Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 652 Don't Misunderstand

Indeed, this is the second floor of the Tianji Palace. He is the only living person in this forbidden light shield. Apart from him, there is not even a demon beast. Where can he find a body for Fox Old?

Besides, if there were living people everywhere, Fox Old wouldn't need to ask him for help...

With the ability of Fox Old's Jindan stage soul, he can't take over Ye Han's body, but it is still very easy to find a body.

But how can it be so easy in the second floor of Tianji Palace?

Wu Xuankong's soul was so excited when he saw Ye Han, and couldn't wait to take over Ye Han's body...

So, Ye Han said helplessly: "Senior, you want a physical body, but that's a bit troublesome. I have a treasure that can help you keep your soul temporarily. Do you want it?"

Yes, among the storage bags of so many cultivators that Ye Han got, there are indeed a few treasures similar to the ones that the Seventh Elder gave to Uncle Ningyu to store their souls, such as the Heavenly Soul Urn, the Blood Soul Gourd, etc.

These are all treasures that can prevent the consumption of the souls of cultivators...

In this case, the soul of the cultivator who enters will be controlled by Ye Han.

That's why Uncle Ningyu told the Seventh Elder that he only believed his words.

In fact, it is equivalent to entrusting his soul to the Seventh Elder. If the other party has malicious intentions...

For cultivators, it is a disaster.

Ye Han proposed this, in fact, to test whether this old fox would completely entrust himself to him...

After hearing this, the old fox said lightly: "Little Taoist friend, thank you for your kindness, but I don't want a physical body. I am an elder of the Puppet God Sect and am good at puppetry. Don't misunderstand my intention. I want you to help me refine a puppet that can accommodate a physical body."

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved, but he was relieved a little. This old fox had never thought of taking over his body from beginning to end, which made him wonder, this old fox's physical body, could it still be saved?

He remembered that when he met Mr. Lan Qing, Mr. Lan Qing only had his soul and spirit left, and told him that Mr. Lan Qing's physical body was still somewhere in the Tianji Palace, and he wanted Ye Han to help him get it back.

It seems that this old fox is probably in the same situation.

On the contrary, if this old fox asked like this, then it can be confirmed that old fox is indeed from the Puppet God Cult...

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately said: "Senior Fox! I am also quite interested in the art of puppets. Can you use this puppet?"

After saying that, Ye Han patted the storage bag, and a semi-finished puppet flew out. This semi-finished puppet, with pieces of metal blocks, looks between the metal puppets of the Burial Immortal Land and the Tianji soldiers. It can be said that it combines the advantages of metal puppets and Tianji soldiers.

This puppet has a slender figure, two slender arms, one hand holding a shield, and the other holding a long sword. There is thick armor on the body, which is full of mysterious runes.

This puppet is Ye Han's meticulous research from the entire draft. After countless revisions, this puppet with both offensive and defensive capabilities was refined.

Each piece of material was made by Ye Han himself using the materials decomposed by the Tianji soldiers and Tianji beasts, and the formation runes were refined and drawn.

That represents the highest level of research on puppet refining by Ye Han over the years. Once it is successfully refined, the combat power of this puppet will be relatively strong, at least in the middle stage of foundation building, and it can almost be compared with the Ice Lotus Puppet.

However, it is only a semi-finished product now, and it has not been successful yet, because the core part of the puppet has not met this requirement.

The ability of a puppet to fight continuously, the ability to recover itself, whether it is driven by formations or spirit stones, or a combination of the two, are all of great significance...

It can be said that if this puppet wants to succeed, Ye Han needs to reach the same level of cultivation in refining tools and treasures, puppetry, and formations before it can succeed.

What is most lacking now is the core part. Ye Han has already developed it. Several of them are put into the puppet, but the combat power is limited. Either the continuous combat ability is not good, or the operation is not smooth...

The reason why it is taken out now is to test the second elder of the so-called Puppet God Sect to see if his puppetry is really amazing.

After hearing what Ye Han said, Fox Old didn't care. In the North Luzhou Continent, apart from the puppet masters of the North Lu Kingdom, which sect's puppetry can compare with their Puppet God Sect?

But when Ye Han released this semi-finished puppet, he was immediately surprised, with his attainments in puppetry.

Fox Old saw at a glance that the semi-finished puppet that Ye Han took out was exquisitely made, with exquisite materials, and the formation runes on it were both offensive and defensive, which was really extraordinary, and it was referenced to the ancient puppets and the structure of the Tianji soldiers, which was in his Puppet God Sect.

Fox Old's disciples have few such levels, but it can be seen that the core formation of Ye Han's puppet has not been designed yet, which is also the most difficult part of the puppetry.

If it cannot be driven by the formation spirit stone, it is just an empty shell, with a false appearance...

Of course, just the appearance and material mechanism, formation runes, and refining defense alone can show the extraordinaryness of this puppet.

Fox Elder looked at it for a while and said sincerely: "Not bad! Young Taoist friend's attainments in puppetry are quite good, but young Taoist friend, you haven't figured out the core formation to drive this puppet, right?"

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved, and he immediately replied: "Yes! Senior Fox, the core part of my puppet is exactly what is difficult for me. Senior Fox, the puppetry of the Puppet God Sect is unparalleled in the world. Please give me more guidance."

The voice paused, and he continued: "If the senior can use this, it would be my honor."

Of course, saying that the puppetry of the Puppet God Sect is unparalleled in the world is flattering, but it is also to reassure the old fox and believe that Ye Han is willing to make friends with him and help each other.

In fact, Ye Han is now in a dilemma. Although he has made some progress in his cultivation in recent years, it is obviously much slower than the previous two years. It can be regarded as a relatively large bottleneck.

Even if Ye Han has the Heaven-defying Purple Cauldron and does not lack many resources, it is very heaven-defying to be able to reach the late stage of the foundation-building period by practicing in seclusion.

But it is absolutely impossible to practice in seclusion to the Golden Core stage.

Advancing to the Golden Core Stage is definitely not something that can be achieved through closed-door training. Ye Han is still far from that.

The opportunity of advancing to the Golden Core Stage that Old Fox mentioned really touched Ye Han.

I don’t know what Old Fox is thinking.

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