Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 72 Mysterious Purple Cauldron

I saw countless purple light runes appearing on the crystal clear purple tripod, forming a swirling purple light vortex.

The purple light vortex formed a small vortex in the air, almost invisible!

Ye Han opened his eyes wide and looked carefully, with a faint flash of light in his eyes.

At this time, in the middle of the Qi Refining Stage of his advanced cultivation, he can control mana to bless his eyes, ears and other five senses, so that his hearing or vision can be blessed to a certain extent.

For example, before, he couldn't see the aura of heaven and earth at all, but with the blessing of mana, he could see the rhythm of aura of heaven and earth.

Sure enough, as his eyes flashed with inspiration.

The vortex caused by the purple tripod caused ripples to fluctuate in the void, following this strange fluctuation.

The surrounding spiritual stones and elixir bottles all emitted traces of spiritual light and penetrated into the purple tripod...

As these auras of light penetrated into the purple cauldron, traces of purple runes began to spin out of the crystal clear purple jade of the purple cauldron. However, those runes were too small. Ye Han also saw Not sure what these runes are...

But he felt the power coming from this rune, which made him feel frightened.

Before, when he was dragged into the pool by the huge water demon.

He thought he was dead, but the powerful attraction that Ziding suddenly sent out directly swallowed up so much spiritual energy from heaven and earth, which was absolutely extraordinary.

Now the pool has become ordinary water, and the pool is almost dry.

In other words, the sudden suction force of the purple cauldron sucked up all the spiritual energy of the surrounding world.

Moreover, when he came, Zi Ding felt an inexplicable excitement and started to tremble, as if there was something inside that attracted Zi Ding.

So for Ye Han, Ziding is the most important aid for him to cultivate immortality. After all, his cultivation is low and his talent is also very poor...

But when the magic power of his eyes converged, he felt that his eyes were a little tired...

After all, forcibly using magic to strengthen the five senses will have a considerable impact on your eyes and ears.

Soon, as Ziding quickly swallowed, the pile of nearly a hundred spiritual stones turned into a pile of stones in just a few breaths, and all the spiritual energy was exhausted.

However, there are still a few filaments of spiritual light surging out of those bottles, and they continue to penetrate into the purple cauldron...

As these filaments of aura penetrated in, the purple tripod also began to change slightly. The original crystal clear purple jade material began to gradually petrify...

It only lasted about ten breaths.

Those bottles and jars began to lose their aura filaments one after another.

The entire purple tripod was not completely petrified, but half petrified and half purple jade, which was similar to the condition of the purple tripod when he came...

Seeing this situation, Ye Han's face was indescribably surprised. Although he didn't know what those bottles of pills were, there were dozens of them.

Plus these nearly a hundred spirit stones...

It only made Ziding half petrified.

Although this purple tripod is an amazing treasure, the speed at which it is consumed is really scary...

These things combined can allow a monk to practice for at least one year.

But just by taking this breath, it was all consumed, which is about ten breaths.

However, Ye Han had no time to think about anything else, because he didn't know what these bottles of pills were, and it would be even more troublesome if something went wrong after eating them.

It was impossible for him to leave Zhang Qingshan here and escape from here alone.

Because Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan doesn’t know when he will wake up. If he takes Zhang Qingshan out alone at this time, deep in the Black Demon Forest, and encounters some monsters or monks with ulterior motives, how can he resist with his little cultivation? Can you live there?

This experience made Ye Han feel that after he returned to Qingxuan Sect, he must catch up on various knowledge of immortal cultivators.

He found that he lacked too much.

No matter what the names of those monsters are, what these materials and treasures are, or how to distinguish these elixirs, he has no idea at all.

He knew that he had joined Qingxuanmen, and there must be a place in Qingxuanmen where he could learn to see these things.

Before, he had no cultivation in Qixuan Peak and did not dare to wander around. Although he has some cultivation now, if he can reach the late stage of Qi Refining Stage, then there should be no problem for him to move around in Qingxuan Sect.

So no matter from which aspect, Ye Han felt that he lacked too much and did not look like a mature immortal cultivator at all.

Of course, although Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan gave him a lot of guidance, he felt that relying on Senior Brother Zhang's guidance alone was completely insufficient, because Senior Brother Zhang might have something else to do. It remains to be seen whether I can wake up this time...

Therefore, he still felt that he should improve his cultivation level first. Whether he was leaving the Black Demon Mountain Range or returning to the gate, he needed to have a certain amount of cultivation level to protect himself.

So after Ye Han sorted out these things, he used Zhang Qingshan's ax to dig a hole in the mountain wall...

This thing cuts iron like mud. Although these colors are very hard, they were quickly dug out. A suitable cave was placed in Zhang Qingshan.

Ye Han also dug a hole himself, just enough to accommodate him alone. He used his ax to cut out a stone slab to seal the hole. If he didn't wake up when he was practicing like last time, this stone slab could help him block it. .

Only a small gap was left.

The cave where Zhang Qingshan was was also sealed, leaving only a place for ventilation.

Anyway, when the cultivators have reached this level of cultivation, they are not afraid of suffocation.

After preparing all this, Ye Han sat cross-legged, put the purple tripod in his pocket, and turned his back to the stone slab.

Ye Han practiced Qingxuan Gong and began to practice.

He knew that there was a certain risk in doing so. If an outsider broke in and discovered his movements, the result would not be much better.

But going out was even more dangerous, and he had only one thing to do now.

Sure enough, as he practiced Qingxuan Gong, he quickly entered into a state of concentration, feeling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth surging into him, followed by an indescribable strong breath, which then drilled into his body.

He felt that this force should be emitted by the purple tripod.

As he practiced Qingxuan Gong to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the breath emitted by the purple tripod...

Ye Han entered the state of being completely immersed in practice again. He could not feel the situation outside at all, as if he had entered a state of sleep.

But the Qingxuan Gong in his body began to work rapidly.

His cultivation level also began to rise.

After absorbing the power of the purple tripod this time, how much will his cultivation level be improved?

Will it take another three months for him to meditate this time?

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