Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 71 Dismembering the Water Monster

You should know that the scales and skin of the clawed beast can resist the attack of the dagger magic weapon. It may be because of the defense of the demonic power that it has such a high defense.

But even if there is no demonic power, it is impossible to cut the scales and skin of this clawed beast with an ordinary iron sword.

Ye Han has no magic weapon to cut the body of the water monster.

You should know that such a big monster is full of treasures. If you don’t take it away, it will be a big loss.

Ye Han saw the axe treasure next to Zhang Qingshan.

With a thought in his mind, he walked over and saw that the axe was not as heavy as he imagined. It was the size of two palms, very wide, but not thick. It was probably dozens of pounds in his hand.

With Ye Han’s current cultivation and the power of the body refining technique, it was very easy to hold it.

However, this axe was as smooth as a mirror, and the handle and the axe were golden in color, with countless runes as small as hair.

The blade of this axe treasure is extremely sharp. Zhang Qingshan attacked with this axe so many times, but there was no trace left.

It seems that this axe treasure is definitely not an ordinary mortal object.

No wonder Qin Shan and Zhang Sanlei were envious when they saw this axe. He felt that this thing was definitely not an ordinary magic weapon.

Maybe with the character of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, he was able to live in the world of immortal cultivation for so long. On the one hand, it was because he only practiced hard in the mountains and rarely went down the mountain to perform tasks. On the other hand, it was because he had such a treasure at the bottom of the box.

He grabbed the axe, walked towards the body of the water monster, swung Zhang Qingshan's axe, and chopped on a scale...


There was a sound of metal colliding. The scale of the water monster had a long one, but it was only cut into a little.

However, being able to cut into it already made Ye Han quite surprised.

He used his magic power and then used blood refining skills to instantly increase his strength. Then he chopped down with an axe...

Puff! !

This time, most of the axe was cut into the flesh of the water monster's body.

Of course, it was not because his magic power and strength were enough to break through the scale defense of the water monster, but mainly because the axe treasure in his hand was too sharp.

Immediately, Ye Han swung the axe and kept chopping, and began to dissect the body of the water monster...

Although it was very hard.

But when Zhang Qingshan collected the body of the claw beast, he told him that the body of the monster was full of treasures, and this body alone could be sold for a lot of spirit stones.

Apart from anything else, the bodies of these two claw beasts alone could be sold for five or six hundred spirit stones.

You have to know that whether it is Zhang Qingshan or Ye Han, what they lack most is spirit stones.

He didn't know what level this monster was, but he was definitely a monster higher than the claw beast. As long as he took it back, it would be a huge harvest, and it would be worth it for him and Zhang Qingshan to fight with this guy to kill the monster.

Ye Han stayed in this cave for several days.

When he was hungry, he roasted the monster meat.

When he was tired, he meditated to restore his magic power...

It took three or four days, because he didn't know how many days he had been in the cave.

It took him so many days to cut the monster's body into more than a dozen pieces.

Fortunately, there were many empty storage bags on Qinshan Er Xiong's body, and there was no blood recognition and no spiritual mark.

Zhang Qingshan said that it was possible that these storage bags were killed by Qinshan Er Xiong and robbed by other cultivators.

It seems that these two guys are really bloodthirsty. I don't know how many cultivators died in their hands.

However, these storage bags are not big, and the largest one is only half the size of his storage bag.

He put the corpses of these monsters into these storage bags piece by piece, even the bones were not spared...

However, the bones of this water monster are relatively soft and not as difficult to cut as imagined, so Ye Han still disassembled all the bones and put all that could be put in. The only exception is that the skull of this water monster is too big, and it is difficult to cut it open with the axe treasure, and no storage bag can fit it...

During this period, Ye Han has been paying attention to the changes in Zhang Qingshan and trying to wake him up.

Compared with the previous few days, Zhang Qingshan's breath has recovered a little, and the shriveled muscles on his body have also recovered a little bit, but no matter how Ye Han shouted, no way could he wake him up.

After all, Ye Han's cultivation is limited, how many ways can he use to wake Zhang Qingshan?

Besides, he is also afraid of making things worse and making Zhang Qingshan's condition worse.

After finally dealing with the body of the water monster...

Ye Han felt that it was unrealistic to wait for Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan to wake up, but his cultivation was so low that he was not sure about leaving the Black Monster Forest with Zhang Qingshan, who was unconscious.

After all, when he came with Zhang Sanlei and others, he also encountered several monsters. No matter which one he encountered, he was no match for the monsters alone, not to mention that he had to take Zhang Qingshan, who was unconscious.

Now Ye Han felt like he was guarding the entire treasure mountain, but he was powerless to take the treasure mountain away...

Thinking about it, Ye Han thought about it and found out the storage bags containing the treasures of Zhang Sanlei, Li Zongqing, Wang Fulai, and Qin Shan.

Although these storage bags had blood recognition and spiritual marks, their owners were already dead.

Ye Han easily unlocked these spiritual marks and took out the contents of these storage bags. There were bottles and jars, secret manuals of martial arts, various strange materials, and a lot of spiritual stones on them...

However, those magic tools were put into Zhang Qingshan's storage bag, and Ye Han had no way to use them.

What exactly are these things? There are many things that Ye Han doesn't know.

However, he put those bottles and jars, things containing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and spiritual stones on one side, and those secret manuals of martial arts, which are obviously metal materials, strange ores, semi-finished magic tools, etc., on the other side.

The reason why he separated all these things.

That's because he wanted to see how his magical purple tripod absorbed the five top-grade Qi-refining pills given to him by Fairy Qingfeng.

He put the purple tripod in the middle of the pile of bottles and jars, and put the spiritual stones searched from the five people's storage bags next to the purple tripod.

It is worth mentioning that the lid of the purple tripod was closed again, without a single gap, and it seems that it will not be opened easily.

However, the five people sent and received less than a hundred spirit stones, but there were quite a few elixirs...

But he didn't know which ones could be used and which ones couldn't be used.

So he placed them around the purple tripod and waited for the purple tripod to change silently.

After about a quarter of an hour, Ye Han saw that the purple tripod trembled slightly and suddenly reacted.

Ye Han's heart moved, and he immediately stared at the purple tripod...

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