Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 63 What treasure?

Zhang Qingshan was besieged by the two Qinshan murderers. He actually found that Zhang San and the other three people did not come to help at all, and said angrily: "What are you doing? Come and help!"

As he roared, his arms emitted an astonishing golden light, and he punched out continuously, causing Qinshan's two vicious chains and bloody swords to fly out...

But Zhang Qingshan didn't feel very comfortable. After all, he was made of flesh and blood. Although his body refining skills were very powerful, his injuries had not healed and he was unable to exert his full strength.

Every time he was struck by the chains and long knives of the Qinshan two evil men, he felt his mind was shaken and his magic power was a bit out of control.

The situation of Qinshan's two villains is not much better. Zhang Qingshan's body refining technique is really too powerful. The power of the light explosion from his fist exploded every time he attacks is extremely amazing.

Damn it, the runes on their evil weapons and the souls and ghosts they absorbed vibrated continuously, and several souls were shattered.

However, they all could see that damn Zhang Qingshan was obviously injured and had not recovered, and was unable to fully exert his strength.

More importantly, the three Zhang Sanlei looked like they were sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers. They had no intention of taking action. Instead, they went to besiege the clawed beast.

Zhang Qingshan was immediately very angry. He had been observing for half a day, and there was a war between heaven and man in his heart. Although Zhang Sanlei and the others had betrayed him, he still couldn't do anything to his fellow disciples...

Seeing that the two murderers in Qinshan were planning to kill people and seize the treasure, Zhang Qingshan couldn't help but help Zhang Sanlei and the others.

It was completely unexpected that Zhang Qingshan and the other two people would not come to help at all, but instead went to surround and kill the sharp-clawed beast.

The two murderers of Qinshan also saw Zhang Qingshan's annoyance at this time, and they mocked Zhang Qingshan...

"Hey! This is your good classmate! He won't help you at all! How pitiful."

"It's so pitiful. You finally came out to help them, but they didn't take you seriously at all! It's so sad. It seems that you are going to die in the hands of our two brothers."

"Even if you die in the hands of our two brothers! They will not be grateful to you at all."

"It's really rare. A stupid immortal cultivator like you is really rare."

"Haha! Look, this is the same disciple you came out to save! It's so funny."

"I think you'd better go on your own."

As they talked, they continued to control the chains, and the bloody knives continued to attack Zhang Qingshan...

Zhang Qingshan's face turned red and white, but he remained silent. He made rapid movements with one hand and punched out his fists continuously. His movements were like a violent storm, and the chains and bloody knives he hit were continuously bounced away...

The bloody sword and chains hit Zhang Qingshan, leaving only a few traces.

It looked like he couldn't hurt Zhang Qingshan at all, but Zhang Qingshan's face became increasingly ugly.

He now only has one hand, and facing the siege of the two men, he can only parry, but has no power to resist.

And the other side.

Under the crazy siege of Zhang Sanlei and the others, the clawed beast fought back crazily.

After repelling the siege of three people, this guy actually turned around and rushed into the cave.

The three of them had no time to stop them and watched the clawed beast escape into the cave...

Zhang Sanlei cursed angrily: "Damn it! Let him run away."

The three of them were at the end of their strong attack. Because they performed blood sacrifice, their mana and aura were suddenly reduced a lot.

Watching the fight between Zhang Qingshan and Qin Shan’s two murderers...

Zhang Sanlei and the other three looked at each other with disdain.

Wang Fulai said coldly: "Zhang Qingshan! Enjoy yourself! We won't accompany you anymore."

After saying that, the three of them lifted up the body of the sharp-clawed beast and ran away...

Ye Han was hiding in the corner of the rock. When he saw this scene, he was very anxious and angry. Senior Brother Zhang was really beyond words!

They clearly agreed to deal with Zhang Sanlei, but now they have actually turned to saving them...

Moreover, they didn't accept his favor at all and ran away, leaving Zhang Qingshan to stay and deal with the two Qinshan murderers alone!

This made Ye Han extremely helpless. He must not imitate Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan in the future and save this so-called fellow disciple, as he would have to pay for it.

In the world of cultivating immortals, you are merciful! It's just causing trouble for yourself.

However, the second murderer from Qinshan looked at Zhang Sanlei and the others and wanted to run away. When they slapped their storage bags, a small bottle flew out of their storage bags.

The two of them suddenly chanted a spell, and a burst of difficult and incomprehensible spells came out of their mouths.

As they chanted the mantra, the small bottle shook violently, and the mouth of the bottle opened instantly...

A stream of thick black smoke sprayed out from the small bottle, and the black smoke turned into a ball and rushed towards Zhang Sanlei and the others...

There was a distortion in the air, and human limbs actually grew, turning into six people!

These six people have pale skin, black eyes, strange runes all over their bodies, and thick black smoke and evil energy...

There was a burst of decaying air.

Saw these six pale-skinned figures.

Zhang Sanlei and the others were horrified: "Refining the soul corpse! You actually dare to refine the soul corpse!"

The soul-refining corpse used a special evil method to kill the monks, extract their souls, and use them to refine the puppet corpses.

This is an evil method among evil methods. Using such a method is against the law of heaven, and everyone can punish it.

I didn't expect that these two evil men from Qinshan would refine such a ferocious thing!

The six soul-refining corpses had black light and runes surging on their bodies, and they attacked the three of them...

When the three of them saw this, they could only release their magical daggers and fight with the six soul-refining corpses.

I saw magical weapons and dagger bombardment on these soul-refining corpses, although there were more scars on these soul-refining corpses.

But the knife marks on these soul refiners' bodies continued to heal, and they actually seemed invulnerable.

Zhang Sanlei and the others fought and retreated, but they did not expect that the Qinshan two murderers were more powerful than the rumors...

It seems that the rumors that these two guys killed many monks are true, but these two people are very cunning and can always escape the siege of the sect monks.

That's when.

Zhang Qingshan roared: "Break it for me!"

Suddenly a golden ax appeared in his hand, and the ax struck hard on the chain and the bloody sword...

Bang! !

The chains and the bloody sword were knocked away directly, and the evil energy and bloody light on them were distorted and defeated...

The two murderers of Qinshan did not expect that Zhang Qingshan would appear with a weapon at this time, and the power of the weapon was extremely astonishing. It directly blasted away the consciousness of them and the bloody sword...

The two of them were traumatized. They opened their mouths and spat out a mouthful of blood, and took several steps back.

The two of them looked at the weapon in Zhang Qingshan's hand in horror. The ax emitted astonishing ripples of golden light. It was definitely not an ordinary magical weapon...

Qinshan's second villain said in shock: "What treasure?!"

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