but was also blocked by him.

The evil weapons of Qinshan Er Xiong were blocked by Zhang Qingshan!

And Zhang Sanlei and the other two released their magic weapon daggers, which turned into a red light and attacked the claw beast not far from Qinshan Er Xiong.

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