Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 81: Ring of Thorns

However, although Ye Han saw the treasure light flashing in the attic, which was filled with a dazzling array of magical weapons, he also concealed his surprise very well.

After all, he is now the disciple of the Seventh Elder, and he cannot let others see that he is a country bumpkin, which will embarrass others.

But he was also a little troubled. After all, compared with other disciples of cultivators, his understanding of magical artifacts and treasures was not an ordinary lack of knowledge. Among these treasures, which one is better and which one is better? How does he know its function?

This is the result of him having been hiding in the cave to practice and not supplementing the knowledge necessary for cultivating immortals.

Of course, everything happened for a reason, and there was nothing he could do about it.

At the beginning, his cultivation level was so low and he was a mortal, so even knowing these things was useless.

Anyway, he now has a library, and he can study for free, so he will make up for it later.

On the contrary, how can he choose a suitable treasure among so many treasures now?

I saw that these treasures were placed in grids on shelves. The larger items were placed in the larger grids, and the smaller items were placed in the smaller grids.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of them.

It seems that Qixuanfeng is not very poor.

This is the benefit of joining a sect. Like ordinary casual cultivators or small sects, there are so many treasures to choose from.

Ye Han also saw that these magic weapons were divided into four areas and placed in different grids.

Han Yuwan was impressed by Ye Han's calm expression. He was indeed a disciple of the Seventh Elder. He had extraordinary knowledge and could remain so calm in the face of so many treasures.

So she took the initiative to introduce it to Ye Han and said, "Junior Brother Ye! These treasures are arranged according to the categories of high-grade magical artifacts, medium-grade magical artifacts, low-grade magical artifacts, and unclassified magical artifacts."

As she said this, she told Ye Han respectively that there were medium-grade magical artifacts, high-grade magical artifacts, low-grade magical artifacts, and unclassified magical artifacts.

Then she said to Ye Han: "Junior brother Ye, you have the elder's disciple token. I suggest you choose a suitable high-grade magical weapon. A good high-grade magical weapon can be used for a long time, even if you become a foundation-building period Even monks can use it for a long time!”

Saying this, Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han with some envy. You must know that to bring Qixuan Peak and exchange for a high-grade magic weapon, even in her Qi refining period, an eleventh-level monk has to complete many tasks. , it will take a year or two, and if you are unlucky, it will take another four or five years before you can afford a high-grade magic weapon.

Ye Hanguang became a disciple of the Seventh Elder and could exchange it for a high-grade magic weapon. How about this kind of luck? Not enviable.

Of course, Ye Han was able to be accepted as a disciple by the Seventh Elder because he was either extremely talented or had an extraordinary background...

Not everyone has this treatment.

Ye Han nodded and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Han! I'll just take a look at the high-grade magic weapon first."

In this way, although Ye Han did not have a deep understanding of magic weapons and treasures, he could not show his timidity in front of Han Yuwan and lose the face of the Seventh Elder. He still had to maintain his identity as a registered disciple.

As he walked and looked at it, the treasure pavilion had a really dazzling array of magical artifacts. In addition to the common swords, guns, sticks, and shields, there were also some treasures that he couldn't tell what they were used for, such as various utensils. treasures, bracelets, vases, a large golden brick, etc...

He knew that each of these high-grade magic weapons was valuable, but it was a bit troublesome to choose one suitable for his own use.

However, while walking, Ye Han saw a familiar magic weapon. The Han Iron Shield that Wang Fulai had used turned out to be a high-grade magic weapon.

It's in his storage bag now.

Moreover, senior brother Zhang Qingshan has already taught him how to refine it.

However, Ye Han also saw that among so many magic weapons, few were armor-type magic weapons. It seems that such defensive magic weapons are of high value and may have been replaced by others a long time ago. There are not many in Qixuan Peak. Hidden treasure.

Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han, watching Ye Han look at these magic weapons, and didn't choose any of them. By coincidence, she happened to see Ye Han looking at Han Tiedun.

So Han Yuwan immediately said: "Junior brother Ye, once the defensive power of this cold iron shield is quantified, it is a treasure for fighting and defense. Junior brother is really good at seeing it. This is almost the best defensive treasure among high-grade magic weapons."

Han Yuwan has been on duty in the Treasure Pavilion for so many years. She is almost familiar with the treasures on this level. She actually knows which treasures are the best. This can be regarded as a favor to Ye Han. After all, he is the disciple of the Seventh Elder. , there are only advantages and no disadvantages to being friends with him.

After Ye Han heard this, he said casually: "Thank you, Senior Sister Han, but I already have a cold iron shield, so I don't need to change it to another one."

After hearing Ye Han's words, Han Yuwan was really surprised by Ye Han. It could be seen that Ye Han's cultivation level was far inferior to hers, but he already had such treasures as high-grade magic weapons.

Ye Han was accepted as a disciple by the Seventh Elder at a young age. It seemed that he must have an extraordinary background. Could it be that he was a direct descendant of some big family?

Thinking of this, Han Yuwan became more and more polite to Ye Han: "Junior brother Ye, you are indeed from an extraordinary background. Senior sister is really envious!"

Ye Han smiled slightly, seemingly saying it casually, but in fact he already knew Han Yuwan. He didn't know how to choose a treasure, but he knew that Han Yuwan was on duty in the Treasure Pavilion and knew much more about the treasures in the Treasure Pavilion than he did.

Wouldn't it be better for him to show his identity and let Han Yuwan help him select treasures?

So Ye Han said: "There are too many treasures here, and I'm in a hurry. Senior sister, which treasures do you think are more suitable for me? Oh, right! I practice wood-based exercises."

Hearing Ye Han's words, Han Yuwan looked up to him more and more. Others who used exchange tokens to exchange treasures were very picky and wanted to spend days and nights to choose one that suited them.

This Ye Han was good. He asked him directly and looked like he wanted to leave quickly.

Han Yuwan was also a little embarrassed, but this was also an opportunity to build a good relationship with Ye Han.

She thought about it carefully, the wood-type skills, and the treasures suitable for Ye Han's current cultivation...

Suddenly, her eyes moved, and she said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! There is a treasure that is very suitable for you! Come with me."

As she said, she took Ye Han to a grid and pointed to a treasure in the grid, which was wrapped with vines and had a few leaves on it. It looked like a bracelet: "Junior Brother Ye, this is a top-grade magic weapon, the thorn magic ring, which has the ability to trap the enemy, and it also has a special function. It can increase the power of wood-type spells and promote the absorption of wood-type spiritual energy. It is a treasure that accelerates cultivation!"

After listening to Han Yuwan's introduction, Ye Han's heart was moved. Not only can it trap the enemy, but it can also increase the power of wood-type spells and accelerate the absorption of wood-type spiritual energy. This kind of treasure is too suitable for him.

So he immediately reached out to take the thorn ring and said, "Okay, let's change to this one."

Han Yuwan hurriedly stopped him and said, "Junior Brother Ye! Wait a minute!"

Seeing that Han Yuwan was a little anxious, Ye Han asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

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