Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 80 Qixuan Peak Treasure Pavilion

The purple tripod suddenly reacted, which shocked Ye Han. What if the treasure pavilion absorbs the aura of the treasures in the treasure pavilion?

It will definitely attract the investigation of the high-level cultivators of Qingxuan Sect. No matter how he explains, it will be useless. The purple tripod will definitely be found, and his troubles will be endless.

He might even die because of it.

Fortunately, Ye Han felt it with his spiritual sense, and the purple tripod just trembled slightly, but there was no other reaction.

He was relieved.

The storage bag has been recognized by him with blood, and his spiritual sense can feel the situation of the treasures inside at any time.

It is worth mentioning that when entering Qingxuan Sect, the sect will also issue a storage bag, but the storage space of this storage bag is really limited, probably only one foot square, and it is almost full after putting a few pills and a few books.

That is just joining the outer sect.

Joining the inner sect is the twenty spirit stones and two low-grade refining pills that Ye Han just received.

Among the many storage bags that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, Zhang Sanlei and others had obtained, the one he was given was the largest one, which was five or six feet square.

An adult like Ye Han could fit five or six of them, which was already a very large storage bag, and of course it was worth a lot of money.

However, a cultivator's storage bag cannot hold living things. As long as a living thing is put into the storage bag, some space collapses and the living thing dies.

This is because the storage bag is in an independent space, and putting a living thing in it is equivalent to destroying the special formation structure of this space.

The purple tripod did not change again, which made Ye Han slightly relieved, but he thought it was normal for the purple tripod to react. It was abnormal that there was no treasure in the treasure pavilion of a big sect that could make the purple tripod react.

Han Yuwan saw that Ye Han's expression was a little strange, and looked at Ye Han in surprise and said, "Junior Brother Ye! Is there anything wrong?"

This Ye Han looks so young, his cultivation is already in the late stage of Qi Refining, and he looks so delicate. No wonder he was accepted as a disciple by the Seventh Elder?

Why didn't I have such good luck? Which elder took a fancy to me?

And those in the foundation-building stage just wanted to turn her into a cauldron for cultivation.

Ye Han immediately said, "Nothing! Senior Sister Han! My master only told me that I could receive a magic weapon, but didn't say what kind of magic weapon I could receive. Senior Sister Han, can you tell me in detail?"

Han Yuwan saw that Ye Han was so polite and called her "senior sister" all the time. Her attitude was much better.

Perhaps it was more because he was the disciple of the seventh elder.

So Han Yuwan explained, "Under normal circumstances, you need to exchange tokens to exchange treasures in the treasure pavilion. These exchange tokens can be exchanged by completing tasks issued by the sect, or by purchasing them in the treasure pavilion with spirit stones, or by exchanging them with treasures."

"Each of these exchange tokens has different grades. What level of exchange tokens can be obtained by completing a sect task depends on the difficulty of the task. Of course, the higher the level of exchange tokens, the more expensive the spirit stones required, and the more difficult it is to exchange treasures."

Then she looked at Ye Han with envy and said, "The disciple token given to Junior Brother Ye by the peak master can be exchanged for a magic weapon according to the rules!"

The voice paused, and she explained, "Although there is no regulation on what level of magic weapons can be exchanged, Senior Sister can make the decision to let you enter the treasure pavilion of each magic weapon room and let Junior Brother choose at will, how about it?"

This Ye Han is the new disciple of the Seventh Elder. You should know that the Seventh Elder has not accepted any disciples since the death of the eldest brother, and it has been more than ten years.

He actually accepted Ye Han, it must be because Ye Han impressed the Seventh Elder.

He had to build a good relationship with Ye Han, who was the Seventh Elder's disciple, and he would benefit a lot in the Seventh Profound Peak in the future.

After hearing this, Ye Han said gratefully: "Thank you so much, Senior Sister Han is not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted!"

Listening to Ye Han's sweet words, cultivators are also human, and they like to hear nice things. Han Yuwan said happily: "Junior Brother Ye! You are really good at talking. In the future, you can come to Senior Sister to talk about your cultivation experience when you are free! Senior Sister is here to serve, Junior Brother can come to me at any time."

There are so many male cultivators who are thinking about female cultivators like her, and only Ye Han can make him look at her with new eyes and take the initiative to invite him to come to her.

In fact, Ye Han was just talking casually. Han Yuwan was indeed very beautiful, but his mind was not on this. He was thinking about what good magic weapon he could pick out when he went in...

But Han Yuwan also saw that Ye Han's mind was not on her. Instead, she was quite fond of him. There were many male cultivators pursuing her.

Cultivators pay attention to the law, companions, wealth and land. Among them, companions refer to friends on the way to cultivation, and can also refer to dual cultivation partners.

You should know that if male and female cultivators combine to practice dual cultivation, the speed of cultivation will be much faster than that of ordinary cultivation, and the bottlenecks encountered will be much lower.

However, there are also cultivators who go astray and use the means of plundering the other party's cultivation and using the other party as a furnace for their own cultivation. It is generally an evil practice.

Han Yuwan has good cultivation and beautiful looks, so of course there are many suitors...

However, there are not many male cultivators that Han Yuwan likes, and few of them can impress her.

Seeing that Ye Han was focused on the magic weapon, Han Yuwan was not in a hurry and said to Ye Han: "Then follow me, Junior Brother! I'll take you to see it!"

So, Han Yuwan took Ye Han to the second floor of the treasure pavilion, introducing them as they walked.

"Junior Brother Ye, our treasure pavilion of Qixuan Peak is divided into five floors. The first floor is the reception area, and there is also a place for the cultivation of the guarding monks. The second floor is the magic weapon, the third floor is the spiritual weapon, and above... it is not something that people of our status can know."

Ye Han certainly heard what Han Yuwan meant, implying that the treasures on the fourth and fifth floors are not something that ordinary disciples can weave and dye...

Of course, the exchange price is also sky-high, and Ye Han doesn't think too much about it, anyway, those things are still far away from him.

First exchange the magic weapon in front of him.

While talking, Han Yuwan took Ye Han to the second floor. There were actually two disciples guarding the door of the second floor. It seems that their cultivation is also quite high.

Han Yuwan showed her identity and introduced Ye Han's identity. Hearing that Ye Han was the disciple of the Seventh Elder, the two disciples also showed much respect to Ye Han.

The two disciples then activated the ban and let Ye Han and Han Yuwan in.

After opening the door to the second floor, Ye Han was dazzled by the flashing treasure light inside...

There were so many treasures inside, so amazing.

With so many treasures, he really didn't know how to choose.

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