Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 78 Registered Disciple

The sudden arrival of the seventh elder made Ye Han feel a little uneasy, thinking that his affair with Zhang Qingshan had been exposed...

Although he felt uneasy, he still forced himself to calm down and bowed respectfully to the Seventh Elder: "Disciple Ye Han meets the Peak Master!"

The seventh elder's eyes were full of light, and he looked Ye Han up and down, his eyes full of disbelief.

Ye Han only felt that the eyes of the seventh elder contained a power of perspective that penetrated directly into his internal organs. It seemed that the condition of his body could not be hidden from him at all.

This is the horror of the Golden Core Stage monks.

No wonder Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan told him that those who cultivate immortals are respected by the strong. Just the terrifying aura of the Seventh Elder would be enough to deal with him with just one finger.

However, he was also a little strange. According to Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, the higher the level of monks, the longer they spend in seclusion. For example, monks in the golden elixir stage sometimes stay in seclusion for ten or eight years, which is very normal. matter.

The last time the seventh elder sent him to this cave was seven or eight months ago.

Now the seventh elder suddenly appeared again, and it seemed that he was still looking for him.

The seventh elder suddenly withdrew his gaze, instantly making Ye Han feel the pressure that made his scalp numb.

Fortunately, he recently got a storage bag. All his things are in the storage bag. No matter how high the Seventh Elder is, he cannot see the contents of the storage bag through the storage bag.

Among them, he put the most important purple tripod in a storage bag and hid it in the cave.

Withdrawing his eyes, the Seventh Elder said to Ye Han: "I really didn't expect that you, with the pseudo-spiritual roots of the Four Immortals, could actually practice the Qingxuan Jue to this extent, and the foundation is very thick, and the physical body is also You are very strong. It seems that you have had a chance during this period. You have changed so much that I almost can’t recognize you."

Ye Han's heart tightened after hearing this. Sure enough, his body's cultivation status could not be hidden at all from this golden elixir stage monk...

He immediately explained: "Master Qi Xuan, after I arrived at Qixuan Peak, I received guidance from senior brother Zhang Qingshan, as well as the pills given by senior uncle Qingfeng, and the cave...!"

Before Ye Han finished speaking, the seventh elder waved his hand and said, "You don't need to explain anything else to me. Where did you come from this Qingxuan Gong?"

After speaking, he looked at Ye Han with burning eyes.

Ye Han felt a pressure, but of course he would not tell the Seventh Elder the true situation. Instead, he said it based on what he said at the time that Fairy Qingfeng knew about it: "Seventh Elder, this Qingxuan Gong was created by me in the cave. Found it! I...!”

The Seventh Elder, without hearing what Ye Han said, frowned and said, "Okay, you don't have to tell me anymore! This cave is mine. Is there anything like this in it? Don't I know?"

After saying this, he continued: "But since you have Qingxuan Order and Qingxuan Gong, it's not surprising. It seems that you also have resources. But don't worry, I am a Golden Core monk. I'll take a look at your resources."

The voice continued to him: "There are many disciples who have had the opportunity in Qingxuan Sect. We elders will not peep into your secrets. As long as you always remember that you are from Qingxuan Sect!"

After finishing speaking, the seventh elder looked at Ye Han and said, "But you must also know the origin of Qingxuan Gong. Since I know this, I can't turn a blind eye. This way! I will accept you as a registered disciple, you...!" "

Before the seventh elder could finish speaking, Ye Han immediately bowed and said, "Disciple Ye Han pays homage to the master!"

The reason why he was so miserable in Qixuan Peak was that he didn't even dare to leave the cave, for fear that others would snatch his cave...

It's because I don't have a strong backer.

Regardless of the reason why the Seventh Elder accepted him as a registered disciple, he is also a disciple of the Seventh Elder, and his status is different.

An elder's registered disciple is many times more powerful than other disciples who worship him as a foundation-building master.

Ye Han fully understood the benefits of having a strong backer for his cultivation and for himself in Qingxuan Sect...

Although he is only a registered disciple.

The last time I wanted to call Qi Chang Teacher, they ignored him and even explained that I had nothing to do with him...

The reason why the seventh elder accepted him this time may not be because of his talent of immortal roots. So what is the reason? Is it because my foundation is stable and I practice quickly? Or is there a chance?

He felt that neither of them were the case. With his cultivation and foundation, if he wanted to impress an elder at the Golden Core Stage, it was still too far off. After all, there were countless Foundation Establishment Stage monks who were lining up to worship the Golden Core Stage elders. Elders are teachers.

Then why would you like yourself?

Although he had some doubts in his heart, Ye Han still cleverly accepted his apprenticeship.

Seeing how clever Ye Han was, the seventh elder smiled slightly, took a deep look at the cave behind him and said, "You don't have to be suspicious. I accepted you as my disciple because of the previous owner of this cave!"

Having said this, his eyes flashed with a hint of sadness, and he said: "He is just a pseudo-immortal root disciple like you, but he has made an indelible contribution to Qixuan Peak. I can see it in you." His shadow, I hope you can make a difference in the future!"

After hearing the seventh elder's words, Ye Han's heart moved. Fairy Qingfeng had said similar words to him once.

He said that the cave he changed with the Seventh Elder belonged to a former disciple of Qixuan Peak, and he seemed to be the senior brother of Qixuan Peak.

It just died for some reason.

It seems that I will have to find out what is going on in the future.

So, Ye Han immediately said: "Yes! Master, I will practice hard and live up to Master's expectations."

The seventh elder didn't say much, nodded and said: "You can think of it this way. When you become a foundation-building disciple, I will officially accept you as a disciple!"

Listening to the seventh elder's words, Ye Han also knew that it was impossible for a registered disciple to get guidance from the seventh elder, but having this registered disciple was extraordinary.

Ye Han immediately said: "Yes! Disciple must work hard!"

No matter what, with the support of the Seventh Elder, those disciples will not dare to embarrass themselves easily in Qixuan Peak in the future.

The Seventh Elder continued: "Last time, I was in a hurry and didn't let you go to the entrance to register. Now you can go to the entrance to register. There are dedicated masters to teach you! It delayed your cultivation!"

After saying that, he flipped his palm and found a token in his hand. He handed it to Ye Han and said, "This is the disciple token of my master. You can go to the Library Pavilion to read books other than cultivation techniques for free. You can also go to the Treasure Pavilion." , get a magic weapon! This is my apprenticeship ceremony for you!”

After hearing this, Ye Han took it over in surprise and said, "Thank you, Master, for the reward!"

Unexpectedly, the Seventh Elder would also give him the apprenticeship ceremony. After all, how could there be any apprenticeship ceremony for a named disciple?

I just don’t know, what kind of magic weapon can I get from the Treasure Pavilion?

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