Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 7 One day I will pluck out all your feathers

On the steep cliff, a figure was climbing up the rocks toward the top of the mountain.

Ye Han's hands were already covered with bloodstains. Climbing on the rocks, he left bloodstains one by one. His shoes were worn out and his feet were covered with scars.

He gritted his teeth and climbed up with great effort.

"This is my only chance, I will definitely succeed!"

Ye Han muttered to himself with a tenacious look and continued to climb up.



The stone under his feet suddenly loosened, his heart sank, and his body slid down. Fortunately, he grabbed a protruding tree and stabilized his body.

Cold sweat broke out, his calves were trembling, and he was almost dead.

Three days ago, Mr. Lan Qing pointed out a clear path for him, telling him that if he wanted to cultivate immortality, he had to join an immortal sect first, which was the fastest way.

Mr. Lan Qing told him clearly that cultivating immortals requires immortal methods, elixirs and other resources. He was just a casual cultivator and did not have many cultivation resources, so he could not provide him with these things.

So he planned a plan for him to join the immortal sect smoothly, and the reward was that Mr. Lan Qing would give him the cloth of the bundle he dug out from the monster.

The next day, he woke up from the inn and found that Mr. Lan Qing was gone. He only left a note to inform him that Mr. Lan Qing had left and would see him again.

He bought some dry food and set off. After walking for three days, he finally reached the outskirts of the immortal mountain, climbed to the top of the mountain, and lit the talisman given to him by Mr. Lan Qing.

Otherwise, he could not even enter the mountain gate of the immortal sect.

"Either die or climb up."

Ye Han looked back and saw that there was still a cliff several dozen feet high. He didn't care about the pain in his hands and feet, and he climbed up with gritted teeth...

His hands and feet were already covered in blood, and he was almost unconscious from the pain. But now when he went back to Qingniu Village and the city, he would still be that second kid, herding cattle for others, or being beaten by beggars...

I want others to call me Ye Han, not second kid.

Ye Han gritted his teeth and struggled to climb up...

It was almost noon when Ye Han finally climbed up. The blood on his hands and feet had dried up and was covered with bloodstains...

He rested for a while and looked around, just as Mr. Lan Qing told him.

On the top of the mountain, there were several stone pillars covered with moss, and there was a stone plate in the middle.

He took out a talisman from his arms, lit it and put it into the stone plate.

The burning talisman was placed in the stone plate and suddenly burned. The surrounding stone pillars trembled violently, and the green light pulsated. Some strange characters lit up on them, condensed and merged in the air, and then turned into a green bird and flew away.

The light of the stone pillars and stone plates also disappeared in an instant.

This was the communication talisman given to him by Mr. Lan Qing for outsiders to visit Qingxuanmen. Just light it and wait.

Ye Han sat in front of the stone plate and waited at ease.

He waited for less than half a minute.


A loud bird cry came from a distance.

Ye Han was stunned and turned his head to look over there. He was shocked when he saw it.

A huge white bird flew out from the mountains in the distance. The wings of the bird were two or three feet wide, and its body was comparable to that of a cow.

"What a big bird." Ye Han couldn't help but exclaimed. He had never seen such a big bird in his life.

If you look closely, there is a young man in green sitting on the white bird.

Whoosh whoosh...

The white giant bird blew up a gust of wind, and the broken branches and leaves on the top of the mountain flew everywhere, making Ye Han unable to open his eyes.


With a loud bird call, the white giant bird landed on the top of the mountain. The young man in green got off the bird's back and stared at Ye Han.

"Did you light the communication talisman?" The young man in green said indifferently.

As he spoke, he looked Ye Han up and down. The boy was dressed like a beggar, with scars on his hands and feet.

The most important thing is that this guy has no spiritual energy at all.

Could it be that this boy is just a mortal?

Ye Han felt covered by a sharp breath and said respectfully: "Immortal, I burned the talisman."

The young man snorted coldly and said sternly: "You mortal, who sent you up here? What is your purpose in coming to my Qingxuan Sect?"

Suddenly, a suffocating breath swept towards Ye Han.

This mountain is almost straight. This kid is just a small mortal. How did he get up there just by his ability?

Ye Han suddenly felt that his body was crushed by a terrible breath. He could hardly stand up straight. His legs were shaking and he was about to kneel down.

His legs were shaking, and he said angrily: "I have a recommendation letter from the immortal. You can't do this to me!"

As he said that, he took out a heavy letter from his arms.

"Recommendation?" The young man in green was stunned when he heard it. He glanced at the envelope and turned his head away suddenly, looking very painful.

This envelope actually contained an extremely terrifying divine consciousness that he could not resist. This is definitely not something that ordinary immortal cultivators can have.

The young man in green looked at Ye Han in horror. This kid was just a mortal. How could he have such a powerful thing on him?

And, did he really get up such a high mountain alone?

The young man in green shouted: "You are a mortal, where did you get the recommendation letter?"

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "Immortal, this matter can only be told to the head of the sect."

Mr. Lan Qing had taught him that if he, a mortal, took the token and went directly to Qingxuan Gate, it would be very dangerous, so he had to be careful and let him take the risk of climbing up the cliff. Naturally, it would have its own magical effect, and seal it with an envelope. Keep that token away from others to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the young man in green with a calm expression.

The young man in green took a deep breath, and the green light disappeared from his palms. He smiled and said, "In that case, come up!"

Moreover, when someone burned a communication talisman, I was ordered to come out to pick him up. Although the other party was a mortal, with this communication talisman and this letter, it would not be easy to handle if the other party had a backer.

"Thank you, Immortal!" Ye Han said calmly, walked to the giant bird and frowned. This giant bird was more than half taller than others, how could he get up there.

It seems that the only way to go up is by grabbing the bird feathers.


The giant white bird glanced at Ye Han with disgust and fled away while chirping.

This mortal was dirty and had no magic power. How could he be allowed to sit on it?

"It seems that Bai Xue doesn't like you." The young man in green laughed and laughed.

Ye Han stared at this damn bird, I will pluck all your feathers one day...

"Let's go!" The young man in green didn't say much and patted the giant white bird.

The giant white bird spread its huge wings, fluttered and flew up, hovering in the air, and grabbed Ye Han with a pair of huge hands.

Ye Han only felt as if his body was being clamped by pliers. He was grabbed by the giant white bird and flew into the mountains. The fierce wind blew into his mouth and nose.

He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from screaming...

This damn bird, I will pluck all your feathers one day!

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