Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 8 I just want to cultivate immortality

The white giant bird flapped its huge wings and flew forward. Ye Han was grabbed by the shoulder by the giant bird and flew into the mountains.

Everywhere he passed, there were strange peaks and forests, misty clouds, huge trees, and wild beasts and birds singing. It was impossible to walk through them from the ground.

Ye Han looked at this scene and sighed secretly, are all the sects of immortal cultivators in such deep mountains and old forests? No wonder Mr. Lan Qing asked him to use the communication talisman. If he went inside, he would not be able to pass through so many mountains and forests after walking for several months, and he might even be eaten by wild beasts.

Moreover, the further he flew forward, the more steep the mountains became, the taller the trees were, and the scenery was picturesque. Various birds and beasts flew, and people sat on them.

Occasionally, he could see people standing on flying swords, fans, gourds and other things, flying.

It made Ye Han fascinated. One day, he could also fly like these people, control flying swords, and travel the world freely.

He must become an immortal cultivator and let the world know my name, Ye Han.

Suddenly, a fog appeared in front of him. The young man in green clothes on the back of the white bird took out a jade card and muttered something. The jade card emitted a green light, forming a fist-sized light ball, which flew forward.

As the green light ball flew forward, the fog in front seemed to be pushed away by an invisible big hand, and a passage was separated.

When Ye Han saw this scene, his eyes were full of yearning. The means of the immortal cultivators were really amazing. Compared with this, the martial arts of those so-called Jianghu people were simply not worth mentioning.

When the white bird took Ye Han through the fog.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him was clear, and a shocking scene appeared. He saw a huge mountain in front of him.

The mountain was full of huge glazed buildings, magnificent and golden, with dragons and phoenixes carved, shining like golden light...

In the sky, flying swords, gourds, lotus flowers, and other treasures were driven, as well as flying mounts such as big birds, eagles, white cranes, etc.

Ye Han, a country bumpkin, had never seen such a world of immortal cultivators before, and his eyes were almost dazzled.

The young man in green commanded Bai Xue to fly towards a huge mountain and landed on a palace.

Ye Han had never seen such a magnificent and huge building before, which was even bigger than the palace that Mr. Lan Qing mentioned.

Bai Xue arrogantly threw Ye Han to the ground, causing his feet to sting.

I will pluck all your feathers one day.

"Come with me!" The young man in green looked at Ye Han with contempt, and took him into the hall.

The decorations in the hall were very gorgeous. Ye Han liked everything, including the golden vase with carved patterns and the screen full of pearl magnolia flowers.

The most important thing was that the atmosphere of this place made him feel extremely comfortable.

This is where the immortal cultivators live.

Ye Han's eyes flashed with determination, I must stay here and become an immortal cultivator.

In the hall, a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe, a golden crown, and a handsome and majestic face walked out.

The clothes he wore were made of unknown materials, and they emitted a dazzling halo.

"Greetings to the headmaster, this person is the one who burned the communication talisman." The young man in green saluted respectfully.

"You go down and report." The head of Qingxuan waved his hand.


The young man in green did not dare to say a word, bowed, and went down directly.

"Ye Han greets the immortal!" Ye Han directly bowed and took out the envelope given to him by Mr. Lan Qing in his hands and handed it to the head of Qingxuan.

The head of Qingxuan waved his eyes, and the envelope flew into his hands.

Then he glanced at Ye Han.

Ye Han immediately felt a breath that made him tremble swept over his figure, as if he was seen through by the head of Qingxuan.

"A mortal?" The head of Qingxuan flashed a trace of surprise.

He asked calmly, "How did you get this envelope?"

"This was passed down to me by my ancestors. My ancestors said that if I couldn't survive, I should bring the envelope to Qingxuan Sect." Ye Han didn't dare to look at the head of Qingxuan Sect and answered.

This was what Mr. Lan Qing taught him to say. If he honestly said that he picked it up by accident, Qingxuan Sect might not recognize it, and it might also cause disasters and troubles...

"What do you want to ask for?" The head of Qingxuan Sect said slowly.

Ye Han answered without hesitation, "I want to become a cultivator."

"You want to become a cultivator? Do you know that you have spiritual roots?" The head of Qingxuan Sect said calmly with his eyes moving.

As long as these mortals know about cultivators, they all want to become immortals, but how can they just think about it?

"I don't know." Ye Han answered.

Mr. Lan Qing told him that if you want to cultivate immortals, you must have spiritual roots for cultivating immortals. In simple terms, you must have a physique that can cultivate immortals. If you don't have it, then it's useless to say anything.

Mr. Lan Qing also told him clearly that he had spiritual roots, but they were not very good.

Ye Han understood that this was not very good, which should be because his talent was not very good.

Sect Master Qing Xuan looked him up and down and said, "Your qualifications are average. If you insist on cultivating immortals, even if you practice hard, it will be a waste of effort."

Changing the subject, he continued, "If you change your mind, I can promise you a lifetime of wealth and honor, and it will not be difficult to become a secular person."

Ye Han listened and said firmly without hesitation, "Immortal, I just want to cultivate immortals."

After seeing the world of immortal cultivators and the methods of the female immortal, although money and wealth are good, they are not worth mentioning compared to this.

The head of Qingxuan frowned and looked at his hands and feet, which were already covered with scars, and the desire and determination in Ye Han's eyes.

He finally nodded and said: "Although your spiritual roots are not good, you have a strong character and great wisdom. Since you brought this thing, I can't refuse your request."

That thing is not awarded casually in the sect. You must have made outstanding contributions to the sect to get one.

In his impression, only three have been issued in the past hundred years. I don't know when the one brought by Ye Han was issued.

Since you have made outstanding contributions and merits to the sect, the sect must recognize it. Otherwise, who will work for the sect among the disciples and vassal families?

"Yes! Thank you, immortal!" Hearing this, Ye Han was overjoyed and thanked him quickly.

The head of Qingxuan Sect waved his hand and said, "To cultivate the Tao and become an immortal is the lifelong pursuit of us cultivators. The title of immortal cannot be used casually. I am the head of Qingxuan Sect, and you can call me the head."

"Yes! Head!" Ye Han said.

With such means, isn't he still an immortal?

"You go to the side hall and wait for arrangements!"

"Come here!"

Immediately, with the head of Qingxuan Sect shouting, a disciple in green clothes came up and took Ye Han to the side hall to wait.

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