Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 653: The last disciple?

"Be careful! This water rune must be separated from the fire rune by a sufficient distance, otherwise, they will interfere with each other when activated!"

"Very good! Apply the Wanling Grease to the key mechanisms of the limbs to reduce friction and make the movements more flexible!"

"Not bad! Not bad! Insert this black crystal rod into it and lock it in place."

"Do you have the blood of a fourth-level monster? It's best to be fire-type!"

In the secret room, various materials were placed on the ground. Under the command of Fox Old, Ye Han continued to refine and piece together on a very complex array compass...

And Fox Old's soul was not outside, but was already in the puppet released by Ye Han.

Although the puppet refined by Ye Han was a semi-finished product, it had no core array and could not be driven.

But in this way, it was exactly the body Fox Old needed.

Old Fox seemed to have believed Ye Han, and actually imprisoned his own soul into one of his magic weapons, and then embedded it into this puppet, letting his own soul be the core driver of this puppet, and also carried out a series of transformations.

With the soul of Old Fox, a great cultivator in the Jindan period, and the power released by his magic weapon, this puppet of Old Fox actually contained some of the magical powers of a Jindan cultivator.

If compared, Ye Han felt that after Old Fox had the body of a puppet, the magical power he burst out should be not much different from the Blue Lake Demon King he killed before...

It was the first time he discovered that puppets could be used in this way.

Old Fox also admired Ye Han quite a lot, and actually instructed Ye Han to refine puppets. You know, although the Puppet God Sect is not the unparalleled puppet refining sect that Ye Han said.

However, it is also one of the top three puppetry sects in the North Luzhou Continent. It has been established for tens of thousands of years and has been able to stand firm in Qingguo by relying on puppetry. This shows how powerful the puppetry of the Puppet God Sect is.

Sure enough, under the guidance of Old Fox, Ye Han has made considerable progress in refining the puppet core array.

In addition to inlaying spirit stones, the core array he is refining now also needs to undergo a series of transformations. Once the refining is successful, he can continuously refine a bunch of puppets with cultivation levels higher than the mid-stage foundation building.

More importantly, with enough puppets, Ye Han can arrange the puppet sword array. With his current sword cultivation and more powerful puppets, he will be more confident in fighting.

Old Fox admires Ye Han very much. A casual cultivator can actually practice puppetry to this level. Seeing Ye Han listening to his guidance, he has made visible progress.

Looking at Ye Han, the puppet where Fox Old was had a blue light flash in its eyes, and stared at Ye Han for a long time...

He suddenly said to Ye Han: "Ye Han! Are you really a casual cultivator?"

Hearing Fox Old's question, Ye Han answered without hesitation: "I am indeed a casual cultivator, but I am lucky. I have inherited the ancient immortal cultivators, so I have the cultivation I have today."

As he said this, flames surged in his hands, releasing strands of golden flames to refine a hook-like puppet part.

After hearing this, Fox Old said immediately: "Oh! So that's it! Ye Han, I see that you are very talented in puppetry. If you don't dislike my Puppet God Sect, you can worship me as your master and join the Puppet God Sect, how about it?"

The voice paused, Fox Old continued: "The reason why I went to Tianji Palace to take risks is that my life span is almost over, and I want to fight for it. Now I am like this, I should not be able to survive the next heavenly tribulation. How about I accept you as my last disciple?"

Listening to Fox Old's words, this old fox looked like he wanted to accept me as his last disciple, as if he admired me very much?

Ye Han didn't quite believe what this guy said, but if Fox Old really had a heavenly tribulation approaching, it was indeed possible for him to come to Tianji Palace to fight for it.

But accepting me as a disciple at this juncture? That's hard to say, it's clearly a trick on me. After all, if the two really have a master-disciple relationship, I don't know what kind of cause and effect will happen later.

As for what kind of danger he really encountered later, it's hard to say.

So, Ye Han replied: "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Fox. If I can really become your disciple and join the Puppet God Sect, I will certainly be more than happy."

After a pause, he changed the subject and said: "However, Mr. Fox, you probably don't know that now in Qing Country, your Puppet God Sect is in a sect war with the Yinsha Sect and the Blood Cloud Sect. I have to tell you that the Puppet God Sect is at a disadvantage and the situation is not very good."

"Besides, didn't I get the inheritance of a senior? I made a vow in front of that senior to accept his inheritance and become his disciple."

"The senior's kindness, I can only let him down."

While speaking, the metal hook in Ye Han's hand had been refined. It was covered with mysterious runes, exuding an aura no less than that of a spiritual weapon.

In fact, Ye Han had been constantly using the treasure refining furnace to decompose the materials of treasures, Tianji soldiers, and Tianji beasts.

And after such a long time of refining the materials of puppets, he created puppets.

In fact, his skills in refining weapons and treasures have also improved very quickly. With his level, the success rate of refining ordinary spiritual weapons is already very high.

It can be said that he has reached the level of a qualified and excellent weapon refiner.

However, he has already obtained a lot of treasures from various cultivators and places of opportunity, especially ancient treasures, which are also quite a lot.

He had no shortage of general spiritual tools or ancient treasures, but it was still very difficult for him to refine high-grade spiritual tools...

This made his treasure refining skills temporarily useless.

However, he had already made a plan to practice a set of flying swords of the spiritual tool level with gold attributes. After all, he had successfully practiced the Nine-Turn Vajra Art. Although he had not yet comprehended and practiced the Great Geng Sword Technique, he had made some progress.

Anyway, he would succeed in practicing it sooner or later. The wood-based Millennium Iron Wood Sword was enough to deal with cultivators of the same level.

But if he wanted to deal with stronger and more powerful cultivators, it would be too far away.

Anyway, the treasures of cultivators were like this. When they reached a certain level of cultivation, they gradually became useless and could only be eliminated in exchange for treasures or sold...

When the old fox heard Ye Han reject his proposal, he was very disappointed. It seemed that this kid still did not fully believe in himself...

However, he did not say much on this topic. After all, it was not certain whether the two could leave the Tianji Palace alive. But the sect war between the Puppet God Sect and the Yinsha Sect of the Blood Cloud Sect had not ended yet?

So, Fox said: "Ye Han, are you saying that the Puppet God Cult is in danger now?"

How did this kid know this?

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