Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 70 Unexpected Changes

When Zhang Qingshan took the purple pill...

Ye Han watched Zhang Qingshan's changes nervously!

When the purple pill entered Zhang Qingshan's mouth, a purple spiritual light shone from his mouth...

Then Zhang Qingshan's body shook slightly, and some purple runes began to appear on his skin. These purple runes contained a sense of shock that made Ye Han feel terrified...

He felt dizzy just looking at those runes, and his consciousness seemed to be sucked in.

He closed his eyes and dared not look at it anymore. He felt like vomiting in his head.

At this time.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan's breathing gradually stabilized.

However, his shriveled body did not change at all, and the purple runes on his body also began to gradually disappear...

Then there was no change.

This situation was completely beyond Ye Han's expectations.

He didn't know whether the purple pill could save Zhang Qingshan. He felt that if Zhang Qingshan took this purple pill, it might kill him all of a sudden, or it might make Zhang Qingshan recover all of a sudden, or there would be other violent reactions.

Then, except for the change of the purple rune at the beginning, Zhang Qingshan seemed to be asleep, with no reaction at all, and his breath did not become much stronger and was still very weak.

However, this is also a good situation.

Ye Han comforted himself in this way. If he was cruel and selfishly kept the purple pill for himself, he might improve his cultivation a lot, and other unexpected situations might also occur.

He was not sure that this purple pill could restore Zhang Qingshan or maintain his life.

He was even prepared for the worst result, that is, this pill could not save people at all, but killed Zhang Qingshan.

If he had any other way, he would not want to do this.

Such a result has made Ye Han feel a little relieved. No matter what, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan still maintained his breath.

He fell down, recalling the struggle between heaven and man in his heart before, he looked at the purple tripod, which was already crystal clear jade, and did not turn into stone.

What does this mean?

It means that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed by the purple tripod has completely disappeared, and it may not work to rely on the purple tripod for cultivation.

Although it was a pity to decide to give the purple pill to Zhang Qingshan, he always felt that Zhang Qingshan was too honest and kind-hearted, and such a person should not live long in the world of immortal cultivation.

Even if he saved him, he would not change him in the future.

But he could not get over his psychological barrier. In the end, he decided to give it a try.

Not only for Zhang Qingshan, but also for his inner peace.

He felt that if he did not give the purple pill to Zhang Qingshan this time, but kept it for himself, he felt that he would embark on another path of immortal cultivation.

On this path of immortal cultivation, in fact, becoming an immortal or a demon is actually just a thought away.

Although Ye Han had a bitter background, he was alone for ten years, suffered many grievances, and was looked down upon by many people, but there was always a small group of kind-hearted people helping him.

Or, it was precisely because of this little warmth that he maintained his humanity.

Or, he, Ye Han, was actually just the same kind of person as Zhang Qingshan, so the two were so close.

But now that he saw Zhang Qingshan's aura with Ye Han, he felt no regrets at all.

The only struggle was the inner struggle of giving or not giving. Since he decided to give it to him, he had no regrets.

Because Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan deserved it.

If it was someone else, such as a guy like Zhang Sanlei, he would never give it to him even if he was beaten to death...

In short, the world is difficult, and only Ye Han can decide the right and wrong choices.

However, he immediately put away the purple tripod.

His eyes turned to the water monster that was dead and could not die anymore. This guy was not ordinary huge, like a boat. He stood up but was not as high as that guy.

The thing on his head that looked like a white lotus had withered.

Obviously, this water monster was dead.

Except for the monster he saw in that strange cave that day, he had never seen a monster bigger than this monster. Of course, Ye Han had never seen many monsters.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that in legend, there are some monsters that are bigger than mountains. They are earth-shaking monsters...

If they stamp their feet, the whole world of immortal cultivation will shake.

Of course, this is just a legend.

And there are many grooves on the body of this monster. It is obvious that Zhang Qingshan used some secret method to break it from its belly.

The water in the pool has been dyed red, emitting a strong bloody smell.

But it is no longer there. The amazing spiritual energy of heaven and earth before has been absorbed by the purple tripod.

What makes Ye Han feel weird is that the stalactite at the top of the cave, which used to drip water, has no water dripping now.

I don’t know what happened.

Ye Han tried to call Zhang Qingshan again, thinking of asking him to wake up, at least let him help him deal with the situation in front of him.

But Zhang Qingshan still didn’t respond at all.

Ye Han’s face was helpless. It seems that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan will not wake up for a while.

So, he thought about it and took off all the storage bags on Zhang Qingshan.

Most of these storage bags belong to Zhang Sanlei and his three companions and Qinshan.

In the past, he had no cultivation and could not use storage bags at all. Zhang Qingshan only had one, so he had never had a storage bag.

When he put away the spoils of war before, Zhang Qingshan gave Ye Han a storage bag for his own use.

In fact, it was to recognize the owner by dripping blood, and then use the divine consciousness to make a divine consciousness mark on it.

The storage bag that Zhang Qingshan gave him belonged to Zhang Sanlei. The space inside was not bad. It was seven or eight feet square, and there were many things that could be stored in it.

In Zhang Qingshan's words, this storage bag alone was worth hundreds of spirit stones.

Ye Han certainly did not take the opportunity to take these spoils for himself, but he wanted to empty these storage bags.

He wanted to clear out the space in these storage bags. There were quite a few storage bags, and he was going to put the body of the water monster in them.

Ye Han's own storage bag had already contained the largest claw beast, and there was not much space left. Ye Han checked and found three empty storage bags.

He suddenly found that he could not see the size of Zhang Qingshan's storage bag, nor could he see clearly what was inside.

But among the other storage bags, the one Zhang Qingshan gave him was already the largest.

It would be impossible to put such a big water monster in it!

There was another more important problem, that is, such a big water monster had thick skin and flesh, how could he cut it open?

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