Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 83 Qingxuan Sword Technique

As soon as Ye Han looked at this woman's expression, he knew why she was lukewarm towards him...

He clearly regarded himself as an inner disciple who had just entered the sect.

Because the two exchange vouchers he currently has were issued to new disciples when they entered the inner sect and registered at the Qixuan Hall.

So Ye Han changed the subject and said, "I haven't decided what spell I want to exchange for yet. Senior sister, please help me get a free voucher first!"

As he spoke, an idea flashed in his hand, and he took out the disciple token given to him by the seventh elder and placed it in front of the woman.

The female disciple frowned and said, "What's wrong with a new disciple...!"

She was about to say that the new inner disciples who entered the sect did not have such benefits, but suddenly she saw the identity token of the seventh elder disciple handed over by Ye Han.

Her expression suddenly changed, and she thought she had seen it wrong, and looked carefully at the identity token of the seventh elder's disciple that Ye Han took out.

That's the peak master's disciple.

When did the Peak Master accept another disciple?

Ever since Senior Brother's accident, the Peak Master has not accepted a new disciple for more than ten years...

The guy in front of me has a similar level of cultivation to him. He seems to have just started. How could he become the peak master's disciple?

The female disciple looked at Ye Han in disbelief.

Ye Han smiled and said, "What's wrong? Senior sister! Can't we do it?"

The female disciple looked flustered and immediately smiled and said, "It can be done! It can be done! Senior brother, are you the Peak Master's new disciple? I have never seen you before!"

This Ye Han came with a voucher for a new disciple to redeem, so he must have just graduated, right?

Why! I was really ignorant and almost offended others.

This is the peak master's disciple. Seeing the 180-degree change in the attitude and expression of this female disciple, Ye Han was filled with emotion. Now he felt like he was the son of the village chief of Qingniu Village. That guy was obviously stupid and stupid, and he was being picked on wherever he went. People compliment.

It seems that it is indeed a great thing for him to be accepted as a registered disciple by the seventh elder. However, this matter will be exposed sooner or later, and he cannot be too high-profile.

So he said: "Yes, I have just started! The peak master thinks highly of me, so he accepted me as a registered disciple."

The female disciple doesn't care whether Ye Han is a registered disciple or a formal disciple. Anyway, it is certainly a big deal if he can be given an identity token by the peak master.

It's really enviable to be able to worship the Seventh Elder, a monk at the Golden Core Stage as his teacher. From now on, he won't be walking sideways in Qixuan Peak.

I must have a good relationship with him.

Therefore, the female disciple immediately complimented and said: "To be accepted as a registered disciple by the Peak Master, senior brother must have amazing talents and unparalleled spiritual roots. His cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. It will only be a matter of time before he becomes an official disciple or even a true disciple!"

After hearing this, Ye Han smiled calmly, changed the subject and said, "Sister, can you help me apply for this free voucher?"

This female disciple is very capable of adapting to the wind. Just now, she called herself junior brother. When she heard that she was the peak master's disciple, she immediately called her senior brother.

It’s great to have a great monk from the Golden Core Stage as your backer!

The female disciple said enthusiastically: "It can be done! It can be done! Brother, wait a moment."

After saying that, she took out a jasper token from the counter, handed it to Ye Han and said, "Senior brother! If you shed your blood to recognize the master of this library token, you can freely enter and exit the free book area of ​​the library in the future! "

Ye Han took it and recognized its owner with blood. He felt that his mind had a blood connection with the library token. He nodded and said: "I understand, thank you."

The female disciple then said, "Senior brother, you are so polite!"

After a pause, she took the initiative and said: "By the way, senior brother also wants to exchange for skills and spells, right? I wonder what spells and skills senior brother wants to exchange for?"

The Ye Han in front of him was a disciple who was favored by the Peak Master. Since he could be accepted as a registered disciple, he must have extraordinary talent or identity, otherwise how could he be favored by a Golden Core Stage cultivator.

Not to mention being attracted to him, as far as she is concerned, she has been a beginner for three or four years and has never even seen the Peak Master. This shows how difficult it is for Golden Core Stage monks to get close to him.

The reason why Ye Han changed his mind and got the Book Pavilion token first was actually to show that he was the registered disciple of the Seventh Elder of the Peak Master, so that he could exchange the skills and immortal magic more conveniently...

So Ye Han said: "Actually, the main technique I practice already exists, so I don't need to exchange it for the basic technique. So I want to replace this basic technique with the immortal technique. Do you think it's okay?"

Yes, Ye Han has already practiced Qingxuan Gong, which can only be practiced by true disciples. What basic skills are exchanged here will definitely not be better than Qingxuan Gong.

And the immortal magic he knows is a vine soul technique. In the future, when fighting against monks to kill enemies and monsters, how can this magic alone be enough?

So he thought that he might as well switch to two immortal arts. Of course, if he didn't show his identity as a disciple of the Seventh Elder, the other party might not pay attention to him.

After hearing this, the female disciple frowned slightly. She was just an ordinary inner disciple, and her duties here were daily tasks. How could she have much power?

However, she still nodded and agreed: "Senior brother, if you can be a disciple of the peak master, there must be a method better than basic skills! Junior sister, I will make the decision to help senior brother exchange it! But senior brother, you can only exchange basic spells, presumably elementary spells Senior brother doesn’t like it either, right? How about exchanging two spells for an intermediate spell?”

After listening to the female disciple's proactive suggestion, Ye Han's heart moved, and he nodded and replied: "That's okay, then let's change to an intermediate spell."

He knew that this female disciple did not dare to offend him easily, so there must be some truth to this suggestion. After all, he felt that the so-called elementary spells were not worth buying even with spiritual stones, right?

The female disciple continued to ask: "Senior brother, what type of magic do you practice?"

Ye Han replied: "Wood type!"

The female disciple nodded and said, "Senior brother, wait a moment."

After saying that, she pulled out a book from the row of books behind the counter, handed it to Ye Han and said, "Senior brother! This contains the intermediate wood spells of the Qi Refining Period! Senior brother, please take a look! If you like it, just tell your junior sister. ! Junior sister, give me the secret book!”

Ye Han took it and flipped through it, only to see the name of a spell on the upper page, which also had a brief introduction.

It turns out that for this redemption secret, I read the catalog introduction first, and then got it...

But after just flipping through a few pages, he saw that the Vine Soul Technique he had practiced was also among them. It turned out that the Vine Soul Technique was an intermediate spell in the Qi Refining Stage. No wonder he consumed so much when he first started practicing.

But he browsed through it for a while, and what immortal method should he choose?

But when he turned to the page, his eyes moved and he immediately said: "Senior Sister! I want to redeem this Qingxuan Sword Technique!"

Hearing that Ye Han wanted to choose the Qingxuan sword technique, the female disciple hurriedly said: "Senior brother! This sword technique may not be suitable for you!"

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