Han Yuwan thought that Ye Han was a little unhappy, and was afraid that Ye Han would misunderstand, so she immediately explained: "Junior brother Ye, these treasures are protected by prohibitions, and even I can't take them directly!"

After a pause, he continued: "If Junior Brother Ye has chosen this treasure, the Thorn Ring, I will report it to the uncle on duty and ask him to take it out for you. We will just wait outside."

Only then did Ye Han understand that these treasures seemed to be restricted. They could not be touched and could only be looked at but not taken.

He did not reveal himself, letting Han Yuwan know his details and knowing that he did not know much about magic weapons and treasures. If Han Yuwan had not deceived him, this thorn ring would indeed be the most suitable treasure for him.

The two of them left the treasure attic without any further delay.

Han Yuwan asked Ye Han to wait, and took Ye Han's identity token to redeem the treasure.

Ye Han looked at Han Yuwan's back, frowned slightly, and looked at the upper floors. When he was looking at the treasures on the floor of the magic weapon attic, his consciousness was always paying attention to Ziding's reaction.

When he entered the Treasure Pavilion, Zi Ding had a slight reaction, which meant that there was something in the Treasure Pavilion that interested Zi Ding.

But on the floor of the Magical Instrument Building, he had been paying attention to Ziding's reaction, but there was no reaction.

In other words, the thing that interested Zi Ding was not on the floor of the Magical Artifact Building.

However, when his cultivation improves, he will definitely go to the back three floors to see what kind of treasure made Ziding react.

Now he attaches great importance to Ziding. The reason why his cultivation has improved so quickly is because of Ziding's assistance. This is why he, a person with extremely low talent, has made such rapid progress...

Just thinking about it.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Han Yuwan was seen walking out of the attic on the first floor, holding a brocade box in her hand. She walked up to Ye Han, opened the brocade box, and a treasure light suddenly flashed.

Han Yuwan suggested that the thorn ring that Ye Han exchanged be placed in the brocade box. In addition, there was a small jade slip next to it.

Han Yuwan said to Ye Han: "Junior brother Ye, this is your thorn ring, and this matching method!"

Ye Han took it slowly and said, "Thank you, senior sister. I'm sorry to trouble you."

As he spoke, he took the brocade box with thorn rings and put it into the storage bag with a flash of inspiration.

It seems that the treasures obtained from the sect's treasure pavilion are different from grabbing other people's treasures or treasures of unknown origin.

There is actually a matching method.

It's not like a treasure stolen from a murderer. In addition to having no magic formula, it also takes a lot of time and energy to erase the original owner's consciousness and the blood-recognition mark...

For example, the cold iron shield and the flying scale dagger that Ye Han obtained have not completely erased the mark of the master's consciousness and blood recognition on them...

Although it can be used now, it cannot fully exert its power.

Seeing Ye Han put away the thorn ring so casually and with such indifference, Han Yuwan couldn't help but look at Ye Han more...

Next, Han Yuwan asked Ye Han to register and sign. After completing the procedures, Ye Han took away the thorn ring.

Han Yuwan enthusiastically sent Ye Han out of the Treasure Pavilion and said politely: "Junior Brother Ye, Senior Sister is on duty in this Treasure Pavilion. If Junior Brother is free, he can come to Senior Sister to discuss his cultivation experience and compare spells."

When Han Yuwan sent Ye Han out, two disciples happened to come to the Treasure Pavilion from outside, obviously coming to exchange for treasures or something.

My eyes nearly dropped when I saw that the famous Fairy Yuwan was so polite to a stranger disciple and even invited her to discuss her cultivation experience and practice magic.

There are many disciples pursuing Han Yuwan, but I have never seen him be so polite to anyone.

Who is this little guy in front of me? It seems that his cultivation level is not too high.

However, Ye Han's reaction made them even more speechless.

Ye Han said very casually: "Let's talk about it when we have time. Thank you, senior sister!"

He was still going to get a spell, so how could he pay attention to Han Yuwan?

Han Yuwan's eyes also showed a trace of disappointment, but she immediately restrained herself. With outsiders around, he couldn't say much.

Ye Han said goodbye and left, heading directly towards the library.

Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han's back, her eyes slightly moved.

On the other hand, one of the two disciples said to Han Yuwan: "Fairy Yuwan, I'm here to exchange for the treasure! I want to exchange it for a high-grade magic weapon."

As he spoke, his eyes looked expectant, and he looked at Han Yuwan's reaction. You must know that this is a top-grade treasure, and he spent a lot of energy to redeem it.

As a result, Han Yuwan glanced at him leisurely and said coldly: "Come in! See for yourself. Just tell me the number of the treasure you selected."

They were all high-grade magic weapons, and Ye Han didn't take them seriously at all.

This guy seems so awesome.

Seeing Han Yuwan's reaction, the disciple looked embarrassed. Damn it, he was here to change into a high-grade magic weapon. In the past, Fairy Yuwan would personally take the monk disciples who had changed into a high-grade magic weapon to select treasures.

Now I don’t even have it with me.


I thought I could get close to Fairy Yuwan.

This Han Yuwan really didn't take herself seriously, but she was so enthusiastic about the disciple just now.

Could it be that the other party is changing the spiritual weapon?

That’s not right, this guy is so young, and his cultivation is only in the late stages of Qi training...

What's happening here?

Ye Han left the Treasure Pavilion and walked to the Library Pavilion several hundred feet away.

This library is very spacious, and should only have two floors, but its area is more than ten times that of the treasure pavilion, like a huge hall.

Before, Ye Han only passed by the library once, and did not go in to see it.

According to Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, in addition to the immortal arts, there are many books to read in the library, such as the classification of monsters, the types of natural treasures, the secrets and legends of the immortal world, and even the poems and articles of secular masters. It can be said that it has everything.

Ye Han is a book lover. Otherwise, even if Qingniu Village is so busy, he will also go to listen to Mr. Lan Qing's lectures, and he listens with relish every time and is reluctant to leave.

So Mr. Lan Qing looked at him with a new eye and treated him well.

Entering the library, there are many more cultivators and disciples coming in and out here than in the treasure pavilion, and they are dressed differently.

He found that among so many disciples, his cultivation was not the lowest...

Ye Han walked to a counter and said to a young female disciple at the counter: "Excuse me, senior sister! I'm here to receive the skills and magic formulas!"

As he said that, Ye Han put the voucher for exchanging skills and magic formulas from Wang Lan in front of her...

The female disciple looked up at Ye Han and said: "You can receive a basic skill and a basic magic formula!"

She was just a new disciple, she looked okay, but unfortunately her cultivation was average...

She said to Ye Han indifferently: "What kind of skills do you want to receive? And magic formulas?"

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