In the hall, eight cultivators of different figures and appearances were arguing loudly...

"What? The foundation-building pills are going to be distributed to others? Someone brought the Qingxuan Order?!" An elder with white beard and hair said angrily.

"Fifth Elder! Why are you so angry? Who said that it's yours? Isn't the situation changed?" A beautiful female elder said slowly.

The fifth elder said with a gloomy face: "Damn it! How can a mortal enter the sect and take away my foundation-building pill!"

"The person who came has a letter of recommendation from a great cultivator and a Qingxuan Order, so it's not easy to refuse!"

"Wait a minute, Fifth Elder, I didn't say that the foundation-building pill is yours!"

"Silence!" The head of Qingxuan said in a deep voice: "I called you here to arrange that mortal! I didn't call you to discuss these things!"

"According to the rules, he came with the Qingxuan Order and was given the identity of an inner disciple. I called you here to let you discuss which mountain can accept him!"

As the head of Qingxuan said, the elders suddenly quieted down, with a thoughtful look on their faces.

In addition to the main peak, Qingxuan Sect also has seven inner peaks. Except for the Tiandi Peak, which ranks first, the peak master did not come, the other peak masters are all there.

And entering the mountain, only inner disciples can enter it to practice. If outer disciples want to become inner disciples, they must pass the inner assessment task or be in the top ten of the outer competition before they can enter the inner gate.

The person who came this time was a mortal who had not cultivated any mana. Accepting him to their mountain would affect their annual assessment.

Especially for the peaks ranked at the top, the strengths were very close. If there was such a burden, the annual ranking might fall behind by one place, and the cultivation resources allocated would be reduced by 10%, which would have a great impact.

Therefore, after this statement was made, all the peak masters present were silent.

Seeing that no one spoke, the fifth elder gritted his teeth and said, "Master, there is still a position in my Xuantian Peak, and I can accept this kid to join."

Now is the critical time for Wang Fa to practice, and this Qingxuan Order must be obtained.

As for this mortal coming to his own mountain to practice, it will be a drag, anyway, the two peaks behind are a bit far behind.

"Fifth elder, your abacus is loud, and my Qingxiu Peak has heard it." An elder sneered.

Another elder said, "Fifth elder, you must ensure his safety."

How could Master Qingxuan not see the thoughts of the fifth elder? But since that mortal wants to set foot in the world of immortal cultivation, he will have to face the immortal cultivators who are as powerful as a forest. Even if he has the Qingxuan Order, he has the obligation to protect him.

So the head of Qingxuan said: "This person came to our sect with the token. We must not only ensure his safety, but also take into account the improvement of his cultivation. Our Qingxuan Sect must ensure the safety and cultivation of these meritorious family disciples! Even if his aptitude is a little worse."

Hearing this, the fifth elder's face moved and he stopped talking immediately. He obviously heard the warning from the head of Qingxuan.

Originally, his mind was not so simple. This damn mortal fell into his Xuantian Peak. In the future, it would be a very simple thing to get his Qingxuan Order.

At this time, a thin, white-faced, beardless middle-aged elder said: "Since you are not willing to accept it, then come to my Qixuan Peak. Anyway, this is the bottom mountain, and I have no desires or demands."

"In that case, let's go to Qixuan Peak." The head of Qingxuan nodded.

The seventh elder said, "Wait a minute, Master, let him come to my Xuantian Peak!"

Hmph, what is the seventh elder doing? Competing with me for the Qingxuan Order?

The Qingxuan Master was in a dilemma, and after a moment of hesitation, he said, "Let the kid decide for himself!"

Tsk! How can the fifth elder be a mortal disciple? It's obviously for the Qingxuan Order in his hand.


Ye Han sat in the side hall, waiting calmly.

The copper token he got in the cave was the Qingxuan Order.

According to the regulations, he could get the reward of the Qingxuan Sect, be accepted as an inner disciple, and exchange the Qingxuan Order for a foundation-building pill. According to Mr. Lan Qing, this foundation-building pill is extremely important to cultivators.

But the Qingxuan Order is a hot potato. After all, he has seen Mr. Lan Qing's methods, and the masters of the world were killed before they could react.

In the eyes of a cultivator like me, a mortal, he can be killed with just one finger.

Ye Han's eyes flashed with hesitation. Should he change the Qingxuan Order for what he needed as Mr. Lan Qing said...

Just as he was thinking, the head of Qingxuan came in with two people. One was short and white-faced and beardless, and the other had a gloomy face and gray hair.

"This is the fifth elder of Xuantian Peak, and this is the seventh elder of Qixuan Peak." The head of Qingxuan casually pointed at the two and introduced them.

"Meet the fifth elder, the seventh elder." Ye Han respectfully stepped forward to greet them.

After greeting the two elders like this, Ye Han felt a little nervous. He was just entering the sect, why did he have two elders?

There must be something wrong.

The thin and petite Seventh Elder asked, "What's your name?"

Ye Han answered respectfully, "My surname is Ye, and my given name is Han, which means cold!"

The Seventh Elder looked Ye Han up and down, and said in surprise, "Ye Han? Your surname is Ye?"

Ye Han was a little surprised by the Seventh Elder's tone, but nodded and said, "My surname is indeed Ye!"

If this guy wasn't a cultivator, I would have said something to him. Didn't I say it? My name is Ye Han.

The head of Qingxuan Sect said, "Ye Han! You came to our Qingxuan Sect with the Qingxuan Order to become an inner disciple. Now two elders want to accept you. You can choose which mountain you want to enter."

After hearing this, Ye Han showed astonishment on his face, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat...

Mr. Lan Qing said that his aptitude for cultivating immortals was very poor. If he didn't have the Qingxuan Order, he would never be accepted as a disciple by Qingxuan Sect.

Now two mountains want to accept him as a disciple? What's going on? Isn't his aptitude for cultivating immortals poor? How come he has become a popular choice now?

No! It's the Qingxuan Order that caused the disaster.

Mr. Lan Qing was right. The Qingxuan Order is a hot potato.

Although Ye Han is young, he is very clear-headed. There must be something wrong with this matter.

So, Ye Han's eyes moved and he asked the head of Qingxuan: "Head, then tell me, which peak is better for me to enter?"

He was smart. He didn't ask the two elders, but asked the head of Qingxuan directly.

After this, the head of Qingxuan was stumped. This kid was tricky enough to throw the question directly to him, the head of the sect.

The head of Qingxuan was so experienced that he knew the problem that the two elders wanted to accept Ye Han.

Especially if Ye Han went to Xuantian Peak, how could the fifth elder let him go?

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