Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 79 The Importance of Backers

Ye Han walked out of the Qixuan Palace in Qixuan Peak, and a middle-aged cultivator saw him out with a happy face.

The middle-aged cultivator said to Ye Han with a smile: "Goodbye, Junior Brother Ye! Come to me to discuss cultivation experience when you have time!"

Ye Han bowed to the middle-aged cultivator and said: "Senior Brother Wang Lan, please stay! I will ask you for advice when I have time!"

Wang Lan returned the greeting and said: "Okay, okay! Junior Brother, come to this Qixuan Palace when you have time, just find me. I have been on duty here for the past few months!"

Ye Han and Wang Lan said a few more words before saying goodbye and leaving.

Walking on the road, Ye Han was not ordinary in his feelings. It was indeed different after having a big backer.

He came to the Qixuan Palace to register with the disciple token of the Seventh Elder. Wang Lan, who was on duty, was not ordinary in his enthusiasm for him.

Not only did he personally take him to complete the formalities, but he also personally sent him out when he left, and expressed his desire to discuss cultivation experience with him.

Is this the treatment of ordinary beginners?

Of course not.

This is because he is the disciple of the Seventh Elder and he is trying to curry favor with him.

When he had no cultivation and had not become the disciple of the Seventh Elder, he had to be very careful when he left the cave.

Unlike now, when others are very respectful to him.

You should know that Wang Lan's cultivation is the Great Perfection of the Qi Refining Stage. If it were not for the Seventh Elder's disciple, how could he look down on Ye Han.

However, after the apprenticeship in the morning, the Seventh Elder did not stay, but only helped him to pass the password of the cave, and let Ye Han drip his blood to recognize the master, and truly completely control the formation and restrictions of this cave...

Then the Seventh Elder left, and Ye Han took the token given by the Seventh Elder and came to the Seventh Profound Hall to report.

In fact, the Seventh Elder really overlooked this matter. New disciples like Ye Han are generally given basic exercises, a few cultivation resources, and special monks who guide them to practice and learn the rules of the sect...

As a result, the Seventh Elder left Ye Han in the cave and left without any care.

It can be seen that no one took Ye Han seriously, a mortal with no cultivation and a disciple with fake spiritual roots.

Ye Han, a mortal, was confused in the cave of Qixuan Peak. If he had not met the guidance of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, a good guy, and Ye Han was smart enough to find Zhang Qingshan, the situation might be completely different.

This result is good, because if he went to a special place for guiding beginners to practice and study as soon as he entered the sect, he might be in a worse situation.

After all, his spiritual roots are too poor, and his cultivation is that of a mortal. Those disciples who entered the sect have at least the fourth or fifth level of Qi Refining Stage.

Wouldn't he be looked down upon and bullied by the new disciples?

It's not like now that he came to report with the token of the Seventh Elder, and Wang Lan, who has reached the great perfection of the late Qi Refining Stage, is respectful to him.

It seems that there is not much difference between this world of immortal cultivation and the secular world. It is human nature to seek power and wealth, and to love beauty...

However, Ye Han was also very depressed. It turned out that he had missed a lot of things. After all, when he entered the inner sect, he was given 20 spirit stones at once, as well as two low-grade Qi-refining pills and two basic exercises to choose from, one for cultivation and the other for spells.

You can choose the cultivation method and basic spells yourself. After all, each cultivator has different spiritual roots, and even Ye Han has four spiritual roots, and there are strong and weak immortal roots...

However, Ye Han has already cultivated Qingxuan Gong, so there is no need to choose basic exercises. He plans to choose one more basic spell.

As for what spells he can choose, he still needs to go to the library to see what he can choose.

Another thing, Ye Han looked at the two low-grade Qi-refining pills and realized that the Qi-refining pill he bought temporarily before was not of grade.

There were no cracks on these two inferior Qi-refining pills, and they were relatively round and full, but they were far inferior to the five that Fairy Qingfeng gave him.

It seems that the five Qi-refining pills that Fairy Qingfeng gave him should be superior Qi-refining pills, and five of them are worth hundreds of spirit stones.

It seems that I have to thank Fairy Qingfeng well next time I meet her.

However, Ye Han did not go to the library immediately, but went to the treasure pavilion.

Because the Seventh Elder told him that on the one hand, it was to make up for his neglect of his basic training in the mountains, and on the other hand, it was also a gift for him to become a disciple, so that he could go to the treasure pavilion to choose a magic weapon.

Therefore, Ye Han did not rush to the library, but went directly to the treasure pavilion.

Soon Ye Han came to the treasure pavilion, which was five stories high and a high tower-like building. There was actually a row of forbidden formations visible to the naked eye on it.

It seems that it is wishful thinking for even a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage to attack this treasure pavilion by force.

Ye Han walked into the treasure pavilion. There were not many people inside. A female cultivator with a perfect figure and beautiful face was sitting on a cushion in the hall to practice.

Seeing Ye Han coming in, she glanced at her with her beautiful eyes and said calmly: "What do you want? Take out your exchange token!"

Ye Han was stunned. He didn't have any exchange token, but since the Seventh Elder said that he could get treasures with his disciple token, it should be no problem.

So he took out the token given to him by the Seventh Elder and said: "The peak master asked me to exchange for a magic weapon! How can I exchange it, Senior Sister?"

This female cultivator's cultivation was obviously much higher than his, so it was no problem for him to call her Senior Sister.

But the female cultivator looked at the token in his hand, stood up from the ground immediately, and said enthusiastically: "So you are the disciple of the peak master! Junior brother, why haven't I seen you before?"

Seeing the female cultivator suddenly become enthusiastic towards him, Ye Han once again felt that it was still useful to have a backer. Just now, the female cultivator looked indifferent when she saw him...

It's not like now that she calls him junior brother one by one and asks about him.

Ye Han didn't want to offend anyone, and smiled and said: "I am the new disciple of the Seventh Elder. It's normal that you haven't seen me before."

He didn't say that he was a registered disciple. Although his status was different, he couldn't say that.

Wouldn't that belittle the status of the Seventh Elder?

The female cultivator said with envy: "So you are the new disciple of the Seventh Elder? It's really enviable. I don't have such a blessing to be able to worship the Seventh Elder as my teacher!"

As she said that, she asked again: "What is your name? My name is Han Yuwan! You can come to me more often to discuss your cultivation experience in the future!"

As she said that, she stared at Ye Han with bright eyes, and her enthusiasm was incredible.

Ye Han sighed again, it's good to have a backer. He just became the disciple of the Seventh Elder, and others look at him differently.

She said: "My name is Ye Han! Senior sister! My master asked me to get a magic weapon, but I don't know how to get it?"

As she said that, Ye Han suddenly realized that the purple tripod in his storage bag suddenly reacted...

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